Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Upon entering the hotel, I was notified by the concierge that there was a message for me. It was from Azmir, letting me know that he was here in the Extreme Wow suite and was out looking for me in case I’d missed him. He instructed me to bring my things up. He left a key.

I rushed to my room and threw my things together. My heart was pounding at my chest with each passing step. I didn’t know how I would face Azmir. All I could see was images of his venom at the bar. Minutes later, I was headed up to his suite. There were a gazillion butterflies in my belly as I approached the door.

I entered to find the living area unoccupied. Wow! I immediately got the Wow effect. This place was spacious and beautiful! The contemporary architecture was out of this world. Every detail of the suite was state of the art…voguish. The vibrant colors from the walls to the furniture to the décor, blended so well and tastefully. It’s nice to see how the elite live.

I noticed Azmir’s suit jacket thrown on the back of the main sofa. He must be in the back. I went to what was obviously the master bedroom, because there was only one bedroom. Through dim lighting, I could see a shadow of a man sitting near a window next to a huge bed hoisted up on a white platform. The bed area was rounded and partially enclosed.

“I’m in here.” I recognized Azmir’s husky voice, laced with contempt.

I didn’t say anything. I just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. For crying out loud, he did ask me to join him. Now what? I was growing angry by the minute. He had some nerve embarrassing me in front of a colleague for no good reason at all. Now, I’m here standing, waiting on the verdict of his mood like a child. He had some explaining to do. Even with my sudden irritation, my fear wouldn’t allow me to display my ire. The atmosphere was too charged.

“Take your shirt and skirt off,” he demanded.

In the dark? Really?

But I hesitantly did as I was told. I unbuttoned my blouse, unzipped my skirt and off they both went.

“Shoes and stockings,” he quietly ordered and I complied by kicking off my heels and slowly pushing down my hosiery.

There was an expectant pause.

What gives, Jacobs? Are you enjoying the strip tease?


For heaven's sake, what is he thinking? Minutes earlier he was seething and now he’s asking me to strip! This was not of his nature. But I did as he asked. I lowered my panties, stepped out of them and they were discarded into the pile of my ensemble. In the deep silence, I heard the trembling sound of my heartbeat. I swallowed nervously.

Why was I so nervous?

Perhaps because deep down inside you wanted to piss him off?

“Come here.”

I walked over to him. He was stretched out on a padded window bench with his back against the wall. I could see his silhouette from the outside lights piercing through the window. As I approached him, he proffered his hand.


What is he going to do? I could still sense the hidden rancor in his voice.

“Place your feet on either sides of my hips and stand over me,” Azmir instructed with calm in his voice.

What the hell?

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