Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Crack, his bitchass ran up on my girl at work. His ass just got into a war he wasn’t anticipating,” I growled low, hiding my fury.

“Whoa!” I know he’s taken by my ire. I’m never out of character. I always discharge with a firm demeanor. But shit, this was an entirely different circumstance from anything I’d ever experienced. “I’m on it, Duke.”

“Set up a meet with Santiaga and Paulio. D’s ass is getting cut the fuck out starting this second. He just made this shit personal.”

“Indeed,” Petey hesitated. There was a pause. I huffed.

“Duke, did you do it?” he asked, referring to my pending proposal. I glanced over my shoulder to Rayna who was again toying with her ring, only now with trembling fingers and looming doubts.

“Done deal.”

Petey exhaled and it surprised me. He never shows emotion.

“Yo, god...let that be your focus, Duke. Big D will be dealt with when you touch down. That right there is what’s important for now.”

Once again, I looked at Rayna who was now looking at me with remorse in her eyes. My guilt started setting in. I have to get used to this level of intimacy. Suddenly, and ironically, I remember Big D schooling me on love. He’d said several times in the past, “the woman who wins your heart will forfeit your control of your universe.” Damn. That fucker was right. I was caught between a rock and a fucking mountain.

“Indeed,” I agreed. “Peace-peace.”

“Peace-Peace, Duke.”

D made that visit testing my chin. He was gauging my commitment to Rayna. If I ignored it, he would believe I didn’t give a shit about Rayna. If I react he would know where my heart is. Shit just got real. D’s days over pawning me were over. He’s depravity knew no bounds.

“Let’s go,” I hissed to Rayna.

We headed over to the bungalow in silence. Once we were in, I told her I had to check my e-mail. I sensed her standing by the door of the bungalow until I walked in the office and slammed the door.

I checked in with Washington and he had given more information on Rayna’s secret about her brother. His charge involved a third dude from her projects. Some kid named Omar Brown. Washington informed me that there was a little girl who was killed in the crossfire among other facts, but nothing he’s come up with so far was secret-worthy. There had to be more if Big D thought to bribe her.

See, D was infuriated because I’d shut him down after learning about his role in killing my father. My agreement with him was that we’d end our business in the same timeline originally planned, but I wouldn’t cut him out of any money considering he’s damn near broke from his gambling bug and blowing dough on *. This man has run through millions over the years. It’s still unbelievable to me. I assured him that after these next couple of months of me washing my hands from the game, we’d go our separate ways. I knew that didn’t rest easy with him. Couple that with the fact that I’d done the same with his daughter. I never told him the full truth and apparently neither had Tara. I was going for a full makeover in terms of my loved ones. Those two opportunists never loved me, but they did love what I was able to profit them. Game over. But Big D didn’t want to bow out gracefully.

Rayna had no idea what was going on. She’d been caught in the crossfire. This shit had nothing to do with her, but I couldn’t have her thinking she could keep things from me. She was my blind spot. I understand that I’ve brought her into my convoluted world blindsided, but she has skeletons in her own closet that I’m trying to work with.

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