Jesus Freaks: Sins of the Father

Jesus Freaks: The Prodigal

is planned for release in November 2014


I’m always afraid I’m going to forget someone. Forgive me in advance if I do.

First, and foremost, I have to thank Charles Miles. You thought I was going to say “God”, didn’t you. ;) Gotchya. Charles, love, you have been supportive of this project when it was still just swirling thoughts in my brain. I love sharing this life with you and I do thank Him every single day for you. Thank you for taking on so much: cover design, formatting, and helping me navigate marketing. You’re a true indie-pub warrior.

Pamela Carrion. Your tireless work for Randall’s Readers and all of my promotional craziness is never unappreciated. I wish I could give you the moon, girl, I really do. You’re amazing and anyone is lucky if they have you in their corner.

Erin Roth. It’s a pleasure growing in our editor/writer relationship. The things you catch continue to amaze me. I’m also honored to have a friendship with you growing right along side this business nonsense. <3

My beta readers. Pamela, Laura, Sally, Krystle, Megan, Charles, Lindsay, Melissa B., Lisa, Stacey. You guys are stellar. The cheerleading, the questioning, the word-slaying.

Laura Wilson. Thank you for putting up with reading chunks of this story out of order via text message. Sometimes I just have to get something off my chest. To simply call you a “friend” would be lacking, but there isn’t enough room here for me to describe the gratefulness I have that you’re in my life.

Jessica Fear. Thank you for taking time out of your summer to sketch the picture that became the cover for this book. You’re an incredibly talented young woman, and I look forward to working with you on the rest of this series and beyond.

My parents for giving me a jumping off point in my faith. A place from which I could turn away, but one to which I could return.

My church families. All of them. From the time I was a young girl, through my two-year walk with the Pagans, and when I came back, you’ve all always been there for me. Guiding me. Sometimes silently, sometimes loudly. In your words and actions, direct and indirect, you’ve helped shape my views and beliefs. Specifically, I’d like to thank Pastor Randy and Pastor Sanjoy. The true questions and honest search for answers began and continue with those two men respectively.

Finally, Randall’s Readers. All of these books are really for you. My people.

Andrea Randall's books