Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I’m spun back into reality and caught off guard by his calling me by my first name. That typically happened when he was angry with me, or during sex, if then.

“Very nice. I really appreciate the gesture. In fact, let me take the time to say thanks for this entire experience. It’s truly one of a lifetime, Mr. Jacobs.”

Azmir’s eyebrows narrow. I heard the build of sadness in my own voice. I felt like I was saying goodbye already.

“My pleasure,” he mutters puzzled. “And your expedition in town?” he asks while the waiter is placing our appetizers before us. Aata has also arrived with our drinks.

“That was beautiful. I thought of how nice it would have been had you come,” I admit as I look down at the spring rolls and duck kabobs that looked quite delicious. Azmir serves me first and then himself. I bite into the spring roll and my taste buds are all manic from the artful culinary experience that was occurring. I look over to Azmir and something hits me.

“Do you eat fast-food?”

He gives me an unwilled, sexy gaze as he finishes swallowing his food. “Where did that come from?”

“Well, when I think about it, I eat very well with you. And the fact that I’ve never seen you eat drive thru before. Not to mention you have a chef.”

He doesn’t break his gape as he says, “I haven’t had fast-food in quite a few years. Maybe three or so.”


“I got sick again after eating at my last fast-food restaurant. I went to the doctor to learn that my aging body no longer responds well to those types of foods.”


I continued my line of questioning, “So is that the reason for Boyd?”

I’m now super-intrigued. He continues looking at his plate as he considers my question. “It took some time to readjust my life so that I’d have the time to sit for a meal. My doctors stayed on me about lifestyle alterations. Things started taking shape in my life and I finally made the decision to hire a cook.”

“Things? Such as?”

He snorted. He wasn’t used to me asking questions and neither was I, but I had the sudden urge to learn more about this man. “Such as me working primarily at the rec and building my team there, ending my former relationship, finding a new place, and meeting you.”

Wow. I couldn’t deny how good it felt hearing myself included in his new and improved life.

“Your positive changes has seeped over into my life. I do eat better, obviously, and your personal trainer has given me the results I’ve always dreamed of.”

“You look amazing. You always have, but there’s nothing wrong with change,” he utters slowly, causing those electrical-like currents to flash through me. I muzzle my libido. I can’t afford to slip into an intimate situation with Azmir. I need to let him know that we need a change.

“Speaking of change, I’m sure you’ve taken note of mine over the past couple of days.”

He nods. “Yes, Ms. Brimm, I most certainly have and I haven’t been too pleased about it.”

Whoa! Talk about direct.

Our dishes are being cleared for the next course. I’m ansty and hope that he can’t sense the fidgety movement of my hands and legs underneath the table. I wait as Aata clears the table and Ihu places our hot plates in front of us. I continue with my introspect, feeling it’s do or die.

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