Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

In that moment, sleep was warranted. I slipped on his T-shirt and headed for the bed. He was already in there, burrowed underneath the covers. I nervously pulled back the blanket on my side, I didn’t want to disturb him. He pulled back all the remaining sheets, inviting me in bed.

Ah! He’s not as upset.

But what he did was wrong!

Ugh! I just want to forget about this Dawn Taylor/Brian Thompson nightmare!

I lay down, finding my comfort in the oversized bed. As I did, Azmir scooted closer to me and found his contentment underneath me. I felt a warm sensation run through me. And not of a libidinous nature either. I felt peace radiating from him. He was at peace and yet I was embattled. Though I was beyond pissed with his actions and still unsettled about his indiscretions, I decided it was a good note to end a long day on.

“Goodnight, Ms. Brimm,” Azmir whispered.

He kissed my head and nuzzled against the back of my neck, as he always did. It drove me wild. His voice was calm and even. What just happened earlier? echoed in my head. I couldn’t leave well enough alone. I had to know.

“Azmir, I had two orgasms tonight—alone,” I informed with my eyes wide awake, awaiting a response.

“I know,” he mumbled, softly breathing into my neck.

I tried to hold onto my defensive thoughts and not get swept away by the current that was zinging through me from the sweet sound and tantalizing feeling of his breath hitting my body—after all, I could go another round.

He had admitted it was done on purpose. My heart pouted.

“Why did you do that?” I had to know.

He went tense behind me. There was a tentative pause and I could hear my heart stammer over the silence.

“I don’t know how else to show you what my life would be like if you stepped out on me. It would appear as perfect art on canvas, building up to the best picture any man could create. But my life would be worthless if I had your shell and not your heart and soul. So, I thought the best analogy would be having an orgasm, but with no one to share it.” I found myself wrinkling my forehead, desperately trying to find his perspective as he continued. “For some, they’d be happy with the thrill alone. Others, like me, want to share in the experience with that special person…only one person.” After a brief pause he whispered, “Goodnight, baby. You have another long day tomorrow.”

I didn’t utter another word. He’d given me a lot to think about. Although sleeping with another man wasn’t on my horizon, the fact that he feared it resonated with me. But the hypocrisy in his actions with Dawn went unmentioned. I was so confused. But I could wrestle mentally or emotionally no more. I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I awakened to the sunlight blaring through my lids. I turned over and opened my eyes. It took a few seconds for me to recall where I was. I looked at the time clock on the nightstand that read eight minutes after seven. Then Azmir’s arrival popped into my head and eagerly I searched the bed for him. To my surprise, he was sitting up against the headboard with his laptop, looking down at me, wearing a pleasant smile. I relaxed, releasing the strains of my tendons.

As I rubbed my eyes he murmured, “Good morning, love,” flashing his million dollar smile.

I have to ask if he’s gotten any orthodontia done. His alignment was picture perfect. My eyes roved over him and I couldn’t help but take notice of his bare, chiseled upper body.

“Morning,” I muttered, trying to shake my sleepiness.

“You’re beautiful even first thing in the morning,” Azmir charmed.

Remnants of the previous night started to flood my mind. This is certainly a different man.

“Are you still mad at me?” I asked candidly.

“I’m still upset...but not with you,” he warmed as he rested his laptop on the nightstand.

He then reached down to cup my face and kissed me hungrily. His mouth was cool and minty. Damn him for freshening up, but catching me off guard this morning! In all honesty, I didn’t care. I was so enthralled by this man that nothing mattered—even if he went caveman on me last night. He went out of his way to see me. He wanted me and I, him. His touch was soft and apologetic. What a way to wake up.

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