Love In Between



I got up from my seat, headed back to the apartment, grabbed my tool box, and fixed Mrs. Kramer’s toilet.














I set the vase of roses that Luke sent me on the counter as I thought about what I was going to wear to his family’s house. I was starting to get nervous because I haven’t met anyone’s family in a very long time. I always worry they won’t like me or find something wrong with me. I wondered where Luke was; usually he’s waiting for me when I get home. Looking out my window, I noticed his motorcycle wasn’t there, so I grabbed my phone and sent him a text message.


“Where’s my knight in shining armor?”


A few moments later, a message came through.


“I’m at the store, babe. I had something that I needed to pick up. I’ll be over shortly.”


“See you soon,” I replied back.


I walked into my bedroom and opened the closet door. I wanted to look perfect for his family, and I didn’t want them to be able to see the destruction that had been left inside me thanks to my family. I took off my work clothes and stood in front of the open closet in my bra and panties. Suddenly, a voice came from behind me, startling me from my thoughts.


“Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes,” Luke said as he leaned up against the doorway with his hands behind his back.


“Shit, Luke, you scared me,” I said as I turned around and looked at him.


“Sorry, babe, but what do you expect when you’re standing there in nothing but your bra and that delicious lace thong.”


I smiled as I walked over to him. “What are you hiding behind your back?” I asked as I ran my finger down the front of his shirt. His top lip curled as he looked at me and brought his hands forward, revealing a helmet.


“Surprise!” he said.


I put my hands over my mouth in shock. “Luke!”


“I know, you probably hate me right now for this, but you should have your own helmet if you’re going to be riding on my bike.”


“I don’t hate you at all; I love it!” I exclaimed as I took it from his hands.


The helmet was black with white lilies all over it, and it had my name engraved on the side. I reached up and kissed Luke’s smiling lips. “Thank you, baby; I love it.”


He took the helmet from my hands, put it on my head, and then placed his hands on my hips. “God, you’re so sexy,” he said.


I walked over to my full-length mirror that sat in the corner of my bedroom. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as I stood there and examined myself in nothing but my bra, panties, and a motorcycle helmet.


“Why are you laughing?” Luke asked as he walked over to me.


“I look ridiculous like this.”


As he cupped my ass, he grinned. “I seriously want to fuck you with that helmet on.”


I instantly removed the helmet, turned around, and smacked Luke on chest. “You’re crazy! I’m not having sex with that on!” I exclaimed.


Luke sighed. “Fine, leave it off then,” he said as he pushed me down on the bed and smiled.




I looked out the window of Luke’s Jeep as we drove down the street to his parent’s house. The streets were lined with trees and huge houses with well-manicured lawns. Luke reached over and took my hand.


“Please tell me you’re not nervous.”


“Why would I be nervous? I’m only meeting my boyfriend’s parents for the first time,” I said as I looked over at him.


“You’re a smart-ass.” Luke laughed as he brought my hand to his lips and gently kissed it.


As he pulled into the driveway, I admired the vast amount of palm trees that stood in front of the beige color, two-story home. I took in a deep breath before Luke got out of his Jeep and walked around to open the door for me.


“Close your eyes and breathe, Lily,” he said as he helped me from the Jeep. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. My family is as easygoing as they come, and they’re going to love you.”


I nodded my head and smiled as we walked up the driveway to the front door. As Luke put his hand on the handle and pushed the door open, Charley came running over to us.


“Uncle Luke, Lily!” she exclaimed as Luke scooped her up in his arms.


“Long time no see, peanut,” he said as he tapped her on the nose.


“Grandma, Grandpa, and Mommy are in the kitchen,” she said.




“Well, let’s go see them and introduce Lily.” Luke smiled.


We walked down the hallway, and I could hear the rapid beating of my heart. As we approached the kitchen, Luke put Charley down and walked over to his mom.


“Luke, you’re here!” she exclaimed as she hugged him tight. “Thank you for the beautiful flower arrangement.”


Maddie walked over to me and gave me a hug. “Don’t be nervous,” she whispered.


Luke broke his hug from his mom and turned to his dad who patted him on the back as the two of them hugged each other. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Lily Gilmore.” Luke smiled as he held out his hand for mine.


“Oh, Lily, It’s wonderful to meet you! You can call me Annie,” she said as she hugged me tight.


“It’s nice to meet you as well; I’ve heard so much about you.”


“It better be all good, or Luke will be in trouble,” Annie said as she shot Luke a look.


“Of course it’s all good.” I smiled.


Luke’s father held his arms out. “It’s nice to meet you, Lily. You can call me Tom.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Tom.” I smiled.


Luke walked over, smiled, and put his arm around me. “They love you already,” he whispered.


I stood in front of the island and admired the granite counter tops that sat amongst the cherry cabinets, which matched the cherry wood floors. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the kitchen in my childhood home. The resemblance was incredible.


“Come on everyone, let’s start cooking dinner!” Annie exclaimed.


SANDI LYNN's books