Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

It drives me insane and I keep pushing him deeper into my mouth. Then I hear a growl-like belt come from him and the next thing I know, he had lifted me in the air and carefully tossed me onto the bed. I land on my back and he opens my legs and descends on me, dipping his head down between my thighs, taking a swift lick against my sex. I was so sensitive there that my body jolted. He was mad and on a mission.

He pulled me by the legs toward him and entered me. Before resting upon me, Azmir places my legs on his shoulders and I knew he meant war because he was going deep. His hips starts flexing and he slips his tongue in my mouth. It was mind blowing how his tongue was so gentle yet his thrust were primal. I loved every bit of it. Every time he plowed into me he took me higher. I moaned in anger and pleasure as he took command of my body as he always does. It somehow just didn’t seem fair.

“Rayna, baby, I need this. I need you to come for me. Please. I need to satisfy you,” he groaned.

I lay there, staring at him with my mouth sealed shut. Something came over me and it wasn’t exactly my very impatient orgasm. It was my concession. I knew that I was losing. I knew that I had taken on a battle with Azmir that I couldn’t win. A tear flowed from my right eye and I opened up my mouth to breathe. When I did, my orgasm came like a tsunami and my body convulsed as the tears sprang out.

“No, don’t cry—” Azmir managed before he was overtaken by his own orgasm. His hard and lengthy body shuddered on top of me, forcing me to endure his full weight and I enjoyed every moment of feeling him lose control over me. And inside of me.

When he was done, he swiftly scooped me into a bear hug with my back against his chest. He kissed my neck and held me close, so close that I could feel his heart rate relax.

I felt betrayed by my body and conquered by a man who didn’t even love me. How could something so good leave me feeling so empty. This had to stop. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this low with Azmir and I never wanted to again. What a way to start a vacation in the middle of paradise.

We lay there skin to skin for nearly an hour. My head spun and my heart bled. I was out-of-my-league-in-love with this man who suddenly I felt so disconnected to. What was even more strange is that he had to have felt a change in me—in us as well, over the past day or so, but was still here with me. I had lost control of myself. Something had to go. Maybe Harrison’s visit was a gift and a curse.

I drifted off and apparently so did Azmir because he jumped at the sound the doorbell ringing. He rose from the bed dazed. Then the bell rang again.

“Shit. Dinner!” he exclaim as he bolts out of bed going for his swimming trunks. He runs downstairs. I slowly rise from the bed and find my way into the shower where I tortured myself even more about the potential end of my life with Azmir.

I made my way downstairs to find two people in the kitchen. I dashed into the small office where I found Azmir on his laptop.

“Who are those folks in the kitchen?”

He turned around to me and chuckles, “Chefs. I didn’t bring you out here for you to cook. I had to tell them it’s okay to let themselves in. So be cognizant of that during meal times.” He searches my eyes. “You look tired.”

“So do you.” I didn’t know where we stood after our copulatory standoff earlier.

He rubs his eyes with his thumbs, “A little. I’m gonna hit the shower. Dinner should be done soon.” Rising from his seat, he kissed me on the forehead before leaving the room.

We had dinner that night outside on the dining deck, under the Polynesian skies. My mood had improved slightly, but my dismal thoughts loomed. After dinner, Azmir had arranged for us to attend a show, but we were both exhausted from the travel that we agreed that we’d postpone the show to get some rest.

The next morning we were awakened by the ringing phone. Azmir unhooked his arms from my resting body to answer it. He didn’t say much and quickly got off.

“Brimm, you have a scheduled spa treatment on the water in twenty minutes. No bra is needed.”

I take a minute to process his words in all my grogginess. “I didn’t arrange for that.”

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