Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Actually, I’m trying to make it clear there won’t be any after me,” Azmir retorts matter-of-factly and without skipping a beat. “Let’s go get cleaned up for lunch.” He turned to make his way back inside and I’m right on his heels.

Lunch was at a restaurant in the water. We sat with our feet immersed in the gorgeous aquamarine colored water. The air was fresh and the wind gentle. This entire island had ambiance that could not be orchestrated without nature, no matter how exclusive a place it was. This is how the other half lives. I was in awe.

“How’s the fish?” Azmir asked as I was busy taking in the surroundings.

“Delightful. How’s your chicken?”

“Pretty good. The glaze is the kicker.”

“Have you been here before?”

Azmir sips his ice tea before answering, “To the islands? Yes. To Tahiti? No.”

“Oh,” I wondered if he’d wowed another women with this majestic landscaping.

“Was Tara with you when you visited the other island or other islands?” I ask just before stuffing my mouth with sea bass. I knew I was pushing it.

Azmir’s eyes shot up to me. He slowly lowered his fork back down to his plate, “I’ve traveled very little with Tara. A bit of Europe and the Caribbean. So, Polynesian Islands.” He looked affronted.

“I was just curious is all, Mr. Jacobs.” It was my turn to be affronted.

“It’s not your curiosity that concerns me, it’s your sudden interest in my former relationship.”

Crap. He’s right. I never pry. I’ve always felt it was useless information...until now. The truth of the matter was I loved this man. I loved him and wanted all of him; his present, future and past. I didn’t care that it wasn’t plausible. I wanted it all. With him. I never wanted anyone more than I wanted him. I couldn’t help but feel a zap of jealousy whenever the idea of another woman presented itself, particularly Tara, who—according to her dad—was in position to spend the rest of her life with Azmir. Suddenly, I had lost my appetite. I motioned for the waiter to order a drink. A real drink.

“How may I help you, ma’am?” asked the sandy brown haired, tall, and slender waiter. His tan was to die for.

“I’ll take a rum and coke.”

I looked over to Azmir who’s eyes were glued to me. I could tell he was surprised by my selection.

“Make that two, please,” he ordered and the waiter excused himself.

“So what made you choose this place?” I didn’t skip a beat. I had to know.

He gave me a deep gaze as he cut into his chicken, clearly annoyed. But I didn’t care. What did I have to lose? Either he was going to be with me for a long while—whatever that is—or I had very little time left before he rejoined sides with his long lost love, Tara. And the clock was ticking. I wanted to savor every moment I had with him from that day forward.

“Well, I’d learned it was an exotic island years ago. And coincidentally it’s known as the island of love. Plainly put: it’s beautiful…just like you and what you represent to me. I wanted to share in a destination with you, one that is new to the both of us. Luckily, I chose correctly.” He flashed the first smile he had in twenty-four hours before going back to his food.

“I think it’s more than luck. This is what you call a blessing. To experience all of this glorious seascape...” I muttered as my voice trailed off. I was overwhelmed.

Our drinks arrive.

I take a sip and inhale a bank of fresh Pacific air. The cocktail is strong. This must be a man’s drink. Good! I needed to lose my grasp of reality. Heck—for all I knew, this could be the last of former reality.

Azmir takes a swig of his beverage as well and then goes back to his food. He doesn’t look up very much and it dawns on me that he’s offering less conversation than he typically does. After gulping my drink once more, I confront him.

“You’re upset with me.”

He looks up with his long lashes as he chews his food. “Justification doesn’t escape me, do you not agree?”

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