Love In Between

“Because I think you two would make a great couple, and I wanted to get her feel about dating.”


“Bro, leave it alone. Jesus Christ, I already told you that I’m not interested in dating anyone.”


“Uncle Luke, I’m pretty sure J.C. is a bad word when used that way,” Charley said as she sat down at the table.


“I’m sorry, Charley.” I sighed as I set down the plate of pancakes in front of her.


Sam got up from the bar stool and sat at the table across from Charley. “Dude, what the hel—heck did you do my pancakes? They’re frowning cakes,” he said with a pout.


I rolled my eyes and poured myself a cup of coffee. Just as I was about to sit down, Maddie walked into the apartment.


“Good morning, baby,” she said as she walked over and kissed Charley on the head. “Good morning, guys.”


“Hey, Charley, would you mind if Sam took you home while I talk to your mom for a few minutes?”


Charley looked at Sam and tilted her head. “Will you give me a piggyback ride upstairs?”


“You bet I will. Hop on, little girl, and we’ll giddy-up outta here.”


Charley climbed on Sam’s back and giggled. As soon as the door shut, Maddie asked me what was going on.


“Lily’s the daughter of Johnny Gilmore,” I said.


“What? As in Johnny Gilmore, the musician?”


“Yeah, and she lied to me about something.”


“What did she lie about, Luke?” Maddie asked as she poured more coffee into our cups.


“She told me that her family was killed a couple of years ago in an accident, but I did some research. The only person who died in her family was her father, and I remember that day. The reports said he had a massive heart attack. Her mom and sister are still alive and living in Seattle.” I grabbed my laptop, set it on the table, and brought up the article I saw last night. “Here, read this,” I said as I turned my laptop towards Maddie.


“Wow, poor girl,” she said as she looked up at me. “She obviously had her reasons for telling you her family’s dead. I know that if I had a sister and caught her having sex with my fiancé, I would never talk to her again. But to find them on her wedding day, in the church! Cut her some slack, Luke, you don’t know the whole story.”


I stood there for a few moments, pondering what Maddie had said. “You’re right, sis. Thanks.”


“You’re falling for her, aren’t you?” Maddie asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.


“No, we’re just friends,” I replied.


“It’s ok, Luke. Don’t fight what’s natural,” she said as she walked out the door.


I sighed and started cleaning up the kitchen.














I laid there in bed, staring at window as the sunlight filtered through the sides of the blinds. It was going to be another beautiful day, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to the beach. After last night, I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. I know for a fact that I’m falling for Luke. His brown eyes stared at me intently when I talked. His sculpted face and chiseled chin was perfection, as was his perfectly shaped lips that I’ve found myself wanting to touch. It’s the way he lit up the room when he smiled, and his perfect body; a body that’s strong and that I know could protect me. I fantasized about running my hands across his chest and down to his forbidden area...


Snapping out of my fantasy, I threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. I did a little stomping dance because I’m angry with myself for thinking about him that way. I refuse to give my heart away; it’s mine, and it’s my job to keep it safe. It’s tucked away deep inside, and I won’t let it come out. It won’t be able to withstand any more pain. After I threw my hissy fit, I picked up my phone and sent a text message to Luke.


“Something came up, so I won’t be able to go to the beach today. Sorry, maybe next time.”


I waited for a response, but I didn’t get one. Maybe he’s pissed at me for not telling him who my father is or maybe he just doesn’t care whether I go or not. Whatever the reason, I don’t care. I can’t care. I won’t care.


I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and threw my hair up into a ponytail; then I put on my bikini because I decided that, when everyone left for the beach, I was going to lay out by the pool. I threw on my jean shorts and a tank top. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I saw I still hadn’t received a message from Luke. I sighed and walked into the living room. The beer bottles from last night were still on the coffee table. As I was walking over to pick them up, there was a knock at the door. I looked out the peephole, and Luke was standing on the other side. My heart started racing as I turned the lock and opened the door.


“Good morning,” I said.


“Morning,” he replied. “Can I come in?”


“Oh sure,” I said as I stepped out of the way. “What’s up?” I could feel something was off between us.


“Grab your things. You’re coming to the beach,” he said.


“Didn’t you get my text? I told you something came up.”


“I got it, and I don’t believe you, so grab your things, and let’s go. The gang is probably already there.”


“I don’t appreciate you being so bossy,” I snapped.


He stared at me with his beautiful brown eyes that were making me weak in the knees. I had to turn away because I was starting to melt right in front of him. I walked over and picked up the beer bottles. As I walked passed him, he reached out and lightly grabbed my arm.


“I know you probably think things are weird now because of last night, but they’re not. You said that you would come to the beach with us. I don’t want you changing your mind over something that isn’t true. Things are fine, Lily.”


I stood there for a moment before looking at him. I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He let go of my arm, and I set the bottles on the counter.


“Let me go get my things. I’ll be right back,” I said as I headed towards my bedroom. I grabbed my bag that was already packed for the pool, grabbed my camera, and then I slid on my flip-flops and walked back to the living room.


SANDI LYNN's books