Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I lay there, staring at the ceiling, trying to think of what could possibly be going through his mind. I knew he was in his office, his favorite room in the house. He spent more time in there than he did even in his bedroom. The man functioned on very little sleep. Oddly enough, he’d been sleeping increasingly more since I’d moved in. He had gone from nearly four hours to five and half hours nightly. That was progress in my book.

My stream of thoughts carried over into my dreams. I didn’t know if I were sleep or awake until a little after two in the morning when I turned over to no Azmir. I sat up on my arms and didn’t even see Azna in the bed. That alarmed me. Was he upset with me? My conscience told me that if the shoe were on the other foot I’d be pissed with him, so be fair. I got up to see if he had fallen asleep at his desk. In my foggy state, I tip-toed down the long corridor where I could see a light glaring from his office. Yup, he’s there. When I looked in the room I saw him there on the phone and looking on the desktop. He noticed me right away.

“Hang on, Washington.” He turned the mouthpiece of the phone down in his neck and asked, “Everything okay?” with a look of concern.

“Errr...yeah. Just a little odd waking up at two twenty-two in the morning to an empty bed.” He looked up at the clock and seemingly realized the time.

“Now you know the feeling,” he said with a forlorn smile, referring to my working late a few hours before. “Where’s Azna?”

Azmir pushed against the wheels of his chair to scoot away from the desk. And although he was too far away for me to see, he pointed to his lap to answer my question.


“So it’s a man’s world?” I said in jest.

He flashed that panty-snatching smirk. The currents flashed through my body. My smile disappeared and I suddenly feel guilty and desirous at the same time. After the bomb I laid on his lap earlier, he still has the capacity to smile.

I pace over to him on a mission. His eyes never leaving mine and once I arrive to him, I bend over and kiss his soft lips. I couldn’t stop there. I wanted to taste his lips and I did. I sucked softly as I held the sides of his face. Reluctantly, I slowly let go of his bottom lip. When I opened my eyes I see his, though filled with priapic readiness, were open. I wanted him so bad, but under the circumstances knew not to push my luck. I decided to collect Azna and return to bed. But as I went to scoop her, I accidentally rubbed against his strong erection. Subconsciously my eyes shot up to him. The cool air hitting my gums from the strong release of his lungs told me my mouth was open. Azmir’s eyes were heavy with need. Does he want to it take there as much I do? His body was telling.

“Go back to bed. We have to be up in less than four hours. I’ll be there in a minute,” he said, trying to gain control of the situation.

With a broken ego, I obey and return to bed. It took a minute or two for me to doze back off because I had to ignore the throbbing between my legs. I accepted it as punishment for my delayed disclosure.

What a day.

Chapter 8


Several hours later, we were pulling into a large lot that I would soon learn is an airport in Hawthorne and that Azmir chartered a private plane for our trip. Ray retrieved our luggage from the car and Azmir assisted until airport staff came over to take them from him.

“Mr. Jacobs! It’s a pleasure to see you this morning. Ms. Brimm, this way,” he looked at me with a huge, welcoming, and professional smile. I returned the gesture.

“Jim,” Azmir greeted in return then held the small of my back to point me in the direction that Jim was leading. He looked preoccupied, but I didn’t know how to address it. So I didn’t. Azmir was wearing denim jeans with a graphic T and track jacket. I had on a maxi dress with a cropped jean jacket and a scarf draped over my shoulders. I wasn’t sure of what to wear, as I still had no clue of where we were going.

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