Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

He released me, and to my discontentment.

“I was wrong. I overreacted,” he poured out while searching my eyes.

I exhaled, grateful for his concession. “Azmir, I’m not prepared to leave you. I meant what I said the other night. I love you,” I placated. I wanted him to believe me.

Heck, I needed him to believe me.

I still hadn’t dealt with the Dawn situation. Or had I? I hadn’t come to a resolve yet and didn’t know how I would. I just knew how revived I felt when I was with this man. How enlivened I became each time his eyes landed on me. Making a call would be deciding between agreeing to his mediocre commitment to me and losing him totally. I didn’t want to lose. But could I live with myself by allowing Azmir to not fully commit to me? This would be me perpetuating my mother’s fatal mistakes that broke our family. I swore I’d never let a man love me arbitrarily. It was all or nothing. Until Azmir, I had no desires for a commitment. Clearly, this has changed and my world will never be the same no matter what decision I made.

He gazed deeply into my eyes—long and seemingly by design. “I need you, Rayna, more than you’ll ever know.”

He reached down once again to kiss me tenderly. I raised my hand to hold his face. He felt so good. His hand went for my backside that was bare. From my movements that night while sleeping, the T-shirt rose to my abdomen. He pulled up at my thigh, prompting me to rise and I did as we were still enraptured in a passionate kiss. Azmir’s lips were soft and his tongue was hungry. He situated me into a straddling position and trailed soft kisses from my mouth to my chest. My pelvis lunged at him.

“I owe you,” he murmured as he continued planting delicious kisses on my torso. “I know this is your favorite position. Now let me see you ride,” Azmir growled lasciviously when his busy mouth arrived at my ear.

It was exactly what I needed. I began instinctively grinding into his lap. My upper body was glued to his as my head reclined in the air. I was ready. He pulled down the straps of my T-shirt—his T-shirt and I freed my arms from the sides as he pushed it down to my belly. I’m now virtually naked, body flowing freely. The only thing missing was him inside of me, buried to the hilt.

I anxiously pushed up to grab his boxers. I lifted my body to give him room to pull them down, unleashing his throbbing erection. After kicking them off, he guided my body onto him, nice and slowly. I don't want slow, Jacobs! I want you—all of you alive in me now! I was still achy from his primal behavior the night before, but more imminent was my need for him now.

He felt delicious, fitting himself in me. I moaned like a mad woman. He went for both of my cheeks and massaged them up and down. Azmir skillfully buried his face in my breasts, sucking my nipples until they were fully extended. He bit down on one of them, gently, driving me wild. The currents flashed through my body and I was caught up that quickly.

Azmir must have felt it because he heeded, “Slow to gain, Brimm,” through clenched teeth.

I couldn’t help it. “Azmir…Oh…You…Feel...So...Good,” I protested as I grinded up and down and up and down.

“All for you, Ms. Brimm,” he declared, fighting to maintain composure. “All because I need you.”

That was it. I couldn’t hold back any longer. It was like he said those magic words to unlock the treasure chest. I exploded all around him. I used his broad and muscular shoulders to anchor myself and I could see the salacious grin he wore as he watched me climax. He eventually pulled me to his chest as he forcefully flexed his hips into me, extending my orgasmic float.

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