Love In Between



I was on cloud nine. Luke left me breathless with that kiss, and for the first time in a very long time, I was happy. Nothing was on my mind except Luke and our upcoming date. I walked to the bedroom to change. As I stood at my closet and stared at the clothes hanging on the rack, I picked up my phone from the bed and sent Luke a text message.


“Hi, casual or dressy?”


“Hi right back. Which do you prefer?”




“Casual it is then. Actually, it was always casual.”


I smiled and replied, “Good. See you soon!” I heard a soft knock on the wall.


“Did you just knock on the wall?”




“LOL, why?”


“I just wanted you to know that I’m right on the other side if you need anything.”


“Thank you, but I need to get ready, or I won’t be ready when you come to pick me up.”


“Pick you up? Why don’t you pick me up?”


“You asked me out, remember?”


“Of course I do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick me up.”


I laughed. “Fine, I’ll pick you up.”


“Good. I’ll be waiting.”


I smiled and shook my head as I pulled out a pair of black Capri pants. The floral print maxi dress I bought was hanging there, with the tag still attached. I haven’t had the chance to wear it yet, so I put the pants back and pulled out the dress—it was casual enough. I picked up my phone and sent another text message to Luke.


“Are we taking your motorcycle?”


“Do you want to?”


“Not really. I needed to make sure because I want to wear this dress I bought.”


“I thought this was casual.”


“It is causal; it’s a casual dress.”


“Then maybe we’ll take my bike. I’d like to see you get on it in that dress.”


I smiled as I bit my bottom lip. “Bye, Luke.”


“Bye, Lily.”


I took the tag off and slipped it on—it was perfect. I walked into the bathroom and decided to wear my hair wavy. By the time I was done, it was already time to leave. I slipped on my flip-flops, grabbed my purse, and walked next door to Luke’s. I knocked on the door and gasped when he opened it. He was wearing dark jeans with a white, button down cotton shirt that he left untucked. Once again, he took my breath away. He smiled at me, grabbed my hand, and turned me around.


“You look amazing,” he said.


I smiled as he pulled me into him, and we shared a small kiss. “You’re looking pretty sexy yourself, Mr. Matthews.”


“I try.” He winked.


He shut and locked the door; then we headed to his Jeep.


“Do you like Mexican food?” he asked.


“I love Mexican food.” I smiled.


“Good; then Mexican it is.” He smiled back.


I found myself no longer being nervous around him. He was such an easygoing guy, and he made me feel safe, unlike the first time I met him when I thought he was an ass. We pulled into the restaurant and got out of the Jeep. Luke grabbed my hand and held it. I looked at him and smiled as we made our way to the entrance. We sat outside on the patio for dinner. I ordered a margarita, and Luke ordered a beer. We talked a little bit about Charley, and he asked me how I got into teaching, so I told him how much I loved kids. Just as we finished our drinks, he touched on a taboo subject—my family.


“What was it like growing up with Johnny Gilmore?”


“You want to know the truth?”


“Of course I do,” he said as he gave me a weird look.


“It was like living in a whore house.”


He didn’t have a chance to respond because the waitress brought over our food. I took a bite of my taco as he stared at me.


“I’m sorry, Lily.”


I wiped my mouth with my napkin. “Don’t be, you didn’t know. We can talk more about it later.”


Luke smiled at me and nodded his head.




We walked, hand in hand, back to his Jeep, and he walked over to the passenger side to open the door for me. Before I could get in, he cupped my chin in his hand and softly kissed me on the lips.


“I’ve wanted to do that since we got here.” He smiled.


“I’ve been waiting for you to do it,” I said as I bit my bottom lip.


We climbed into the Jeep, and he drove us to the cove.




“I thought this would be the perfect place for us to be alone and talk.”


“It’s the perfect place,” I said as he led me to the secluded area.


I sat in the sand as he built a small bonfire. The atmosphere was beautiful, and there was no other place I wanted to be but here with him.


“So, you wanted to know about life with Johnny Gilmore, right?” I asked.


He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll understand.”


“My father was a man whore that slept with any woman who glanced his way. My mother knew about it and threatened to divorce him if he didn’t stop. He promised her that he would, so to try and keep her from finding out, he would use me and my sister as an excuse. He called it ‘daddy-daughter day’. Once a week, he’d take me and my sister somewhere fun; then we’d end up at one of his whores’ house, and he’d make us sit on the couch while he went and fucked her in the bedroom. He would tell us that she was a friend that needed something fixed. This went on for years. Sometimes, at night, he’d ask me if I wanted to go for ice cream, and he’d make me sit in the car, alone and in the dark, and wait for him while he went inside someone’s house. I’ll never forget the feeling of being so scared.”


Luke finished building the bonfire and walked over to me. He sat behind me and put his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.


“Wow, I really had no idea. What an asshole. Didn’t you ever tell your mom what he was doing?”


“Johnny said that mom wouldn’t understand, and that she’d leave us, and he didn’t want me being responsible for breaking up the family. He said it was our little secret, and that I’d be rewarded in the end.”


SANDI LYNN's books