Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

This could actually work.

The next two days in Tahiti were a huge contrast to the first. Rayna and I indulged in parasailing, jet-skiing, canoeing, and horseback riding. We ate great food and made love everyday, several times a day. We shared in laughter and playful moments. Rayna was back. I did everything I could think of to help her shake whatever insecurities she had about my commitment to her. The last thing I needed was a weak link in my strong chain. I needed her confidence in what I was proposing. I had only wished that her girl, Michelle, could have been around to celebrate this next step with her.

Our return home was bitter-sweet. I hated leaving paradise and being in our bubble as she termed it, waking up to Rayna in open air and lying down in the same. But it was nice to know that we were on the track to a new life together.

As we were seated on the plane, waiting to take off, Rayna looked over to me with a half a smile and a slight moue.

I lifted her chin with my index finger to engage her eyes. “Hey...what’s that all about?” I asked.

“We’re leaving our Eden,” she puckers her lips and sniffles to gesture a desire to cry.

“We’ll always have Tahiti,” I sang.

She reaches over and rubs my cheek in adoration. It’s consolatory.

“I freaking love this!” she exclaimed, referring to the wildly grown stubble that had taken over my face since we’d arrived. It gave me an idea immediately.

“Good. Because I’m not cutting it until you give me a date.”

“A date?”

“Yes. A wedding date.”

“Oh.” Rayna smiled and ducked her head embarrassingly.

“Well, what date do you have in mind?”

“Oh, no, Ms. Brimm. It’s obvious that you weren’t expecting my proposal and therefore I am not strong-arming you to the altar. You’ll have to do it on your own volition.”

Her eyes opened wide, giving me an affronted expression. I know Rayna. She needs to be given a push to make a decision that involves trusting another individual. In this case, I was asking her to enter into a lifetime institution, the biggest trust and commitment proposal of them all. I believe she’s agreeable to it, but needs a little motivation to take the next step.

“I’ll just wait miserably until you come around,” I continued to taunt her.

“You don’t think I want to marry you?” she’d become argumentative instantly. I didn’t want to fight about it, but egged her on.

“I hope so, but...time will tell,” I murmured as I adjusted my pillow in my seat to get comfortable. She sat erect in her chair, at a loss for words when I turned my back to her.

You can lead a horse...

Chapter 9


The sound of my Blackberry ringing snapped me frantically out of my sleep, ejecting me from my pillow. Veered between torpor and alarm, I glanced around the room. Rayna stirred in the sheets, but appeared still very much asleep. I reached for the alerting phone.


“ name is Detective Timothy Ames and I’m looking for a Azmir Jacobs.” Why is One Time calling my cell at this hour?

“I’m sorry, what is this in reference to?” I asked as I picked up my iPhone prepared to dial my attorney.

“Mr. Jacobs, I’m sorry to have to call you at this hour to inform you that there has been an act of arson at your residence.”

I regard the bedroom around me. There’s no fire. Is this some kind of joke? I questioned.

“Mr. Jacobs? Are you away on vacation? How soon can you get down to the Pasadena PD so that we can discuss this?”

“A fire at my home on Farmingdale Drive?” My senses had begun returning. I felt Rayna sit up in the bed.

“Yes, sir. How soon can you be here? Or I can meet you there.”

“Give me under an hour. I’ll meet you at the house,” I disconnected with the detective and swung my legs out of bed, still somewhat languished.

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