Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“You wanna do” I asked, breaking our embrace.

With desire in her eyes and heavily panting, she looked to her left and to her right before nodding her head ferociously. And I lifted both our bodies to allow her to pull them down enough to expose my strongman. My hands found their way under her dress to her ass and I rubbed it in great anticipation. Fuck! Rayna wasn’t wearing any panties.

She lowered herself onto me with an opened mouth and moaned, “Ahhhhh!” as she slowly slid onto me. She felt so warm and was unbelievably wet.

With her arms astride my shoulders, she plowed into me smoothly. Her lips softly nibbled on my neck, jaw, and lips. Rayna’s lovemaking faces would have me deliver prematurely if I wasn’t careful. I kissed her neck as she bent backwards giving me full access. Suddenly I hear, “Azmir, this thing...between us ain’t about money. I’d take you mind, body, and soul without your bank account.”

It was music to my ears and totally captivating. I felt in that second that my decision was affirmed. I’d made the right choice in asking her to be with me forever. There were certainly doubts, but they’d always be there. I’d just have to take a leap. Her words were intoxicating and unexpected. She always used her body to tell me what was in her heart when her mouth couldn’t.

She lifted and dipped on and off my lap. I was overcome when she called my name out in ecstasy. When I felt her juices melt down onto me and her walls clench my cock, I couldn’t hold onto it anymore. I exploded inside of her with stifled whimpers.

We stayed there, wrapped around each other like a vine well after we were through. I felt so connected to resolved to my destiny. I could’ve stayed there in that spot, holding her for days.

Rayna finally lifts her head. “My mood has been crappy,” she admits, ducking her chin like a child. I gave a small laugh and nodded my head.

Seconds later, she speaks again. “Azmir, Harrison came to visit me on Friday.”

“Come again,” Suddenly, I didn’t trust my ears.

Her eyes met mine and she muttered, “Detective Daryl Harrison came to my office on Friday...after I left Tamu’s boutique. He was waiting for me.”

“What did he say?”

“A lot. He threatened to expose to you the truth about my brother then he bribed me with money to disappear. He said that I was interfering with his family. He said that once you’re done with me, you and Tara would be married within one year. He said a lot of things, which is why...” she began fumbling with her new ring, I guess reflecting on the grim possibilities.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and didn’t think her information would slow. Why is she in the habit of fucking keeping pertinent information from me? I’ve hurt people for much less. This shit was whack as hell!

I go to lift her off me as I demanded, “Why would you wait so long to tell me this shit?”

She rises and with eyes widened says, “Azmir, I...I’ve been trying to piece all of this together in my mind—”

“It ain’t for you to fucking piece shit together. It’s for me,” I yelled enraged. I see blood as I pull up and tie my pants. “From now on if this shit gonna work, you can’t keep a muthafuckin’ thing from me. I am a fuckin’ man. I provide protection. I put shit together. Fuck piecing! Do you understand?"

“I’m sorry,” Rayna says with her voice cracking.

I was not about to be moved by tears. She’d crossed the line and had been making a damn fool out of me. I go for my phone and punch a couple of keys.


“Peace-Peace. It’s the god.”

“Salute, Duke.” Petey greeted.

“Hit Big D...tell ‘em his fuckin’ retirement package is now null and fuckin’ void. Tell ‘em all bets are off with the seed, too.”

“You sure, Duke?”

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