Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

On the way home, I prepared for this disclosure. Although the detective had given me a preliminary cause and the investigation was not conclusive, I had to take this seriously.

“I’ll know for sure once they get the investigation underway, but they’re smelling foul play.”

She stilled and I grabbed the small of her back.

“Before you ask, I’m not sure if these were errant kids who knew the property was vacant or something more serious. But I want us to be aware of all of the possibilities.”

“Azmir, you don’t think someone would try to hurt you, do you?” Her eyes were drifted afar as she conjured horrid thoughts.

“I’d like to hope not, but I have to be honest with myself and know that I’ve made a few foes along the way in my journey. I have a lot at stake and much to protect, and that includes you, so I need to make you aware a few changes that will be implemented until this issue has been resolved.” Rayna’s eyes diverted back to me and I knew I’d had her full attention.

“First, this is our home and we’re fully protected here. The security features of this property are stellar. There are three guards on the grounds at all times and the building is equipped with monitored surveillance. We have a security alarm system that can be accessed here at the front door and in our bedroom. I don’t think it’s necessary at all, but should you need to take an extra measure, feel free to use them. The concierge has been instructed to call before bringing guests up. We don’t have visitors, but in the event that we do, if they do not get approval from us when they call up, no one will be allowed up here.” I took a break to make sure I wasn’t going too fast for her. I was growing angrier by the second having to explain this to my lady.

“Are you getting this, Brimm?”

Still a little dazed, staring off into the distance, she nodded her head.

“Okay. Those things are virtually in practice now or, like the in-house security system, can be employed when needed.” I turned to take her hands, “The biggest change would be muscle. I know that’s not been something you’ve been very keen on with me, but you’ve tolerated it. Right now, until all of this shit has been sorted out, I have to assign detail to you—”

Her eyes enlarged. “What!” she barked.

“I know,” I ducked my head in sympathy. I understood that this was a lot to take in, but it had to be done. “I know it sounds foreign for you to need your personal security, but it’s non-negotiable and I swear it will be an accessory that you’ll easily forget in no time at all—trust me. But between Darryl Harrison popping up on you a couple of weeks back, Spin and her antics, the Thompson fiasco, this fire, and the announcement of our engagement, you’re exposed to people who meant nothing to you just a few short months ago. I need you safe and with peace of mind.”

She shook her head in disbelief.

“Right now, I need cooperation. Rayna, all I could think while standing there watching my burnt home being hosed down was what if I’d had Rayna with me here? How close to that being my reality had I not happened upon this place some time ago.” Rayna remained steeled in her seat. “Baby, when you presented in my boardroom, I was living in that house. Yes, I had this place, but it had only been an escape haven for the period of my breakup with Tara. I’d only had a bed here. You were my motivation for having the place furnished. Shit, I hadn’t even made love to you when this place was being filled.”

I interrupted my rant, at a loss for words. I was losing my breath, trying to explain to her how close a call this was.

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