Love In Between

“I’m going to come any second, babe,” he moaned as he thrust his hips back and forth.


I continued to fist his base as I gave his cock one hard suck; feeling and tasting his salty liquid explode in my mouth. He pressed both hands against the shower wall as he let out one last moan and gave me every last drop he had. I looked up at him and smiled as he took my hand and helped me up. He pulled me against him as his mouth smashed with mine. His kiss was strong and forceful, letting me know that he was grateful.


“God, babe, you’re amazing.”


“I know.” I smiled.


Luke chuckled, and we finished up our shower. He quickly got dressed, kissed me goodbye, and flew out the door. As I was in the bathroom, putting on my make-up, my phone rang. I reached over and grabbed it off the shelf, only to see that my mother was calling.


“Hi, Mom,” I answered.


“Hi, Lily. I’m sure you know that tomorrow is your sister’s birthday, and I was hoping that maybe you could give her a call.”


I sighed, as we’d been over this a thousand times. “Mom, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive Brynn for what she did. Listen, I don’t have time to discuss this right now. I’ve got a lot of things to do, and I’m already running late. I’ll talk to you later,” I said as I ended the call.


I finally finished getting ready, so I decided to call Giselle.


“Hello,” she answered sleepily.


“Hey, did I wake you?”


“No, I’ve just been dozing on and off. I’ve spent half the morning puking.”


“Would you mind some company? I need to talk to you about something.”


“Sure, come on over. I don’t have anything going on today.”


“I’m on my way,” I said as I hung up.




“Come on in, girl.” Giselle smiled as she opened the door.


I reached over and hugged her. She stood there in her white satin robe, which was tied around her waist. Her long brown, normally perfect hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail.


“You look like you’re not doing too well.”


“I’m not. I have severe morning sickness.”


“I brought some bagels. I thought the baby might like one.”


“Ugh, this kid doesn’t like anything,” she said as she sat down on the couch and hugged the pillow.


“Have you tried crackers?”


“Yes, and they don’t work either. I throw up for four hours, and then it stops.”


“Your morning sickness will go away soon.”


“Not soon enough.” She pouted. “Anyway, what did you want to talk about?”


“Do you know the name of a good therapist around here?”


Giselle tilted her head and pushed out her bottom lip as she looked at me. “You’re seeking therapy, sweetie?”


“Luke and I got into a huge fight yesterday over him not being around as much since he took ownership of the bar. It was my entire fault, and I called him ‘Johnny.’”


As Giselle’s mouth dropped, she reached over and grabbed my hand. “Why on earth would you call him ‘Johnny’?”


“Because at that moment, I was having flashbacks of my parents, and the things my dad used to say. Music was his life and his world. It was his passion, and he put every waking moment he had into it. Suddenly, I saw that in Luke with the bar, and I freaked out, especially since Hunter never had time for me.”


She sighed. “You need therapy!”


“I know I do. Now give me a name, because I know in your industry, ninety percent of the models are in therapy.”


Giselle laughed as she got up from the couch and grabbed her cell phone. As she scrolled through it, she asked me if I wanted a male or female therapist. I looked at her with a twisted face because it didn’t matter. I wanted the therapist who was the best.


“I would call Dr. Evelyn Blakely,” she said. “Marissa sees her, and she said she’s a god-send, so I’m taking that to mean she’s good.”


As I took my phone from my purse, I noticed a text message from Luke.


“I just wanted you to know that I can’t stop thinking about your beautiful, talented mouth, and it’s distracting me from my work.”


I smiled as I quickly responded.


“Good, that was the plan, baby.”


“Are you going to be coming to the bar?”


“Yeah, I’ll be there later. I have a few things that I need to do first.”


“See you later, Lily. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


I tapped the contact button and asked Giselle for the number for Dr. Blakely. She rattled it off as she sprang from the couch and ran to the bathroom.


I dialed the number and waited for someone to answer.


“Dr. Blakely’s office, Janelle speaking. How may I assist you?”


“I would like to schedule an appointment to see Dr. Blakely, please.”


“Are you a new patient?”




“I know this is kind of short notice, but do you think you can be here in thirty minutes? I just had someone cancel about an hour ago.”


“Wow. Yeah, I can be there in thirty minutes,” I said.


“Your name, please.”


“Lily Gilmore,” I replied.


Giselle emerged from the bathroom and sat down next to me. “I swear this kid is going to kill me.”


“Aw, don’t say things like that.” I smiled as I put my hand on her flat stomach. “Anyway, I have to go. Dr. Blakely’s office told me to be there in thirty minutes.”


“Wow! Who gets into therapy that fast?”


“They just had a cancellation.”


“See, it was meant to be.” Giselle smiled as she got up and walked me to the door.




SANDI LYNN's books