Love In Between

“I thought you couldn’t make it tonight, man,” Luke said.


“Gretchen got called on a last minute photo shoot. The model they had got sick at the last minute, so they needed a replacement.”


Charley came running down the stairs in her pink, frilly bathing suit and ran straight to Sam.


“Uncle Sammy, are you going to go swimming with us?!” she excitedly asked.


“You bet I am!”


Sam and Luke changed into their bathing suits and took Charley into the pool. I sat on the patio with Annie, Tom, and Maddie as we talked and drank margaritas.




Annie and Tom’s backyard was simply breathtaking. The beauty of the stone patio and perfectly placed palm trees gave way to the infinity shaped pool and hot tub that sat next to it. There was a built-in grill over to the side and a large glass patio set that sat in the middle. Exquisite flowers were planted in stone pots, surrounding the space, and the in-ground lights began lighting up the area as the sun had set, and dusk was setting in.


“So, tell me about your family,” Annie said.


I smiled lightly because I knew it was inevitable. If Luke and I were going to continue our relationship, then they would need to know everything about me.


“My father was Johnny Gilmore,” I said as I took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh.


Tom looked at me and cocked his head. “The Johnny Gilmore? As in Johnny Gilmore, the musician?”


I nodded my head as I took a sip of my margarita. “Yep, that’s the one.”


Annie put her hand on my knee. “I’m so sorry for your loss. I remember reading about your father’s massive heart attack in the papers. He was so young; what a shame.”


I lowered my head as I moved my straw back and forth, banging the ice cubes against the glass. “Well, I’m sure all the alcohol he drank and all the drugs he did, didn’t help.”


“He was a brilliant musician, and that’s what you should remember him for.” Tom winked at me. “Do you play the guitar, Lily?” he asked.


“Yes, I do. Johnny began teaching me when I was four years old.”


“You’ll have to play for us sometime. We’d love to hear you play.” Annie smiled.


I looked straight ahead at the massive in-ground pool where Luke and Sam were swimming with Charley. There was laughter and a lot of splashing going on.


“Maddie told us that you just moved to Santa Monica. Where were you living before?” Annie asked.


“I grew up in Seattle, but I spent the last year living in Portland. I needed a fresh start and leaving Seattle was the only way to get it. I moved here because I was offered a year-long substitute teaching job.”


Annie reached over and grabbed my hand. “May I ask why you wanted a fresh start?”


I looked at her and Tom and pursed my lips together. I took a sip of my margarita and sighed. They were great people, and I found them very easy to talk to—as if I’ve known them my whole life. I felt connected to them and I found comfort in them, just like I do in Luke.


“I caught my ex-fiancé cheating on me, in the church on our wedding day.”


Annie gasped as she squeezed my hand. “Lily, I’m so sorry.”


“The worst part is that my mother knew about it, and I guess it had been going on behind my back for a long time, but she was going to let me marry him anyway.”


Annie tilted her head to the side and frowned as she listened to my words. “Lily, you poor girl. I just want to reach over and hug you right now, but I don’t want Luke to think something’s wrong, so I’ll hug you later.” She smiled.


Tom looked at me and held up his glass. “You got dealt a raw deal in life, Lily, but look at it this way, you never would have met my son, and we wouldn’t be in the presence of excellent company right now.”


“Now, I’ll drink to that,” Annie said as she tapped both of our glasses.


Luke got out of the pool, grabbed a towel, and walked over to where we were sitting. “What are you toasting to without me?” he asked.


“We’re just toasting your beautiful girlfriend.” Tom winked at me.


Now I know where Luke gets all his winking from. I smiled as Luke leaned over and kissed me with his cold, wet lips. Maddie came out of the house with two more margaritas, and she handed one to me.


“I’ll be right back, babe. I’m going to go change,” Luke said.


Sam carried Charley out of the pool and set her down on the patio. Maddie told her to go inside the house, change into dry clothes, and then go watch TV while the grown-ups talked. She whined a bit, but I could see how tired she was.














I changed out of my bathing suit, rushing to get back to Lily and the others to announce that I’d be buying Bernie’s Bar. I couldn’t believe that I was actually going to do it, and I knew it was going to be a lot of hard work, but with Lily by my side, it’ll be worth it. As I walked down the stairs, I saw Charley curled up on the couch, watching cartoons. I walked over to her, kissed her on the head, and as she looked up and smiled, her eyes were ready to close. As I grabbed a beer from the kitchen, I sat down next to Lily, taking her hand in mine.


“I have an announcement that I’d like to make”—looking around the room—“I’ve decided to buy Bernie’s Bar.”


“Dude! That’s awesome!” Sam exclaimed.


Lily looked over at me, smiled, and put her hand on my cheek. I knew she was happy.


“Luke, my boy, that’s wonderful news. If you need any help, let me know,” my dad said proudly.


My mom got up from her chair and hugged me. “I’m so proud of you, son. You’re finally going to put that settlement money to good use.”


Maddie stood up and high-fived me, because she’d be managing the bar once I take over, which meant better hours for her. I leaned over and kissed Lily on the lips.


“It makes me happy that you decided to follow your dreams,” she said.


“It’s because of you, babe.” I smiled.


My good news didn’t last long as my father decided to say something to Maddie about Charley’s dad.


SANDI LYNN's books