Saved by the Rancher

chapter Forty-Six

JACK WAS ONLY gone a few minutes, but even in that short time Jenna was desperate to see him again. When he returned, the doctor and a nurse were checking on her. Only half awake, she struggled to concentrate on what the doctor said. Just seeing Jack made her cry again.

“Honey, you’re okay. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”

She couldn’t help it. She clung to his hand and cried.

“Doc, what’s going on? Is everything all right with the baby?”

“Jenna’s in a lot of pain and she’s overwhelmed. I know your head must be pounding like bass drums. I want to give her some medication, but she won’t let me.”

“Jenna, please, baby. Take the medicine. You need to rest. I’ll be right here with you all night.”

“Jenna, what I’ll give you won’t hurt the baby. I promise. I’ll do an ultrasound right now, so you can see the baby is okay. Then, if you take the medication, I’ll come in and check on the baby during the night. The pain and stress you’re under is overburdening your system. It’s not good for you or your child. I’ll make you more comfortable, so you can sleep. Both of you will be better for it.”

Jenna noted Jack’s and the doctor’s concerned faces. Jack kissed her palm and held it to his cheek. “Please, Jenna. Take the medicine. Rest, so the baby can rest.”

“I want to see the baby first. I need to know he’s okay.”

Doctor Weber pulled the covers back from her abdomen and put some clear jelly on her lower stomach. Cold, she flinched. He took the wand from the machine set up next to the bed and moved it over her stomach. His brow creased as he studied the monitor. Then, he smiled and pushed a few buttons. The sound filled the room.

Jack wasn’t sure what exactly he was hearing, but it sounded like a train chugging down the tracks, the steady rhythm strong. Jack looked to the doctor for an explanation.

“That is their heartbeats, and these,” he pointed to the screen, “are your babies.”

Transfixed by the figure on the screen, Jack stared at his baby inside Jenna. His focus on the tiny heart beating. Overwhelmed with love, he turned to Jenna. Tears streamed down her face, and she never looked away from the baby on the screen.

“Is the baby okay? Did David harm him when he hurt me? I’m not losing another baby because of him. I’m not.” Her voice shook and she clutched Jack’s hand.

“I think you missed what I said. Not baby, babies. See here, two heartbeats, two babies. They’re perfect. There doesn’t seem to be any problems. It’s early in the pregnancy.”

Jack finally registered what the doctor was saying. “You mean we’re having twins?”

Jenna chimed in, too, her voice a little stronger. “We’re having twins?”

“Yes. Identical twins. I suspected as much when I first examined Jenna in the emergency room, but she wasn’t very cooperative at the time, so it was difficult to get a good look. We were too concerned about her other injuries.”

“But they’re okay. Nothing’s wrong. Twins?” Jenna asked again.

“There’s nothing wrong. And yes, twins. They appear to be perfect. They’re in a great position. So long as you take care of yourself and rest, you shouldn’t have any complications. I’ll recommend a few obstetricians for you. I suggest you start seeing one soon, so they can monitor the pregnancy. Right now, I’d say you’re about ten, eleven weeks along. The babies’ hearts are strong. Now, let’s let them rest. I’ll give you something to put you to sleep and relieve your pain. Your blood pressure is too high due to all this stress, and that’s not good for them.”

“Um, Doc. You’re sure everything is okay? The babies won’t cause any complications for Jenna to recover?”

“No. Her body will heal and the babies seem to be doing just fine after the ordeal she’s been through. We’ll monitor them while she’s here to be sure, but I don’t expect any problems. All of them will be fine. Congratulations. I hope you have a big house.”

The doctor shot a syringe full of drugs into Jenna’s IV before she protested further, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep.

“We do have a big house. Even if we didn’t, we’d build one. Nothing will be too good for Jenna and these babies.” Jack made sure Jenna was asleep before continuing. “Be straight with me, Doc. Did he rape her?”

“No, he didn’t.” His serious voice convinced Jack he wasn’t holding back on him at Jenna’s request.

Relieved, he put his head down on Jenna’s arm and breathed deeply, letting that fear slip away.

“She’ll rest now,” the doctor continued. “Like I said, the drugs I gave her won’t harm the babies. If nothing else, they’ll help because she won’t be fighting the pain and her blood pressure should come down. I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ll do another ultrasound. It isn’t necessary, but you can reassure her I did check and all is well.”

“Thanks, Doc. I’m staying with her tonight. I don’t want her to be alone.”

“I’d recommend you go home and get some rest, but I can tell you’d probably just punch me if I tried to get you out of here.”

“You got that right, Doc. I’m sitting right here and making sure that if she wakes up, she knows I’m here, keeping her safe. I shouldn’t have left her in the first place.”

Doctor Weber shook his head and left Jack to watch over Jenna.

Jack brought the chair over to the bed, sat, and stared at her. Resting soundly, he placed his hand over her lower belly and contemplated being a father. His babies were resting, safe and sound. With everything she’d been through, she’d kept their babies safe. She’d kept herself alive—again.

She slept most of the night without stirring. Doctor Weber came in and did another ultrasound. Jack watched in awe, his babies resting inside Jenna. The doctor assured him the babies were fine. Jenna wasn’t having any contractions or spotting blood. They were safe, all of them.

Jenna woke up screaming before dawn. Actually, she’d sat bolt upright in bed with her mouth open in a scream, but nothing came out but a raspy whoosh of air. Breathing heavily, she collapsed into Jack’s arms and cried herself back to sleep.

She woke up again late in the morning, disoriented, but Jack still held her hand, comforting her. It hurt her head too much to open her eyes, so she simply lay still. Her body ached, her head hurt, her ribs burned with each breath, and the images in her head wouldn’t go away. She’d never forget the crazed way David looked when he’d come after her with that knife.

Crying again, Jack gently wiped her cheeks. He whispered in her ear, such soft loving words. Just like when she’d first met him, that soft honey of a voice soothed her. He always knew just how to make her feel safe.

“You’re okay, honey. I’m here with you. You’re safe.”

“Make it stop. I can’t do this anymore. Make it stop.”

“Oh, God, honey. I love you. You’re going to be fine, and we’ll go home and have a wonderful life. I promise.”

“He won’t stop. Even in my head, he won’t stop. You should walk away. Get as far away from me as you can. I’ll only ruin your life.”

Crushed by her outburst, Jack’s heart ached. She sounded so defeated, barely able to speak at all. Nothing but a rasped-out whisper, making what she said even sadder.

“You’re not ruining my life. You’re the best thing in my life. We’re going to get married, raise our babies, and be happy on the ranch. We’ll stop him one way or another, even if I have to kill him myself.”

“He’s too evil to die. I can’t get his eyes out of my head. They were so crazed and empty at the same time. It’s like he wasn’t even there and some monster was inside him.”

“Look at my eyes, honey. What do you see?”

Jenna opened her eyes, tears spilling out and rolling down her cheeks. “I see home. I see love. Jack, I’m sorry. I don’t want you to go. I love you so much. I don’t want you or your family to get hurt. I was so afraid he’d done something to Lily. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to one of you.”

“I can’t stand it that something did happen to you. We’ll put a stop to this. I promise. Whatever it takes.”

“I want to believe we’ll get married and raise these babies, and I’ll get to see them grow. I’m so afraid to hope for that.”

He rested his brow on hers.

“Believe it, honey. It will come true. Rest, baby. I’m right here. You’re safe.”

She didn’t need much coaxing. Her eyes already drooping, she fell back into a deep sleep with Jack watching over her and holding her hand. Safe.

Jennifer Ryan's books