Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Of course, sir!” he asserted, sounding far more spirited than he did when he answered. That ended our call.

As I returned to the room, Robert exclaimed, “Perfect timing, Jacobs. We have come to an agreement that I think you’ll be amenable to.”

As Robert ran down the details, I saw one of our Canadian associates squirming in his seat, extremely uncomfortable. I read their expressions and processed Robert’s information, synchronically.

“Smile, Gagnon,” I pestered. He’s the one that pissed me the fuck off the most out of the two partners. I was eager to gloat at his dismay. “You’re $4 million richer…and happier, aye!” He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth, all to my delight. Goddamn prick.

After the video conference was done, I turned to Robert. “Rob, I need to get home. The old lady is at her wits’ end and I need to go placate back into her good graces.”

“Shit, Jacobs! Am I that much of an ass that I haven’t had the balls to say the same? We’ve been going so hard at full speed ahead that I may not have a home to go back to,” he chuckled and I joined him. “All right. Let’s take the next few days to rest and re-strategize Alco, Inc.” He paused, suddenly hit with a revelatory thought. “Shit, if we fuck them good, we’ll have the rest of those bitches licking our asses. But we must be smart! Simeon & Dundst are sweeping up the solar wind industry. Those pussies won’t know what hit them. Trust me, Jacobs!” he vowed.

Robert’s analogies always made me uncomfortable. I mean, really...what man references fucking other men or having them lick his ass?

“Work on those damn analogies and we can get our hustle on,” I gently scolded as I grabbed him by the shoulders while we’re making our way to exit the room. He laughed heartily. I’ve been advising this since I’ve known him.

“What time do you plan on leaving tomorrow? Don’t forget about our morning conference call. Gintz, Co. is antsy,” he reminded.

“Oh, that’s a done deal. I’ll meet you back down here at nine to seal the deal,” I confirmed. I stopped in my tracks and looked at my partner, square in the eyes. “You’ve done me very proud, Rob. Your mentoring and incredible partnership has changed my direction, man.”

Rob’s eyes lit up in amazement. “Azmir, you’ve given me a second chance. Seeing you achieve the American dream has inspired me anew. You’re not the only one with a heart of gratitude, my brother! We’re ebony and ivory!” he beamed infectiously, with the broadest smile canvassed across his face, referring to his Scottish heritage versus my African American lineage.

As we walk out the conference room door, he patted my shoulder endearingly. It was a good moment.

The next morning, I was awakened by the blaring sounds of my cell. I reached over to the night stand to check the number. It was Brett. He was very much awake and refreshed compared to the last time we spoke.

“Peace...peace,” I greeted.

“Mr. Jacobs. Your flight leaves today at two fifteen. I had to charter an aircraft, as all other commercial ones were booked or had layovers. Your itinerary has been e-mailed to you. I should be in touch with you soon about the other things you requested. Good morning, sir,” Brett greeted, ending our call.

“Thanks, Brett. Please have a bouquet of pink tulips delivered to Ms. Brimm this morning, if possible.” He paused a moment, presumably to check her schedule.

“Mr. Jacobs, according to Ms. Brimm’s weekly schedule, she’s at her practice’s conference in San Diego today.”

She didn’t mention that last night. But, then again, she spoke about far more important things during our conversation.

Hmmmmmmmm... “Well then, that changes a lot, doesn’t it?” I spoke introspectively. “I need a flight from here to San Diego and a suite at the hotel she’s staying at.”

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