Saved by the Rancher

chapter Forty-Eight

SAM ISSUED ORDERS over the phone, detailing the story to appear in the news regarding the death of Jenna Caldwell Merrick. Jack stood near, listening. His face said it all: If they couldn’t pull this off, David may decide to come back and finish the job. After everything they’d been through the last few days, thinking about losing Jenna even in theory about shattered Jack’s control.

Sam finished his call and studied his brother. This was really taking a toll on him and it wasn’t over. He hoped Jack and Jenna would get beyond this and have the happy life they deserved. He wished he had a woman half as special as Jenna. He’d only known her for a few hours really, but from what he’d seen and been told, she was remarkable. He didn’t think there was anyone else like her.

“Jack, you need a shower and a shave and about two days of sleep.”

“Yeah, well, it’s been a shitty couple of days, and it isn’t over. You just killed my future wife, and I have to say, I’m a little pissed about it.”

“You’re being irrational about this. I had to kill her for her own good.”

Jack couldn’t help it. He busted up laughing. “I know, it’s bizarre. Tell me what your friend at the FBI is doing about her death.”

“He’ll take the photos I sent to him and confront David. He’ll make it appear the FBI is investigating the death of the late Jenna Caldwell Merrick. He might also drop the hint that her funeral is being held two days from now.”

“Is that so? And just where is the funeral taking place?

“At the cemetery. Where else would we hold a fake funeral? This has to look real, Jack. You’re going to have to cry like a baby.” Sam smiled and punched his brother in the arm.

“I’ll make it look real, but I will not be crying like a baby. I know Jenna’s life is on the line, and now ours as well. What are we doing with her while this is all going down?”

“She’ll be at the ranch with three very big guards. I’ve already assigned guards at the gates. I’ve doubled the detail around the ranch. Two guards are assigned to Lily and two more to Summer. They’ll appear to be family members at the funeral.

“No one gets on the property from the main road, or through the woods like that bastard did. There’ll be black ribbons on the gates, indicating we’re in mourning. I’m sure the press will set up camp trying to get information about where Jenna’s death occurred. They’ll definitely want to know about your relationship, which will set off David.”

“How did you manage all of that this morning?”

“Jenna gave me Ben’s number. After that, everything was easy. We have unlimited funds to pull this off. You’re a very rich man.”

“I know. She’s worth everything to me.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Sam corrected when he saw Jack’s confusion. “Didn’t she tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“You inherit everything. You’re the sole beneficiary of her estate. All her money, her shares in the company, everything. She left it all to you.”

“She didn’t.”

“Oh yes she did. She changed her will back in July after you took care of her when she first came to the ranch. Do you know what she’s worth?”


Sam smiled. It wasn’t about the money for Jack. He loved her, and she loved him. Rare, that was enough.

Jack ran a hand through his hair and over his face, unable to believe Jenna’s generosity and faith in him.

“I know, Jack, it’s big. She loves you. If you ever had a doubt about how much, I think her leaving everything to you, trusting you to take care of her assets and finish things with David says it all.”

Jack couldn’t answer. What was there to say?

Summer walked toward them, carrying a small duffel bag. He’d asked her to bring some clothes for Jenna, in addition to doing a few other things for him. “Did you take care of everything I asked you to?”

“Well, hello to you too, brother. You look like crap, by the way. You need a shower and a shave. Didn’t you get any rest? How’s Jenna this morning?”

“I’m sorry. Hello. Thanks for the compliment. No, I didn’t get any rest. Jenna was up and down most of the night. She’s having a hard time. She could use a friendly face. Did you take care of everything?”

“Yes. Here is the gift. The house is ready. Can I go in to see her? There’s a big man outside her door, looks like a wrestler.”

“That’s her guard. Don’t wake her. She had a hard morning. Sam took pictures of her, and she’s dying in an hour or so.”

“What?” Summer said stunned.

“I got to see her naked.” Sam winked, setting off Jack’s already combustible temper.

Sam fell back against the wall from the blow to his jaw. He knew that comment would get him decked, but Jack needed to let out some of his pent-up aggression. He’d take one from his brother to make him feel better. Now Jack could think more clearly.

“You really want to provoke me today when Jenna is going to die.”

“You need to blow off steam, and I don’t have time to take you home and wrestle with you in the front yard like we used to.”

“What the hell are you two talking about? Jenna’s dying?” Summer asked, clearly stunned.

“Yes. No. I mean we’re killing her in the press,” Jack explained.

“Would you talk sense? Sam, explain what this idiot is talking about. Is Jenna dying?”

Sam rubbed at his jaw. “No, she isn’t dying. But she will be dead in a little while.”

He put up his hand to make her give him a minute to explain. She fisted her hand, ready to deck him again. Willing to help Jack relieve his stress, he didn’t want to take a pounding from both his siblings in one day.

“We’re faking her death. I’ve got the FBI putting out a press release that Jenna has died. The funeral is in a couple of days. Do you have a dress?”

“Do I have a dress for Jenna’s funeral where she won’t be dead? Yes, of course I do. Why would you think I wouldn’t have a dress for such an occasion? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see my not dead future sister-in-law.”

“Don’t wake her yet. She and the babies need to rest,” Jack reminded her.

Summer stopped in her tracks and turned slowly around on her toes to face them. “Did you just say babies?”

“That’s right. Babies. We’re having twins. Identical twins,” Jack said with a broad smile.

“God help her if they’re anything like the two of you.”

Jack and Sam looked at each other and back to their sister.

“That wounds us. We’re perfect angels, little sister.” Jack and Sam gave their sister a wicked smile.

“More like the devil times two. I think I’ll just warn Jenna what she’s in for. Maybe a few stories about your childhood should do it.”

“Be nice, Summer. We want her to recover, so she can die later.”

Summer shook her head at the two of them. She loved them deeply, knew better than anyone they were two peas in a pod.

Jack hoped they knew what they were doing. This scheme was one for the books. Sam and he had cooked up some good gags over the years together, but this one topped the creativity list. Not only that, this one could get them killed. Jenna too.

Jennifer Ryan's books