Love In Between

“I will. I want to wait for you.” She smiled. “I want to know more about this band you have.”


“It’s no big deal. Bernie’s is the bar Maddie works at. I play guitar and sing a couple of songs every once in a while. Sam plays on the keyboard, and Lucky’s the drummer.”


“That’s cool. I’m surprised you never mentioned it.”


“I guess I didn’t think about it,” I said.


“What’s your band’s name?” Lily asked.


I froze because I didn’t want to explain it. I wasn’t ready to open that door and walk down that road with her.




I took in a deep breath. “The band’s called ‘Love In Between’.”


“Cool name. How did you come up with it?”


“You know what, Lily; you really should go eat. Don’t wait for me.”


“Oh, ok,” she said before walking away.


I could tell by the look on her face that I had hurt her feelings, so I turned around and watched her walk back to the table. Now, I felt like shit. Damn it. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I just can’t talk about anything to do with Callie. It still hurts too much.


I finished grilling the second round of hamburgers and hot dogs then walked over to the table. I sat down and stared at Lily as she sat in the sand across from my friend, Jasper, who was playing guitar. They were talking, and then he handed her his guitar. I watched her as she strummed each chord. She looked amazing with a guitar. As I sat there, watching her, Gretchen came over, grabbed a hot dog and sat down next to me.


“She’s pretty amazing with the guitar. She gets it from her father,” Gretchen said.


“I’ve only heard her play a couple of times.”


“Well, I’ll ask her to play later. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m saying it anyway. Sam told me about the accident and Callie, and I’m really sorry for your loss. I was there with Lily when she found out about Hunter and Brynn. I saw the look of pain and betrayal on her face, and I was there the whole night, holding her and telling her that everything’s going to be ok. I’ve never seen someone so hurt in my life, that is, until I met you.”


I turned and looked at her. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked.


“It means that the first time I saw you, I saw the same look on your face that I see on Lily’s every day. She puts up a good front, but deep inside, she’s dying, and not only because of what Hunter did, but because of her family, including her father. I see that in you.”


I turned away. I didn’t want to hear anymore, and I wasn’t in the mood to get lectured. I get enough of that from my mom and Maddie. Gretchen got up and left the table. I looked over to where Lily was sitting, but she was gone, so I got up and walked over to where Sam was standing.


“Hey, bro, have you seen Lily?”


“Yeah, she’s over there in the water.” Sam pointed.


“Thanks, man.”


I walked to the shoreline and into the water, and she looked at me. “Want some company?!” I yelled out to her.


“Sure!” she shouted back.


I swam over to where she was. “I’m sorry about earlier.”


“Don’t be.”


“No, I was an asshole. It’s just that I don’t want to talk about certain things.”


“I get it, Luke. I’m the queen of not wanting to talk about things, so please, don’t worry about it.”


I smiled at her. Every time I saw her, I found myself smiling.


“I want you to come to the bar tonight,” I blurted out.


“I’d love to. Thank you for inviting me.”


We swam back to the shore, and Lily looked at me.


“I think I’m going to ask Giselle to drive me home.”


“If you’re ready to leave, I’ll take you.”


“No, you stay and enjoy yourself.”


“I’m taking you home, Lily. End of discussion.”


She shook her head at me and grabbed her bag.














I climbed onto the back of Luke’s bike and wrapped my arms him, making sure to close my eyes as he took off out of the parking lot. It was getting easier to ride with him, and I didn’t feel as scared anymore. He told me that I’d be safe with him, and that’s how he made me feel.


We reached the building, Luke parked his bike, and we both climbed off.


“Aren’t you going back to the beach?” I asked as I handed him his helmet.


“Nah, I think I’m going to practice some songs for tonight.”


As we walked to our apartments and inserted our keys into the lock, we both turned and looked at each other.


“See you later,” he said.


“Yeah, see you later.” I smiled.


I walked into my apartment and threw my keys onto the counter; then I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror; my hair was a hot mess, not only from the water, but from Luke’s motorcycle helmet. I stepped into the shower and washed the salt and sand off my body. After spending a ridiculous amount of time in there, I turned the shower off and stepped out only to hear my phone chiming. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me as I walked over to my bag to get my phone. There was a text message from Giselle.


“Brace yourself darling, I just got a call from your mom.”


I gasped, and my eyes grew wide. “What the hell did she say?”


“She said she misses you dearly, and she wants to speak with you. She’s trying to track you down. I told her that I haven’t talked to you in months, and that the last time I did, you were in Portland.”


“Thanks, Giselle.”


“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tonight at the bar.”


“You’re going?”


“Yep, Lucky invited me. He’s so sexy, Lily!”


Oh God, I didn’t know how to respond to that. Giselle and Lucky are total opposites. I messaged her back.


SANDI LYNN's books