Fragile Bonds

I purse my lips tightly, taking a few cleansing breaths before turning around. When I do, I burst out laughing at the look of horror on his face. “Gee, Braydon,” I laugh. “I know I’m no Gisele, but I didn’t think I was so horrific that the concept of dating me would make you physically ill.”

“I…it’s not…” It’s fun watching him stumble over his words after that little bullshit speech of his. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re a beautiful girl, but I’m sure we have nothing in common. I mean, look at you, you work as a home health nurse, taking care of sick people all day. I’m not proud to say it, but I hate being around anyone who has so much as a cold.”

“Damn, Bradyon!” Alyssa squeals. “Keep talking and I’m pretty sure that hole you’re digging will reach China before too long.”

“Dammit, Al, you know what I’m saying,” Braydon huffs. His cheeks are an adorable shade of red with embarrassment. “Fuck, it’s like there are two of you now!”

Braydon storms out of the living room before making any more of an ass of himself. I glance at my watch when I hear the jars clanking in the fridge as he slams the door closed, his first beer of the day in hand. I know it’s his first because, unless things have changed, Braydon Ross will not drink before noon and it’s just now five after twelve.

“Where’s Xavier?” he asks, leaning against the breakfast bar.

“He had some things to do with Jacob this morning. They’ll be back soon,” I inform him as I turn down the hall to get Alyssa’s medication. Braydon follows me, closing Alyssa’s bedroom door quietly behind him. I should have known our conversation wasn’t done.

“Okay, well that was weird,” Braydon sighs. “I guess it’s safe to say she doesn’t know about you and Xavier?”

“No,” I whisper loudly, my eyes nearly ready to bug out of my head. He used to be a smart guy, I can’t imagine he’s foolish enough to think I would be here if she knew the truth. Especially the version of the truth Braydon delivered so eloquently a few minutes ago. “And Xavier would like it to stay that way. I’m sure you understand.”

Braydon nods as he opens the door and sneaks out before Alyssa realizes we were off talking. I gather everything Alyssa needs so she can be comfortable out with the family for a while today. She’ll need a nap at some point, but I promised I would let her help with making dinner as long as she gave me her word she wouldn’t overdo it. Right now, it’s all about balancing what she wants and what she needs.

“Shit,” I mumble as soon as I turn onto Tamarac Lane. I completely forgot that Braydon said he was going to be coming over for the day. It’s his first Christmas since Shelby took off for Atlanta and Alyssa badgered him about his holiday plans until he caved.

“What’s wrong, Daddy?” Jacobs calls from the back seat. As I turn into the driveway, he squeals in delight at the very sight that had me cursing. “Unca Braydon! Daddy, my Unca is here!”

It’s a good thing the boy hasn’t figured out how to work the release on his car seat or I’m pretty sure he would have been out of my Audi before the car was even turned off. “Yes, Uncle Braydon is here, buddy. Be patient and I’ll let you out.”

The front door opens and I see my big brother coming down the steps, much to the delight of his only nephew. “Forget to mention something to me?” he asks, acerbically. I look up to the sky, wishing he would let it be. I know damn well he’s talking about Melanie, but he needs to get it through his thick skull that despite what even I thought at first Melanie has been a godsend to our family.

“Didn’t forget, Bray. Just didn’t tell you,” I respond bluntly. He’s been protective of me since shortly after we met, living up to every unwritten rule of being a big brother. Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where he’s jumping the gun. I can tell by the tick in his jaw and the tension in his neck. “And this is why. You would have told me I was fucking stupid for letting her in. Shit, I thought I was for the first week, but then I saw how good she is at her job. Alyssa didn’t want a traditional hospice nurse because those are for sick people, according to her.”

“Is she in denial?” Braydon asks. His brow is furrowed tightly in concern.

“Nope, but she is adamant that she’s not going to be treated like she’s dying.” Jacob pounding his little fist on the glass of the back door pulls our attention away from anything other than his silly faces staring back at us. If I have to deal with all the heavy shit in my life right now, I’m grateful to have my buddy for comic relief.

“So, what does Melanie do?” As we continue talking, Braydon gets Jacob out of the car while I pull our shopping bags from the trunk. We bought so much crap, but I followed Melanie’s advice and let Jacob buy as much as he wanted for Alyssa. It’s a lifetime of Christmases wrapped up in one melancholy night.

Sloan Johnson's books