Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“I agree…bye.” I flicked my hand to door dismissively but I guess that was a mistake because I found myself pinned against the cushions, his body keeping me prisoner, and his hand clutching my throat threateningly before I could blink.

“You’re going to fucking talk and I’m not leaving here until you do.”


He was serious. I mean I guess I should have known that considering who he was but it didn’t take until Keenan and Dash furnished him with a duffel bag with what I assumed were clothes. They began to play a game that looked like military ops and ignored me.

There were boys at my house.

Three to be exact.

My aunt was going to kill me.

Then again considering her concern over my lack of a love life, of the adolescent persuasion, she might be ecstatic but I’m sure she would think three was pushing it.

“Leave. Now,” I demanded for the hundredth time. Frustration had set in twenty minutes ago when Keenan asked me what was for dinner. I had gone for the butcher knife but Keiran notified me that he’d already hidden the knives.

Dash and Keenan looked at me as If I was crazed when I sat down. I never pulled a knife out on anybody before but the situation called for desperate measures. I was sure they would see things my way if I threatened to dismember or separate certain appendages from their bodies.

After an hour of being ignored, I temporarily gave up on kicking them out, and headed up stairs to do homework. It’s not like I could call for help. After his threat to seize my house he took my cell phone again. Such a prick. After finishing my homework, I creeped downstairs, hoping that they were gone.

“You still think she did it?” I hear Dash ask. I knew they were talking about me so I stopped around the corner to eavesdrop.

“Hard to tell. She doesn’t seem interested in clearing herself anymore.”

“Why?” Keenan asked.

“She wants me to apologize,” he stated. Dash and Keenan snorted.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” Keenan said.

“Well, we at least know she had help, if she did do it.” Dash said

“Or was the help. That motherfucker Trevor is a done deal, the fuck.” Keenan gritted.

“She said she knew I was going to be set up and tried to warn me the day before I got arrested.”

“When you told the whole cafeteria she stunk?” Keenan asked.

“Man, how do you remember but I didn’t?”

“Cause that’s the first time Sheldon ever denied me my *. Not even when she caught me cheating the first time.”

“One day my sister is going to leave you.” Dash laughed.

“She doesn’t have a say. It’s us. It always will be us.”

“I don’t get her. Why is she siding with Lake, anyway?” Dash asked.

“She believes she’s innocent and you know she wants new friends. Rosalyn and Anya are a piece of work.” Who is Rosalyn?

“Yeah. Anya seems to think I belong to her. She’s an alright fuck but really she is just something to do when screwing with Monroe gets boring.”

“Does it ever?” Dash asked. It was silent for a long moment and I thought he wasn’t going to answer.

“When she ignores me.” His answer shocked me. Why would he care?

“Speaking of ignoring, what’s up with you and the red head?” Keenan asked.

“What about it?”

“You chasing pretty harder than needed.”

He chuckled before answering, “She’s fun. I’m having fun.”

I pictured the shrug his broad shoulders most likely made and I saw red. I wanted to go down and confront them but knew it would do no good. Willow still wouldn’t talk to me.

“I bet. Her ass looks amazing.” I heard the sound of flesh hit flesh followed by Keenan’s cry of pain. Shit, if they started fighting and broke anything in the house, my aunt would kill me.

“She’s mine.”

“Damn bro! You sure hit hard over fun. In fact you usually share the fun.” He kept emphasizing the word ‘fun’ while my blood continued to boil.

“Not this time. That goes for you too, Keiran.”

B.B. Reid's books