Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I heard a gruff voice bark. He sounded more intimidating than usual. I looked up to find a furious Keiran, sweaty, in his practice uniform.

We were right outside the gym doors and because of my eagerness, I didn't process the danger of sticking around too long. But what threw me off was that he wasn't looking at me. He was glaring at Peter who looked like he was trying to disappear into the wall. If looks could kill…

“Get the fuck out of here,” he snarled at Peter making him run off instantly. I blinked not believing how fast he was gone. I turned to leave not wanting to dance with the devil.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn around even when I heard him move closer.

“You” – he began but stopped and I heard a loud slam and I jumped, realizing he punched must have punched a locker. Oh God. “Fucking look at me!” he roared. I slowly turned, terrified of what I might see. Keiran stood there – fists clenched, chest heaving. His jaw was clenched and I could see that a vein near his temple was throbbing.

He was furious.

Years of him bullying and taunting me, I’ve never seen him this angry, not even when he pushed me off the monkey bars. I was used to cool indifference…hatred even. But this…I didn't know and I wasn't sure I could handle him like this.

“You let him touch you.” He said the ‘touch’ with disgust as if it was hard to imagine someone liking me or even wanting me. I hugged myself for comfort, fighting back tears. I couldn't let him tear me down like this.

“Keiran plea –”

“Shut up,” he ordered. The first tear felt like acid as it burned its way down my face. “You don't get to say my name. Not now…not ever,” he sneered.

I sucked in a breath at the cold hatred spilling from him in waves… I was drowning in it, my tears over-spilling now. He turned abruptly and headed for the exit. I stood frozen in the middle of hallway when I heard tires squeal and knew it was Keiran taking off. I finally dropped to my knees sobbing as I felt a pain to my heart that I couldn’t describe. I felt like I betrayed him somehow.

The next morning I found out by some random girl in the hallway that I wasn’t a part of the Math club anymore. I tried going to the meeting that afternoon but apparently the meeting place moved. I didn't know what was going on but I always had a feeling Keiran was behind it.

Chapter Fourteen

After soaking in a hot bath to ease my sore and overused muscles, I gave in and called Willow. I needed to know if we were okay. The phone rang for a while and I almost gave up when she finally picked up.


“Hey, Willow.” I tried to sound normal despite the nervousness I felt.

“Hey,” she replied in a dry tone.

“I’m sorry about Friday night.” I struggled with the right words to say in my mind but the truth was I didn’t know what else I could say.

“That’s it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Cut the crap, Lake. You were getting ready to tell me something about Dash. What’s going on?”

“I can’t – I can’t tell you.” I knew it was lame but while I couldn’t tell her the truth, I couldn’t lie to her either.

“You can’t tell me?” she hissed. I could picture her standing with a hand on her hip and her eyes narrowed.

“It’s complicated, Willow. But you know I would never do anything to hurt you.”

“No, but apparently you would lie to me.”


“Forget it.”

She hung up the phone and I sat there for a minute with my head in my hands. He’d done it. Keiran managed to break apart our friendship without doing much at all. I considered going over to her house and making her talk to me but I decided it was best to let her cool off. Besides, what would I say to her anyway? My phone pinged a few minutes later with a message from Jesse again.

Jesse: Let me help

Lake: How would you do that?

Jesse: We could tell someone…

Lake: I can’t do that and please don’t say anything.

B.B. Reid's books