Saved by the Rancher

chapter Fifty

SAM’S HEAD SNAPPED up as Summer burst into Doctor Weber’s office panting. “Where the hell have you two been?” she demanded of him and Jack. “He’s here. He’s in there with her.”

“Who’s here?” Sam asked.

“David Merrick. He’s with her right now.”

Jack and Sam bolted to their feet and ran for the door. Summer stopped Sam. “You need to call off the press release. He won’t believe she’s dead now, he’ll know it’s a trick.”

“Shit! No wonder the agents helping me haven’t been able to find him. He’s been here the whole time.”

He grabbed the phone and canceled the press release. As Sam issued orders, Summer left the office, running after Jack back to Jenna’s room.

JACK BURST PAST the guard and into Jenna’s room. The empty bed set off a wildfire of panic through his system, squeezing his heart, nearly stopping it cold. He rushed further into the room and found her sitting against the wall next to the bed. Head back, eyes closed, her whole body trembled.

Relieved beyond measure, he exhaled and the fear washed away. He kneeled in front of her and put his hand to the red outline of David’s hand imprinted on her cheek. He bent and kissed it gently.


She didn’t respond.

“Are you okay?”

“I stood up to him. I told him I’m going to destroy him. He thinks I’m bluffing. I’m not. I will end this. Ben is on his way. Take me home, Jack. I want to go home.”

“Come here, I’ll help you into bed until we can get you checked out of here.”

He helped her stand, noticing for the first time her blood-soaked gown and the blood running down her leg. He didn’t panic. He’d seen a lot worse, but he hated seeing her hurt. It did something to his heart that he felt echo through his whole being.

“Jenna, you tore your stitches. You’re bleeding.”

“Will you fix it?”

“I’ll get the doctor to stitch it for you. I’m not poking you with needles anymore. It hurts me too much to do that to you.” He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb across her soft skin.

“I love you. You’re so sweet.”

“That bastard comes in here, slaps you, threatens you, and you still try to make me feel better. I’ll kill him. And the guard for letting him in.”

“I told the guard to leave. As for David, you don’t need to kill him. I’m going to take away the one thing he can’t live without.”

“You already left him.”

“Not me. I’m taking the company away from him.”

“Can you do that?”

“I couldn’t before, but I can now.”

“Whatever you need, I’ll help you. I know I haven’t done a very good job protecting you . . .”

“Jack, stop. Just stop it. You haven’t let me down, and none of this is your fault. You’re the best thing in my life. If you keep blaming yourself for what’s happened, I don’t think I can take it. I need you to take care of me. Do that, and I’ll be happy.”

“I love you so much. When Summer said he was alone with you, I thought I’d lose you forever. I was so afraid he’d take you, and I’d never find you again.”

“Don’t. Don’t think about it anymore. I want to go home, now. We have a lot of things to prepare for, and I want to be with you in our bed tonight.”

“I’ll get the doctor to stitch you back up.”

Summer came barreling through the door. “Jenna, he hurt you,” Summer said, disbelieving what her eyes saw. “You’re bleeding. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.”

“It’s okay. I tore my stitches. Don’t feel bad. I made you leave. I couldn’t have the press release go out. Did Sam stop it?”

“Yes, I think so. You’re okay, really?”

“I will be once Jack gets me home.”

“Sis, get the doctor. I’m not leaving Jenna.”

Summer left the room just as Sam came rushing in, a pained look on his face. Jenna pointed a finger at him and said, “You did not let me down, so stop thinking that. Did you stop the press release?”

“How did you know what I was thinking?” Sam asked surprised. Jack laughed.

“Because you and Jack are exactly alike. He’s feeling guilty, and now so are you. Stop it, both of you. The press release?”

“Canceled. Now what are we going to do?”

“He never makes anything easy,” she complained. “Looks like we do things the hard way. It’ll be more dangerous, but it’s the only way. I’m taking over the company.”

“Whatever you want, I’ll take care of it,” Sam said, and squeezed her foot to reassure himself she was okay.

“We’ll make all the arrangements when we’re back home. Go away, Sam. Jack’s going to kiss me, and I want to be alone with him.”

“Kiss me. You’ll never know the difference.”

“Get out, Sam. She’s all mine.” Jack wrapped Jenna in his arms and kissed her softly. He held her close and they lost themselves in each other. Jack was the best medicine, and she drowned in a huge dose of his love.

Jennifer Ryan's books