Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

I was about to respond when someone passing through the crowd bumped me. “Seriously of all the places, why here?”

"Come on, Lake. Don't be such a Debbie Downer. Where else would we go anyway?" I knew she was right. I just didn't like the possibilities of who I could run into.

"Are there any tables left?" I nearly had to scream to be heard over the music and people.

"Do you even have to ask? I was thinking, when they turn this into a house party, we should go."

I remembered the first and last time I went to a house party. Of course Keiran was there so it ended badly. Brian Lassiter, a senior in high school and the quarterback had struck up a conversation with me because his little brother was a fan of my aunt’s books. He wanted to know if he could get a signed copy for his birthday when Becky Daniels came out of nowhere screeching and hollering about me flirting with her boyfriend. When she slapped, I swung and hit her back and that’s when Keiran hollered that I was starting fights. The kids who house it was kicked me out and I was never invited back to a house party.

"Not a good idea.”

“Why not? Keiran hasn't been after you these past couple weeks so it should be safe right?”

Except when he sneaks into my bedroom in the dead of the night. “I don't know. Last time I barely escaped with my life.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “Now who’s being dramatic?”

“I don't want that kind of trouble or any trouble. Have you noticed lately that I am the target of so much hostility? The last thing I need is my aunt receiving a phone call saying that I got into a fight or worse ending up in jail.”

“But how better to show the big bad wolf that he can't blow your house down no matter how much he huffs and puffs?”

I laughed at her comparison to Keiran. She was such a cornball sometimes.

“And I know you're calling me names in your head,” she said. She looked truly offended which only made me laugh harder until she was laughing too.

“What's so funny?” Trevor asked as he walked up and hooked his arm around my neck. “Please share.”

My mood just committed suicide. “I'm sorry. It was a private joke in a private conversation shared between friends...privately.”

“You've picked yourself up a smart mouth but from what I hear Keiran is done with you so I would be careful about who you piss off,” Trevor threatened.

“You see you got the right idea about pissing people off. You should try it. Like now,” Sheldon retorted.

I laughed which only made Trevor angrier though it didn’t faze me. An angry Keiran made me want to run and hide, but an angry Trevor just annoyed me.

"No one is talking to you. Why don’t you worry about who your boyfriend is fucking besides you?” Sheldon’s nostrils flared and I knew his statement pissed her off.

“Sheldon…” I sniffed the air. “Do you smell that? It smells like...asshole.” Sheldon and I sniffed the air until we both turned eyes on Trevor. “Trevor I think it's coming from your direction. You should take care of that before it gets out of hand.”

We began to walk away when I felt a sharp pain rip from my skull. Trevor had grabbed me by my ponytail and flung me to the floor in a fit of rage. I hit the floor and the force of the impact dazed me.

“What did you say to me, bitch?" He charged towards me, his foot rising to kick me. I balled up to avoid the blow but it never came.

"Oh my gosh!” I heard Sheldon scream. When I looked up, Keiran was there and strangling Trevor, who was clawing at his hands to escape. He was turning blue and looked close to passing out.

He's going to kill him.

Keiran was finally torn away but it took Dash, Keenan and Quentin to stop him and hold him back. Trevor was fighting to regain his breath as Sheldon helped me up. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at Keiran as if he'd grown another head.

B.B. Reid's books