Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“I can’t believe he is just letting Trevor have the ball.” Sheldon stated, bewildered.

I wasn’t an expert in basketball but even I knew that wasn’t how the game began. Keiran’s expression was flat giving the impression that he didn’t care. He stared at Trevor, daring him to protest. I looked around and saw the confused expression among the crowed. The ref shrugged his shoulders and walked off while blowing the whistle signaling the game to begin.

Trevor dribbled the ball but before he could pass the ball Keiran stole it from him, passing it to Dash who effortlessly took a shot, scoring the first point. It all happened too quickly for anyone to comprehend; causing a delay in reaction but soon a deafening roar shook the gym.

Sheldon was worse. She nearly fell on top of me from her jumping and screaming. Trevor was furious. Keiran has basically humiliated him in front of everyone.

When Dash looked over and winked, Willow blushed and turned her head away. These two were hiding in plain sight and Willow still wouldn’t confide in me.

The game was intense as Keiran’s team dominated the court and captivated the crowd. It was a no brainer who would win as Trevor’s frustration grew and he began to take it out on his team.

Keiran was like a general, commanding and cool. He easily read the opposing team defense and exploited their tactics. I learned from Sheldon that he played point guard while Dash was shooting guard and Keenan was the power forward.

Dash was the cockiest player, making many shot after shot, and effectively handling the ball. He had no problem showcasing his skill.

Keenan was the most aggressive player. He mostly stayed near the basket and went in for rebounds or assists while dodging the player who was doing a poor job of guarding him.

I cheered mostly to encourage Buddy who was playing the small forward. Dash looked out for him a lot on the court it seemed, encouraging him to go after the ball while he flanked Keiran to create openings for a shot.

The opposing team was too busy trying to either ambush Keiran, especially Trevor but he handled them with ease. The score was now an embarrassing 34-17. Trevor’s team scoring half the points Keiran’s did.

As it neared the end of the last quarter, Trevor grew more aggressive toward Keiran’s team even though they had already pulled back. They were growing annoyed with Trevor’s behavior it seemed, if their expressions were anything to go by.

Keiran had the ball preparing for a shot but was blocked by Trevor who looked close to assaulting him for the ball when he couldn’t steal it. Keiran’s face remained impassive, not giving anything away until his elbow connected with Trevor’s nose causing him to fall. The ref blew the whistle signaling a foul awarding Trevor’s team the ball.

The coach looked as if he wanted to pull Keiran out of the game but didn’t. After all there was less than a minute left. They had already won the game. Victory came for Keiran’s team and all the players from both teams gathered on the court to shake hands once again.

I sat there prepared to wait for Keiran and I admitted I was happy to see him play for the first time. He was really good and I wondered if he planned to make it a profession.

I saw Anya with a few of her minions from school and another unknown girl approaching and inwardly groaned. “Sheldon, why didn’t you sit with us? Keiran and Dash told us to sit on the other side,” Anya whined.

They noticed me sitting here and turned their noses up. “Really Sheldon, you should’ve texted us so you wouldn’t have to sit with a loser,” Anya sneered.

“It appears to me that she is sitting on the side that just won,” Willow snapped. I didn’t even notice her walk up. I laughed because she was never one to sit quiet. The girl who looked like one of those high society debutantes narrowed her eyes at Willow as she took in her hair and clothes with a disgusted look on her face. I wanted to wipe it off with the bottom of my shoe to her face.

B.B. Reid's books