Saved by the Rancher

chapter Forty-Five

JACK HELD LILY’S hand and walked to Jenna’s room. They entered quietly and found Jenna asleep in the bed. A bandage covered the back of her head and more were wrapped around her wrists. The sheet covered her body and all the other injuries. Nothing he could see should scare Lily.

If not for Lily, Jack would have cried at the sight of her. Pale, her eyes sunken with black circles marring her translucent skin. The cut above her eye had small bandages keeping it closed, and the cut on her swollen lip would heal on its own. Jack’s heart sank at the sight of her. He’d failed her. His mind wouldn’t let him forget, he didn’t protect her after he’d promised no one would hurt her again. Now, look at her, in the hospital, having come too close to dying. Again.

Lily scooted around the bed and touched Jenna’s hand with her tiny fingertips.

Jenna’s eyes fluttered open at the touch. At the sight of Lily, tears filled her eyes and skated down her cheeks. “Come here, Sunshine.” Barely able to hear Jenna, her voice came out like a hoarse croak.

Jack lifted Lily onto the bed and Lily laid her head on the pillow next to Jenna’s. Jenna winced when Lily bumped her. She tried not to show the pain etched on her face.

“You’re okay, right?” Lily asked.

“Yes,” Jenna answered, her voice no more than a rasp. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn’t seem to stop them, so relieved to see Lily safe and sound. Unable to concentrate very well, her head pounded and ached, but Lily was okay and that’s all that mattered.

“I’m having a baby,” Lily announced. “Mommy told me I’m going to be a big sister. Maybe Uncle Jack can get another puppy when Mommy has the baby like he did when mommy had me.”

Jenna bent her head and whispered into the little girl’s ear, so Jack couldn’t hear her.

“Uncle Jack is having a baby, too?” Lily positively beamed.

Jenna’s gaze fell on Jack and she nodded her head yes.

Stunned, tears rolled down Jack’s face as he bent over her and laid his head gently on her belly looking up at her. She ran her bandaged hand through his hair and smiled.

“You’re going to be a Dad.” Her voice almost didn’t get the words out, but Jack heard them loud and clear.

He lifted his head and kissed her softly. “Thank you. I love you so much. I’m so sorry I let you down.”

“No. You didn’t let me down. You were with me the whole time.”

“I should have been with you. Honey, I’m so sorry.” Jack gazed down at her lying beaten near death, holding on to his niece, and carrying his baby. He didn’t think this much love could fill his heart. It ached for her.

“In my heart, you were with me. You found me. It’s not your fault. I love you.”

Jenna’s eyes drooped closed, simply too tired for any more.

Jack scooped up Lily and took her out to her mother. Summer, Caleb, and Sam all turned to him expectantly. “She’s okay.”

“Jack’s having a baby, too, mama.” Lily beamed.

Everyone’s eyes went wide with shock. He’d never seen all of them speechless. “She’s pregnant. He took her and hurt her and she’s carrying my baby. I didn’t do anything to stop him. In fact, I made it easy for him to take her because I wasn’t there. She said he always managed to get her, but I thought she’d be safe.”

Summer took Jack into her arms and whispered into his ear. “This is not your fault. We’ll get him. He won’t get away with this again. We’ll all keep her safe.”

“I need to talk to her. Is she awake?” Sam asked.

“She’s in no shape for it tonight.” Jack tried to keep the anger and anguish out of his voice, but his words came out too harshly. “I’ll try to convince her to let the doctor give her something for the pain. Then I hope she’ll sleep through the night. I’m staying with her. You guys go home, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Sam gripped his shoulder. “I’ll light a fire under the sheriff and see if I can get anywhere with him. Be back first thing in the morning. The three of us will come up with a plan to put a stop to this once and for all. Go back to her, Jack. Don’t let her wake up without you there. I’ve seen plenty of victims, and she’ll probably have a rough night if she won’t let them knock her out.”

“Thanks, Sam. Thanks for coming, and thanks for helping. You too, Caleb. I don’t want to think about what would have happened to her if she’d been outside another night.”

They made their goodbyes. Before Summer left with her family, Jack pulled her aside and asked her to take care of a few small surprises for Jenna.

Jennifer Ryan's books