Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Already looking into flights,” Brett informed, as I heard him typing away with great speed. “Looks like that’ll be a lot easier than LAX. I’ll contact you with updated flight information shortly. Bouquet delivered there, sir?" Brett asked.

“Nah.” I figured I’d surprise her.

“Good morning, sir,” Brett bade, ending our call. It was seven nineteen a.m. Time for me to get up and hit the gym with Tyler. I had to be back downstairs in the conference room by nine a.m.


That night, at ten sixteen p.m. Pacific Standard Time, I sent Rayna a text, asking her what she was up to.

Having drinks with colleagues at a bar call "Wino's" in San Diego. How apt a name! LOL!

Sounded like she’d had a few and was relaxed. I’d just landed and wanted to surprise her. First, I had to find out where she was. Mission accomplished. She may be there for a while. My plan was to stop in and have a few drinks with them perhaps.

Don't want to disturb you. Just wanted to finish our convo from this morning. Hit me up when your done.

I’d chatted with her earlier about the situation with my mother. I was considering Rayna’s offer of Yazmine staying at her place in Redondo Beach.

Okay. But we can chat now if you like. Rayna offered.

No. Enjoy. Hit me later.

Indeed. Cute.

About an hour later, I was checked into my suite. Luckily, I was able to do it without running into to Rayna. Surely, she must be in her room by now. I sent her another text.

What are you up to? Hope you're not sleep.

A minute later I get a ping.Hey Mr. Jacobs! Still hanging out at Wino's. I have to bring you here. LOL!

I didn’t respond. Instead I searched for the location on my iPhone and proceeded to the bar. My expectation of seeing Rayna started to build. I knew she’d be beside herself in delight. And my reaction to seeing her after so many days would have been equally elated, if not more. I’d been more than looking forward to her lips, her hands. Her warm reception.

As I walked to the front of the building, I looked through the glass for her. It took a minute before I finally located her. She was dressed in all black. Her hair was full of the small, bouncy curls that I recognized from last night’s video message. She wore red lipstick that was dull, yet still sexy, I guess from a day’s long wear. She probably hadn’t touched it up in hours. She looked delectable in her black Michael Kors pumps trimmed in a little gold. I recalled purchasing those for her a few weeks back. Rayna’s beauty was striking, per usual. I took my time admiring her ornaments. It came to a screeching halt by the unpleasant sight of Brian Thompson sitting across from her.

I suddenly saw red.

My lady’s drinking with a man who clearly wants to fuck her?

I saw a waiter bringing Rayna what seemed to be a glass of water. How much did she have to drink? I wondered if that fucking herb was trying to take advantage of her. And what was worse of all was the fact that I wasn’t even supposed to be there.

What would happen if I weren’t?

I was so fucking heated that I could feel steam coming from my ears. I guess my introduction at Smith, Katz & Adams Sports Medicine Center’s gala a few weeks back wasn’t enough. I knew I should have been more forceful with the motherfucker! Why would Rayna be here with him anyway after his fucking seating trickery?

I walked to the door and coolly opened it. Right away, I saw the waiter that had just brought Rayna her water walking towards me. I asked for the check for their table. He asked for a few minutes to go ring it up. I told him he had two. My gaze never left their table. I watched Rayna fixedly as she talked with Thompson. My eyes burned with venom. Within a minute, the waiter had returned with their check.

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