Love In Between

“Did something happen between you and Luke?” she asked as she sat on the bed.


“No, why do you ask?”


“I don’t know. When Sam and I got back to the apartment, he looked more depressed than usual.”


“I don’t know what his problem is, but I don’t need it,” I said as I slid on my silver bracelet.


Gretchen jumped up from the bed. “Something did happen! You better tell me right now, Lily Gilmore!”


“We shared a small kiss, but he regretted it and left. There’s nothing more to tell, and I don’t want to talk about it again.”


Gretchen came up behind me and put her arms around my neck. “He’s badly wounded, Lily, and he doesn’t know how to heal. Sam said Luke’s pretty much isolated himself since the accident.”


“I’m sorry about that, and I feel really bad for him, but I’m not the person to put him back together again. I’m broken too, and I have my own issues. I don’t need to take on someone else’s.”


“Wow, Lils. That’s deep. But tell me this, what’s more perfect than two broken people trying to heal each other?”


“Let it go, Gretchen. I’m done with guys, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Let’s go now because I need a drink.”


“I know you when you get like this, and you better stay away from the vodka,” she warned as she grabbed her keys.














“Dude, come on, get out of the shower already,” I said as I pounded on the bathroom door. “You’re worse than a girl!”


“I’ll be out in a minute!” Sam yelled.


I couldn’t get my mind off of Lily, and I couldn’t believe I kissed her. Her soft lips against mine were intoxicating, and it left me wanting to explore more of her. She probably thinks I’m a jerk, and this will probably ruin our friendship. How could I be so stupid? I haven’t kissed a girl since Callie.


“Bro, what’s up?” Sam said as he stood in the doorway of my bedroom.


“Nothing, I’m just thinking about some things.”


“I could tell you were in deep thought the way you were just standing there. Are you ok?”


“Yeah, I’m fine. I kissed Lily,” I blurted out.


“What! Seriously, man?”


“Don’t make it a bigger deal than it already is. I’m sure she hates me now, and I’m positive I ruined our friendship,” I said as I walked out of the bedroom.


“You didn’t ruin anything, Luke. I can tell Lily likes you and maybe kissing her was what you needed to do to let her know you’re interested in her. And don’t say you’re not, because I know you,” he said as he pointed at me.


“I can’t stop my feelings, but I can stop my actions. I find that when I’m with Lily, I think less and less about Callie, and that’s not right, man.”


Sam walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Luke, you loved Callie, and what you had was great, but she’s gone, and you have to start accepting that. Do you think Callie would want you to live in misery and not move on? Wouldn’t you want Callie to find someone who’d make her happy and take care of her the way you did? Dude, come on, you need to let go.”


“You think it’s so easy,” I said as I wiped away a tear that fell down my face. I grabbed my keys from counter. “Let’s go,” I said as I walked out the door, out of the building, and climbed into the Jeep.




As we walked into Bernie’s, I saw Lily sitting at the bar. Gretchen jumped up and ran over to hug Sam. I didn’t know what to say to Lily. I already apologized for kissing her. She turned around and looked at me as I gave her a small smile before walking over to the stage to get things set up. Shortly after, Lucky came strolling in with his arm around Giselle.


“Feeling good tonight, boys.” Lucky strutted over with a big smile across his face.


I looked at him and rolled my eyes. “Let me guess, you got laid.”


“That’s right, Lukey boy,” he said as he slapped me on the back. “You should try it sometime.”


I ignored him because he was Lucky, and that’s how he was. When we got the stage set up, the bar had already filled up since Bernie had advertised that we’d be playing tonight. I kept looking over at Lily, but she wouldn’t look at me. She kept her back turned and drank her beer. I took a deep breath, and I walked over and sat on the bar stool next to her.


“Hey,” I said.


She picked up her beer, took a sip, and looked at me. “Hey.”


Candi, the bartender, walked over to where we were sitting. “The usual, Luke?”


“The usual.” I smiled.


Lily sat there and stared at her beer bottle. “I’m sorry about earlier,” I said.


“Sorry about what?” She smiled as she looked at me.


“Um, when I crossed the line and kissed you.”


She tilted her head and slowly shook it. “I’m sorry, Luke, but I don’t recall you kissing me.”


I grinned because that was her way of telling me that everything was cool between us. I held up my beer bottle as she held up hers, and we lightly tapped them together.


“I have to get on stage now.”


“Good luck.” She smiled.














I sat there while Luke walked to the stage. He was still apologizing for our kiss. I could tell he felt awkward about it, so I had to turn it into nothing, even though it was something to me. It was something real that stirred up desire and passion from within. Something I won’t so easily be able to forget. I was in deep thought, holding the beer bottle between both my hands, when I heard his voice. I closed my eyes for a moment because his voice was breathtaking. As I turned around to face the stage, I saw him standing there, in his stonewashed jeans and brown boots. His navy blue shirt was tight and emphasized his muscular, ripped body. He was sexy as hell, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted him to kiss me again. I needed another drink, so I motioned for Candi, and I ordered a shot of vodka. The beer just wasn’t doing it, and I needed to forget about Luke, the kiss, and my mother. I threw back the shot that Candi set down in front of me, and I ordered another. I listened intently as he sang his song. The words haunted me.




SANDI LYNN's books