Dirty Red (Love Me With Lies)

I nodded … too eagerly. He frowned. “You will be working closely with her while we formulate and test a new drug. I’m putting you in charge of the entire project.”


My jaw dropped. I quickly recovered, wiping the silly smile from my face, trying to be vice president of internal affairs.


It was a big deal. Whatever my father’s motives were for bringing me into the company were all cast aside by this one bit of news. He trusted me with the launching of a new drug. That was huge!


“Thank you, Daddy. I’m so honored.”


He dismissed me with a wave of his hand, and I had to restrain myself from skipping out of the office. The first thing I did was call Caleb.


He was breathless when he picked up the phone. I imagined he’d just come back from a run.


“Wow, Red. I’m so proud of you. I’ll pick you up from work tonight and we’ll celebrate.”


I glowed under his praise. I agreed to be ready by seven. I hung up the phone and smoothed my skirt. I was going to have to take a trip down to the lab where Cash would be setting up her office. Since we were going to be working together, it was in my best interest to get to know her. When I turned toward the door, she was already there.


“Leah,” she said. “May I come in?”


I nodded and motioned for her to take a seat.


“I thought we could maybe get lunch, get to know one another a little bit.”


I decided not to tell her that I was about to do the same thing. Let her think she was chasing me. I was the boss; I should maintain a professional air. I studied her features as she sat across from me. We were around the same age. She was a little leathery, like she’d been best friends with a tanning bed for the last few years. And, I could respect a nice C-cup, but when you delved into the double D’s you were emulating a little too much Jessica Rabbit. Cash was definitely double D’ing it.


“I don’t really know my way around,” she said, crossing her legs. “I just moved here from D.C.”


What did one say to something like that? I really didn’t care where she was from. I smiled.


“You can ride with me. Tomorrow?”


She nodded and stood up. She had a tattoo of a dolphin on her ankle. Strange for someone from D.C.


“Great, see you tomorrow.” She lingered at the door. I thought she was going to say something else, but at the last minute she sped out and turned the corner as if she were running from something.


I watched her walk down the hall and push the button for the elevator. There was something so shady about her. Caleb would probably be able to figure her out. He was good at shit like that. I was almost tempted to let them meet, but then I thought of the way women reacted to Caleb, and I trashed the idea. The last thing I needed was that bottle blond flirting with my boyfriend. I’d just have to keep a close eye on her myself.


When six o’clock came, I slipped into the bathroom to freshen up for my date with Caleb. Luckily I was wearing my new, white Chanel suit. I pulled the pins from my hair and let it tumble down my back. The red was striking against the white. I was beautiful. I knew that, men told me all the time and most women were jealous of me. So jealous it was almost impossible to maintain friendships.


Caleb walked into my office ten minutes early, smelling of pine needles and looking edible. He was always early. I acted surprised, like I hadn’t spent the last twenty minutes primping in the bathroom. I stood up to kiss him and my stomach fluttered when his tongue slipped into my mouth.


“I like this,” he said, running a finger along the material that topped off my cleavage. He was referring to my suit, but with Caleb there was always underlying meaning.


“Why don’t you take it off and see if you like what’s underneath,” I said into his mouth. I liked the idea of christening my new office.


He was considering my offer, when there was a knock on my door.


I pushed away from his chest, annoyed.


“Come in.”


Cash opened the door. Her face flushed when she saw us.


“My God, I’m so sorry,” she said, backing away. “I was coming to ask you if you knew how to get to the nearest Panera.”


Her eyes traveled over us, pausing on Caleb’s face.


I didn’t like the way she was looking at him. I pressed myself closer, wrapping my arms around his neck like a possessive sloth.




She seemed to understand my body language. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly. There was an uncomfortable pause, during which I was waiting for her to go away. Caleb cleared his throat. Introductions, of course.


“Cassandra Wickham, this is my boyfriend, Caleb,” I said, giving the mandatory introduction. Caleb broke away from me to shake her hand. I didn’t want him touching her. She held onto his hand for a few seconds too many, smiling coyly.


Did she not see me standing right there?


“Are you new to the area?” Caleb asked, letting go of her hand. He leaned into me, and I pressed myself against his side. He knew my weaknesses, one of them being insecurity. Whenever he picked up on those vibes, he overcompensated in the attention department. Perfect, he was perfect.


Fisher, Tarryn's books