A Summer to Remember

chapter Twenty

Miami Beach was hot, humid and everything it promised in the marketing brochures, Bad Boys films and almost every Pitbull song a person had ever listened to on the radio. Most people fit into two categories and were either very old or really young. The vast majority of the young people were gorgeous and had great bodies accompanied by deep summer tans. Savannah, Paul, Jude and I looked sickly standing next to all the tanned beyond tanned Miami Beach natives.

We made it to our temporary home, a gorgeous boutique hotel known as The Betsy South Beach, and settled in for the evening. The ride down had been wonderful, courtesy of a private plane provided by Scarlet Fever and Winter’s Regret.

The following day we would have a chance to get together and actually meet the members of both bands officially after we indulged in a day at an exclusive spa where the men would be able to talk trash and we women could make sure we looked our very best.

I missed not seeing Talia that night but the moment Paul and I settled into our room, we unpacked and I proceeded to run a warm bath. I didn’t want to shower, I wanted to soak with scented, luxurious bubbles and feel my skin caressed by warm water.

Paul walked up behind me and kissed my shoulder. “You look good enough to eat. Are you going to hog that tub all to yourself?”

I turned his way before I said, “No. You’re free to join me. It is big enough for the two of us.”

He looked at me deviously before he disappeared into the sitting room and opened up a bottle of Cristal champagne, courtesy of the band, not the hotel. I began to undress and slipped out of all my clothes until I wore nothing but a silk robe which was barely modest. However it wasn’t like Paul had never seen me nude before so it wasn’t high on my list of concerns.

I walked into the sitting room and he grabbed our fluted champagne glasses and handed one to me.

“This is the kind of celebration that definitely deserves a toast,” I began in a seductive voice. “Not only are you the most stable relationship I have ever been in but you always bring me to my senses and try to keep us drama free. Thank you. Paul, and I want you to know I love you very much.”

We clinked fluted champagne glasses and sipped from the delicious bubbly with its subtle caramel aftertaste. It was, in truth, my favorite champagne since I secretly thought Dom Perignon was too dry and couldn’t hold a candle to a good bottle of Cristal.

“You’re my life and my love, Jerrica.” Paul stared into my eyes while he clutched his fluted glass with a gentleness I’d witnessed before. He had perfect hands, not too large and not small either long, tapered elegant fingers. “No one will ever measure up to you and no one ever could.”

He kissed my left brow before he continued, “I have loved you for so long, I wouldn’t know how to stop loving you and I feel privileged and honored to have you on my arm. I hope one day very soon we can make this togetherness legal and binding? It would definitely satisfy our parents who believe we are just delaying the inevitable.”

I kissed his lips ever so softly before we separated reluctantly and sipped from my champagne. I didn’t know if it was this place or because I was in Paul’s presence but I felt extremely satisfied with how everything had turned out between us. He was the one for me, I knew it in my heart, but sometimes I found myself so afraid of losing him that I had awful anxiety attacks that shook me to my very core.

“I suppose we should start thinking about our relationship over the long term,” I said at last. “I never want you to regret anything about our togetherness…if and when you’re ready to take the plunge then let me know, all right?”

Paul slipped an arm around my waist and held me close with such unspoken intimacy while we both finished our champagne. “It’s bath time.”

I smiled coyly as we separated before I shed my robe right then and there. My nude body was on display for him and I could see his eyes change from caring and loving to lust-filled with a few blinks. He began to strip off his clothes and I turned away from him and walked into the bathroom. I slipped into the tub and the water was perfect because it was very warm and sent the feeling of being buzzed on good champagne straight to my head. There were bubbles everywhere and it was the perfect set up for us.

Paul walked inside completely naked, his cock curled against his stomach in anticipation before he slid into the tub opposite the way I was sitting. I was feeling quite naughty and crawled toward him in the bath before I kissed his neck up and down. He sighed as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

My right hand immediately grabbed his manhood and caressed it underneath the layers of bubbles as his left hand caressed my neck gently and we kissed each other fully and passionately on the mouth. Our tongues felt delicious against one another’s as his right hand slipped between my legs and several selected fingers parted me like a flower before he slid two inside me and moved them in and out. His thumb pressed against my * and that was all it took because me hips began to sway with the intense amount of pleasure from what he was doing to me.

I took my hand off his cock and wrapped both arms around his neck as his hands clutched my ass possessively and he guided him inside me. Sex in the water was beautiful and exhilarating because the water added resistance and as he thrust in and out of me with slow, languid strokes, I kissed him with such intense passion, we both lost ourselves in one another and the moment.

Paul reluctantly withdrew from inside me and stood in the tub with me wrapped comfortably in his arms. I held on tight as he stepped out and he walked us to the sofa before he sat me down in an upright position and spread my legs apart.

It didn’t matter the sofa was wet from my soaking body, the only emotion I concentrated on was my beautiful lover’s head between my legs, his fingers spread me open and he caressed my * with his tongue before his tongue went further down and slid inside me where his cock had been so very recently.

As he tongue f*cked me, I played with my breasts and didn’t seem to feel anything but warmth and the heat coming from my skin despite the air condition being on. His index finger slid up and down my perineum and the feeling of his hands all over and his tongue in such an intimate place of my body was almost too much to take. I wanted him again but I wanted him to make love to me.

His tongue trailed back up to the hard nub of my * and began to suckle on it gently at first before he added more pressure. He placed two fingers from his right hand inside me at the base of my G-spot and began to caress me there all while he alternated between suckling my * and tracing slow, lazy circles around it with his wet, warm tongue.

I came in a rush of pleasure and desire and collapsed with my legs still splayed on his shoulders. Slowly he changed positions and stood in front of me. His cock was still rock hard and I immediately took into my hands and began to caress him gently before my mouth moved over the mushroom head of his cock and sucked deep.

Paul drew an intake of much needed air as I began to tease him by licking him from the base of his cock all the way to the tip before I really began to get into sucking him off with everything I had inside of me. He tasted delicious and my tongue swirled around the tip before I deep-throated him and allowed his whole length to rest inside my mouth and past my tonsils before I removed him and did it yet again but this time slower than usual.

He suddenly pulled me away from his manhood and spread my legs again before he got on his knees and entered my depths with a violent thrust. It was beautiful actually because I was soaking wet and he easily worked his way in and out of me with smooth, controlled precision.

“You’re so beautiful when you’re like this…at my mercy and mine to control however I want. God, I love you, Jerrica.”

“I love you too,” I panted and threw my head back as he began to f*ck me harder and more violently.

Making love was nice but I needed him to pound me like my life depended on it and he instinctively sensed this about my mood. His cock hit the deepest crevices inside me and I moaned out loud and spread my legs as far as possible to allow him more access.

Paul’s hands caressed my breasts roughly, pulling at my erect nipples in a painful yet pleasurable way and I was so close to coming yet again, I had to stay in the moment or give in to complete and overwhelming pleasure I wanted to delay as long as possible.

His paced increased before he slowed down and threw my legs over his shoulder. This didn’t seem like the most comfortable position but with him, he made our love life an adventure and I enjoyed anything we did sexually, in the bedroom and outside of it. With the current position, my lower back all the way up to my shoulder blades laid on the sofa while he controlled everything below the waist.

I closed my eyes and arched my back as he continued to tease me with slow, tortuous strokes interspersed with quick, angry thrusts that took me almost to the edge. How could I ever forget this feeling for as long as I lived? The act of making love which was much more dangerous than it should have been because too many emotions were involved.

I opened my eyes and I connected with those gorgeous crystal blue eyes of his. We were both in too deep and could never walk away from one another like nothing happened. My lips parted and I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me but the only noise that left my mouth was a moan with a slight cry of ecstasy.

He leaned down, kissed my lips and as our tongues intermingled with one another, the genuine connection between two people cemented between us and I knew then and there I would never be able to let him go and not love him. I suddenly felt him shudder to a violent climax while with just a few strokes of my * with his dedicated fingers, I began to come with him and it was an overwhelming and beautiful experience.

Afterwards, we lay on the sofa, my naked body on top of his and as he slid his arms around my body, I felt sated and safe.

The following day, we met up with Jude and Savannah for an early breakfast at the swanky hotel restaurant. My best friend and I both ordered mimosas with our egg white omelets which consisted of Swiss cheese, prosciutto, garlic, onions and a mélange of red, yellow and green bell peppers.

Though my brother had dropped the bombshell to me before we left New York, he and my best friend seemed to be doing all right as a couple. They looked happy enough but Jude couldn’t hold a candle to Paul who glowed with obvious contentment as they conversed in an animated fashion. Meanwhile, Savannah and I spoke in hushed tones.

“Everything okay between you two?” I inquired as I sipped from my mimosa.

Savannah smiled and glanced at me mischievously with bright cerulean blue eyes. “Everything has been really great. I think we are really starting to grow as a couple and I can’t help it…I’m positively smitten with your brother.” She sipped from her mimosa before she continued, “You and Paul seem to do be doing very well. Especially after the incident in Stamford…that could have tested the resolve of the strongest couples but I admire you for remaining by his side.”

“Why wouldn’t I? I have loved this man for so long and now we’re together, I’m going to let his ex-girlfriend just come around and screw up everything we have. It’s not gonna happen.”

She smiled shyly in return and finished almost half her mimosa in a few sips.

“Hey,” I began, “how is business going? Jude says you have been working extremely hard.”

“He really wants me to start making men’s clothes. He needed some adjustments made to a few pairs of work pants because he’s been working out and improving his six-pack. They were a bit loose in the waste and I managed to do the alterations with no issues at all. He was beyond amazed and now he comes to me instead of going to the cleaners when he needs certain clothes re-tailored to fit him,” Savannah explained in soft tone that spoke of pride and happiness.

“Well, all I know is Jude is lucky to have you.”

Our omelets arrived to our table while both Jude and Paul had both opted for prime cut steaks served medium rare and two eggs over easy with endless cups of coffee.

“Am I really?” she inquired as she cut into her omelette and slipped a small dainty piece between her lips. “Personally, I feel like a goddamn bookend.”

I was a bit taken back by her tone and the words she used because Savannah rarely cursed. If Autumn and Talia were the resident potty mouths and I was pretty much in between then sweet, proper Savannah was all pretty dark brown hair with lighter shades of brown running through, perfectly light golden skin, clear blue eyes and the quiet, shy young woman who did not use a lot of profanity and kept her body a size six because it allowed her to eat what she wanted though she could still wear and maintain a fabulous wardrobe.

The waiter came by to check we were all right and I ordered two more mimosas.

“What are you talking about, Savannah?”

“You don’t think I know what kind of women your brother usually goes for and…look at me. I’m not the tall model type with legs that go on forever and a vivacious personality. It’s like I’m a charity case when you compare me to his other girlfriends and I honestly wonder why he is with me. He can have any woman he wants—”

“And he is with the woman he wants, Savannah, trust me on this. Jude doesn’t do charity cases. If there wasn’t a genuine connection between you two, the relationship wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has.”

“I don’t want to put you in the middle of what is going on between us because that isn’t fair to you. He’s your brother and you did try to warn me. I want you to know how very lucky I feel to have met you gals in college because I know we will always be there for one another.”

I reached out for her hands and held them within my own. “Listen to me, you are not a bookend and Jude really cares about you but…he’s dealing with his own issues. He feels you pulling away from him and it’s been very hard on him. He hopes you would share more of yourself with him but if you continue to act the way you are then you are going to lose my brother.”

Savannah’s features fell into a contemplative manner. She wanted to speak but she never got the chance.

“Hello!” a female voice said out loud and all four of us turned toward Autumn.

She looked stunning as she walked hand in hand with a very good looking guy. “I didn’t think we would get the chance to make it but the co-star of the film sprained her ankle so we’re here for the little soiree featuring Scarlet Fever and Winter’s Regret.”

Savannah covered her mouth before she removed her manicured right hand. “Oh my God…you’re…the—”

“—Brandon Wilkinson, Savannah,” Autumn cut her off before she rolled her eyes in an exasperated manner.

I sipped from my mimosa before I looked Brandon directly in the eyes. “I thought you were dating what’s her name—you know, the actress you failed to mention when you bought that painting from my gallery?”

He looked away, his face turning crimson as Autumn responded, “Well, not anymore because he’s dating me. We’re a couple now, can you believe it?”

The awkward silence at our table was so loud, we could have heard a pin drop.

Elle Chardou's books