Saved by the Rancher

chapter Forty-Seven

JENNA SLEPT ON and off for the rest of the day and night. Jack sat by her bed, never leaving her side. Sam, Summer, and Caleb came by to check on them. Jack refused each offer to leave and get some rest. They would stay with her, but if she woke up, he wanted her to see him and know she could count on him. He’d let her down once. He wouldn’t do it again when she needed him the most.

He held her when she woke from a nightmare and whispered words of love. She didn’t stir for much of the night. He hoped she was finally overcoming some of the shock and trauma.

Jack fell asleep shortly after dawn, only to wake up with Jenna’s hand gripped in his hair. His eyes flew open, only to see hers wide with shock and utter fear. His heart slammed against his chest. He had no idea what had her so scared, but his whole body jolted with adrenaline, making him ready to defend her.

“Jack, you better tell her who I am before she rips your hair out,” Sam said from the door.

“Jenna, honey, did I forget to tell you I have a brother, a twin brother. That’s Sam.”

His head rested on the bed next to her side, and she still had a death grip on his hair. Her head turned from him to Sam and back and forth again.

“That’s right, honey, my twin. Sam lives in Virginia, and he doesn’t get back to the ranch often enough. I can’t believe I forgot to mention him. Now, will you let go? Please.”

She immediately released Jack and ran her hand over his face to say sorry.

“Don’t worry about it. Sam, this is Jenna, my fiancé, and the mother of my babies.”

Jenna smiled warmly and nodded her head in a kind of hello.

“Did you say babies?”

“That’s right. Babies. Identical twins. Imagine that.”

“Yeah, imagine that.” Sam smiled at them both. “There’s nothing better than having an identical twin. Jack and I were very close growing up, like having a built-in friend from birth.”

“Jenna can’t talk. Her voice is completely gone, and the doctor wants her to rest it for a few days.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t mention me, show her pictures of the two of us, anything. Have I been gone that long?”

“All the pictures in the house look like me,” Jack pointed out.

“No matter. How are you feeling, Jenna?”

She simply shrugged her shoulders. The action set off a wave of pain and she rolled her eyes.

“Honey, you can’t move around like that, remember your ribs,” Jack scolded.

She gave him a dirty look. “Right, how could you forget,” Jack said, and tried to smile for her.

“Well, I guess that answers the question. Since Jack obviously didn’t get a chance to tell you I’m here, or that I exist for that matter, I guess I’ll explain why I came, besides the fact you were kidnapped. I’m an FBI agent, and I think I can help you.”

Jenna shook her head no. Then her concussion kicked in, blurring her vision, making her dizzy. She closed her eyes while she regained her equilibrium.

“Jenna, I didn’t call in the FBI,” Jack said, squeezing her hand. “I know how you feel about the cops, and the hospital for that matter. I called Sam because he’s my brother, and I needed help finding you. He’s the best, and once I told him what’s been happening to you, he said he could help. You were right, the sheriff was no help in getting to David.”

Jenna shook her head no. “He’ll kill you if he knows you’re helping me,” she rasped out. “He killed my bodyguard a year and a half ago. I won’t let that happen again.”

“Jenna, you aren’t supposed to talk.”

She waved his protest away with her hand. The bandage on her wrist a grim reminder of what she’d been through. Her throat hurt each time she talked, but she needed to get her point across. She didn’t want anyone else in danger. “I don’t want you to help me. I’ll take care of this my way.”

“If you run again, I swear to God, I will find you and bring you back. Please, honey, you can’t run again. Think of the babies. Think of me. I can’t live without you.” Jack was so afraid she’d run. She could lose herself somewhere and it would be difficult to find her. She had the money and the means to do it. Hell, she’d done it countless times and he didn’t have David’s resources to find her.

She’d been so down yesterday. He hoped some of her strength had come back and she’d be back to her fighting self. She was a survivor. Hearing her talk about him leaving her, and that she didn’t want to ruin his life, worried him. It wasn’t her nature to give up.

“I’m not running. It’s time I put an end to this. Although I planned to do it in another few months, it’s past time I get it done.”

“What’s your plan?” Sam asked. “Maybe if we work together, we can put a stop to him forever. I have a lot of resources at my disposal. Like Jack said, I’m the best,” Sam reassured her.

“He has your confidence,” she teased Jack. “What did the doctor say about the babies last night? Did you see them again?”

“They’re fine. I got to watch them for a few minutes while the doctor checked you out. They’re snuggled in tight like they should be. Now stop changing the subject and tell us what you have planned. Ben is working on something for you, so what is it?”

“Jack, I can’t do this right now. I’m in a lot of pain, my throat hurts, and I’m tired. I promise when we go home, we’ll sit down and I’ll give you all the details.”

“Okay, honey. We’ll wait till you get home. You rest, and I’ll get the doctor to give you some more medication for the pain.

“Sam, stay with her while I rustle up the Doc. I’ll be right back, honey. I want you to stop talking and rest. I’ll find you some tea, too.”

Jack left the room to find the doctor and Jenna seized the opportunity to enlist Sam’s help. She didn’t want Jack taking unnecessary risks, but Sam was a trained federal agent. She needed to trust someone. Her future brother-in-law, for better or worse, had her trust. She prayed she didn’t get him hurt or killed.

“Sam, do you really want to help me?”

He moved closer, so he could hear her weak voice. “Absolutely. I can do things to help you because I’m a federal agent, but more importantly, I’ll do things for you because you’re family.”

“I’m not family, yet.”

“Yes, you are. Those babies you’re carrying are Turners, too. There’s nothing I won’t do for family. To tell you the truth, I can’t wait to see those little ones. I’m happy for you and Jack. You and those babies are the family he always wanted. I envy him. You’re an amazing woman.”

Taken aback by his praise and easy acceptance of her into the family, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “You do realize my ex may try to kill you. Look what he’s done to me. He’s killed before. I wasn’t kidding when I said he killed my bodyguard. I can’t prove it, of course. It was a well-planned ‘accident,’ but I know he did it just the same. I don’t want you getting hurt.

“When I’m finished, he’ll be even more dangerous and unpredictable.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to start a fake FBI file on my death. Do you have someone at the FBI who will do you a favor? Someone who can go see David and make a little noise.”

“Yeah, I have a few favors I can call in. I’ve already put in a request to have someone on him round the clock. We’ll know where he is at all times, until we can spring whatever trap you have planned. Why don’t you want me to do this?”

“Because once he finds out I’m really dead, he’ll come after Jack.” She pointed to him.

His face told her he understood. They could set a trap for David if he didn’t know Jack had a twin brother who was an FBI agent.

“And why would he come after Jack?”

“Because I told him Jack is the beneficiary of my will. The money, my piece of the company, it all goes to Jack in the event of my death. He wants his company shares back. He’ll contact Jack to attend the big board meeting being held in a week. Jack owns enough of the company that he has a seat on the board and voting rights. I usually vote by conference call, so I don’t have to be in the same room as David, but Jack will tell David he’ll be there. Then I’ll spring the rest of my plan at the board meeting. I’m going to take everything from David. And that will make him very dangerous. I have no doubt he’ll come after me. With you by my side, I’ll have hard evidence from a federal official. I’ll get him for everything he’s done.”

“What do you have planned for the board meeting? Will you vote against David on something major for the company?”

“No. I’m taking over the company.”

Sam’s mouth fell open in shock. Merrick International was a huge corporation. Taking it over was a monumental undertaking, but she’d had her plans in progress for several years, and it was past time she saw them through.

“How can you take over the company? Doesn’t his family own majority shares?”

“Right now they hold controlling interest, because collectively they own the majority of the stock. The board has eight members, four of which are Merrick family members: David, his father, his mother, and the patriarch of the family, David’s grandfather.

“David and his grandfather are the ones who run the company, but his grandfather is looking to transfer power to David over the next year. David’s parents vote on the board and serve as figureheads at events for the company. They don’t actually oversee any of the business operations.

“I received a large portion of the company as part of the divorce and hold a seat on the board. The three other board members are shareholders from other companies that have a stake in Merrick International. One of those board members is Cameron Shaw. You might know the company he heads, Ortel, Inc.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of it. They’re very influential in building contracts here and overseas. It’s basically a huge construction and finance company. Very high end buildings and factories.”

“That’s right. Cameron Shaw is president and CEO. He’s brilliant. He also has a large voting share in Merrick International. I plan to make him an offer he can’t refuse. With the shares I hold and Cameron behind me, I’ll have more than I need.”

“I think I see where you’re going with this. Consider yourself dead. I’ll contact the field office in Denver and put an announcement out over the wire that the former Mrs. David Merrick was found beaten and stabbed on a ranch outside Denver, and she later died at the hospital of hypothermia and her injuries.”

“Perfect. Get the hospital’s cooperation. Have Jack take me home today before the press arrives. We’ll stage some sort of medical emergency to convince the hospital staff. You need to get a camera and take pictures of my injuries. Send a set to Ben for my murder book and use the other set for your agent to take to David.”

“Hold it. Your murder book? What the hell are you talking about?” Sam asked angrily.

“How much did Jack tell you about my past?”

“Everything, I think. He mentioned your relationship with Ben, how you use him to help you hide, your password with him, and how David has ‘hunted’ you unmercifully.”

“Then you know the precautions I take. I send pictures to Ben each time David hurts me from the very minor to”—she swept her hand down the length of her—“the very serious.”

“What does that have to do with a murder book?”

“A cop show on TV showed that every murder is documented in what’s called a ‘murder book’ detailing the crime. Since I always believed David would kill me, I asked Ben to create my murder book.”

Sam winced at the description. He must think her crazy. What sane person keeps a scrapbook of stalking and beatings hoping it can be used in the event of her death?

“In addition to the photos, I write him a detailed account of what happened to me in my own words. I sign it and send it with the photos. He has an accounting of every incident, whether it was some note, or call, or worse.”

“How have you survived and still stayed the generous, kind-hearted person Jack describes and I see before me? You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

“I don’t feel very strong at the moment. I just want this to be over. I want a life with Jack. Will you help me, knowing this could be very dangerous for you and Jack?”

“What’s dangerous for Sam and me?” Jack came in carrying a cup of tea for her, the doctor right behind him.

“I’ll let Jenna explain. I have a few things to work on, including finding a camera. My condolences, brother, on the death of your fiancé.”

“Death of my fiancé? What the hell are you talking about?” He was talking to a closed door, Sam was already off and running.

“Jenna, what is he talking about?” Jack asked again.

“Doctor, I need a favor. I need you to stage some sort of medical emergency and declare me dead and let me go home today.”

Both Jack and Doctor Weber looked at her like she was crazy. She simply smiled weakly and explained the first part of her plan. She left off the part about taking over the company. She’d outlined her plan for Jack weeks ago, leaving off many of the details, despite Jack’s badgering her about how it was possible for her to do it.

So much for being quiet and resting.

Doctor Weber agreed to assist by declaring her dead to the press. He didn’t want to release her today, but knew if he kept her in the hospital he couldn’t keep her secret. They’d stage her death and wheel her out of the room as if she were dead and being transferred to the morgue. Jack could sneak her out the back of the hospital without the press knowing any different.

The doctor checked her out and did another ultrasound to show her the babies were doing fine. He gave her some samples of prescription medication for her pain and some prenatal vitamins. She couldn’t very well fill a prescription if she were dead.

Sam returned as soon as the doctor left, carrying a camera. Her spirits sank deeper. She hated being exposed, hated even more that the pictures were necessary. Without the photos, she couldn’t prove what David had done to her. She’d tried to file charges the first several times he’d hurt her, but the police were always bought off; the district attorney, pressured by David’s lawyers, would say they didn’t have enough evidence; or David would simply supply an airtight alibi. It was easy for him to get people to do his bidding. She may have a lot of money, but she lacked power, especially after he smeared her name in the press. Not for long though.

“Okay, Jenna. Let’s get the pictures done. You can write your report for Ben. I’ll email the photos to my buddy and have him confront David as soon as he’s located. Are you sure you want to do this now? You look completely wiped out.”

“Let’s just get it over with before I fall asleep again. Jack, honey, you don’t need to stay for this.”

“The hell I don’t. I know he hurt you. I saw what he did the last time. I’m not leaving you to deal with this alone.”

“You’re sure? You haven’t seen what he’s done, and maybe you shouldn’t. I don’t want you to think of me looking like this. It’s bad enough you had to stitch me up the last time.”

“Honey, to me you’re beautiful no matter what. It’ll be okay. We’ll get through this together.” His hand cupped her cheek and their eyes met. She leaned into his palm and fell into his eyes and the warmth of his love.

“Will you help me up so Sam can take the pictures?”

He put his hands under her arms and lifted her to a sitting position on the side of the bed. “Come on, honey. Take it slow. You don’t want to hurt your ribs.”

“It’s not only that, my leg and back are killing me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sam, are you ready?”

“Yeah, all set.”

Jenna stood with Jack’s help. The nurses had put a gown on her that simply hung over her shoulders, open in the back. She held on to Jack as she stood and, facing Jack, turned her back toward Sam.

Sam hissed in a breath when he saw the damage. Black and blue from her neck down to her panties. She’d been punched multiple times in the back, and it appeared each one left its own hideous bruise. She looked like she’d been the loser in a heavyweight title fight.

His gaze fell down her spine to the back of her thighs and the long scar where Jack had stitched her up the last time. The injury healed well and would fade even more over time. Several small bruises covered her legs, but one was large and nasty looking, the perfect impression of a man’s hiking boot. He could almost make out the tread in the impression of the bruise, making him sick. Maybe he could get his forensic guys to match the impression to one of David’s shoes.

None of them had realized just how badly David had hurt her. She’d lain in the bed not complaining or wanting to take anything to make the pain go away. How she managed to even get up, he didn’t know.

Jack held her arms as she stood facing him. He hadn’t seen any of her, except her face and stomach for the last day. He wasn’t sure what the rest of her looked like. Sam’s face fell, agony and sadness filled his eyes at the sight of Jenna’s back. Jack took a step to the side of Jenna, still holding on to her, and saw her back. He couldn’t believe the black and blue marks spreading across her entire backside. Severely beaten, the bastard had kicked her in the thigh. His insides quaked and he wanted to rage.

“Jack, honey, don’t hold my arms so tight. You’re hurting me.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I’m just so angry at what he did to you.”

“Sam, take the pictures, then I’ll turn around and you can do the front.”

“I don’t know if I want to see the front if it’s as bad as the back of you,” Sam said sadly.

“Please, just take the damn pictures. I can’t take this much longer.”

Sam snapped pictures of her back and thighs in quick succession. About ready to pass out on them, she hoped this humiliation would be over soon.

“Jenna, turn your head so I can see your face. That way, no one will dispute these pictures are of you.”

She did what he wanted. He snapped two more pictures of her backside. “Okay, turn around.”

She kept her eyes on Jack as she slipped off the gown, her back to Sam. She cupped her breasts in her hands to cover them. Her panties would cover her a little, too. A large bandage below her left breast covered the knife wound.

“Jack, take the bandage off my ribs.”

Sam watched her try to cover herself so he couldn’t see all of her. No way to make her more comfortable, he kept his face blank. She must feel humiliated to stand there almost naked in front of him, her future brother-in-law. She did it though. She had guts.

“This is going to hurt.” Jack peeled the bandages away and swore under his breath at the long double lines of stitches. Too many to count before she turned toward him.

“Hurry up. Take the pictures.”

Sam didn’t say a word. He took pictures of the nasty knife wounds that went from almost the middle of her chest around her ribs to her back. Next came the bruises on her other side, the scrapes and cuts on her knee, the cut above her eye, and her split lip.

“Jack, take the bandage off her head, so I can take a picture of the cut and stitches back there.”

Sam snapped more pictures, his stomach in knots. The cut was about three inches long, swollen into a large ball the size of a lemon. Multiple stitches kept it closed. She must have one hell of a headache.

“Okay, Jenna. You did a great job. I’ll email the photos to Ben and my buddy at the FBI to use on David.”

She hadn’t moved, just stood with her face buried in Jack’s chest, his arms loose around her. Jack nodded to Sam to leave.

Sam didn’t need a reason to escape. He’d seen enough.

Jack gently sat Jenna on the edge of the bed. Without a word, he put the bandages back on her ribcage and the back of her head. He slid the gown up her arms and draped it over her shoulders. Helping her lie down again, he leaned over and kissed her softly for a long minute. He put his brow to hers as her eyes drooped closed again.

“I am so proud of you. I know that can’t have been easy to do in front of Sam. I had no idea how bad . . . Sleep now,” he finished, unable to voice his concerns about her condition. “I’ll help Sam get things ready for you to leave. I want you home in our bed.”

He didn’t think she heard him. So peaceful looking with her eyes closed, but he knew she didn’t have any peaceful thoughts in her head. He stood to leave, but she called to him.


“Yeah, honey. I’m here.”

“I didn’t break my promise.”

“What promise, honey?”

“I promised I wouldn’t leave the ranch. I never did. At least, I think I was on the ranch the whole time.” She gave him what appeared to be a crooked smile and opened her eyes. He couldn’t help himself, he smiled back.

“Smart ass. Even in your condition, you’re being a smart ass.”

“I got you to smile. Don’t worry about me. I’m okay. I promise. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you. I love you. You and our babies are everything to me. The thought of losing you breaks my heart. I was so scared when I couldn’t find you. I finally found the woman of my dreams, and I let you down and almost lost you and the babies. Now stop talking, or your voice will never come back.”

“You never let me down. You can’t be with me every second. We thought I’d be safe. I’m safe now. Kiss me goodnight.”

He did kiss her again and, reluctant to leave her, held her hand until she slept. He left her room quietly. The guard he’d posted at her door nodded as he left. No one would get into her room except the doctor or one of the family members.

This time, Jack wasn’t taking any chances.

Jennifer Ryan's books