Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Who was this Azmir Jacobs?

Not even twenty minutes into our arrival did I notice Lady Spin and Britni. They sat in a lounge across the room at a comfortable distance. I saw them whisper and point in our direction and wondered what could they possibly have to say. Suddenly, I felt Azmir’s lips on my ear whispering, “I see your friend over there. You should go say hello,” sardonically.

I scoffed. “She’s with your friend. You first.” He flashed his panty-snatching smirk and my insides clenched. When we were seated with our drinks I asked, “Do you know Trey Songz?” trying to get a better understanding of him and who he was in the industry.

“We’ve met in circles…been in the same places…know a few of the same people, but not personally. I don’t think he’s here. He’s probably at a public after party.”


“Yeah…this one is private, more for industry heads who want to mingle without the hoopla and fanfare. It’s like the listening party, but after the release of the album, for those who may not have attended. He’ll come in and greet folks, he may even perform a little. Do you want to meet him,” he offered, his face completely deadpan.

“Oh, no. I’m a fan of his music, but not the groupie type.” A rush of relief washed over Azmir’s face. It was too overt. “Don’t get me wrong, if he was like a Charlie Wilson, or a Will Downing or even a Keith Sweat I’d be bum-rushing his security,” I joked.

Azmir wrinkled his nose. “Keith Sweat? How could you even place him in the same sentence as Charlie and Will?” He laughed and although it was at my expense, I enjoyed his lightheartedness.

“Are you kidding me? Keith Sweat could beg the sweat off my back effortlessly.” Since I was a kid I crushed on Mr. Sweat. He was so hot to me.

“I’ll make sure to slip his music in the shuffle the next time I have your ass. If he can make your back sweat, I’ll lick it off.” Azmir gave a soft grimace. “No Keith Sweat concert in your future, kid.” I couldn’t read if he was speaking in jest or was serious with his declarations.

Before I could ask, I heard, “Divine, surprised to see you here.” I looked up to find Spin standing before me.

“Lady Spin, long time no see. How are you?” Azmir was his usual cool and polite self.

“I’m good. I worked the concert. We aired live.” Her brows furrowed suddenly. “You don’t do concerts anymore,” she was goading him for answers.

“I’ve been working hard lately…wanted a romantic evening and thought Trey could help set the mood,” Azmir said as he ran his thumb across the start of my spine, causing me to shiver. I’d hope not so conspicuously. I smiled—probably giggled in my tipsy state. That made Spin’s spiteful gape shoot over to me.

“Nice to see you again, Spin.” I attempted to be civil.

“Hi…?” She pretended to have forgotten my name. I knew in that moment it wasn’t going to be a pleasant run in.

“Rayna,” Azmir retorted.

“…Brimm. Surely you couldn’t forget that. You are friends with an old associate of mine, and I’m friends with an old associate of yours,” with a bright smile I added to the sting.

She silently gasped. I don’t think she was expecting Azmir’s protectiveness or me to clap back at her. I’ve read your texts to him, bitch!

Spin kept her gaze on Azmir. “I’ll be seeing you around, Divine. Your assistant contacted me about the fair your rec center is planning in the LBC?” Azmir nodded. What fair? Azmir had never mentioned a fair. “I’ll make room in my schedule to be there,” she forced a sinister smile.

“Good to know. I appreciate that,” Azmir nodded again. Not having much left to say, she turned to walk off, but not before rolling her eyes at me.

“Aye, Spin,” I called out to her. She stopped and turned to me.

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