Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

Officer Reynolds opened his mouth to speak when Keiran finally spoke. “We'll go. We wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, would we Officer?”

I had the feeling that Keiran wasn't speaking about himself or his cousin and Dash. I saw fear flash within Officer Reynolds eyes before he narrowed them and said, “That's right.”

Keiran and the guys left without another word spoken. He barely acknowledged me throughout the entire exchange. Sheldon and I left the restaurant soon after and since Sheldon was parked closer than I was so she took off immediately with a promise to call. I walked around the building toward the extra spaces where my car was parked and stopped short.

Keiran was sitting on the trunk of my car, head bent with his hands clutching his hair. I'd never seen him look anything less than cool and confident but now he looked stressed. I didn't make it too close to him before he lifted his head as if sensing me. He had a tortured look on his face while mine remained neutral.

“What are you doing?” I asked instead trying to appear indifferent.

“Waiting for you.”

He jumped down gracefully considering his legs were freakishly long and was now standing in front of me. He brushed my hair, which was now loose, back behind my ear and gazed at me softly.

“Take me home with you.” I flinched at his words, feeling confused.

“Why?” He dropped his hand the same time he dropped his mask, appearing cold and unobtainable again.

“Because I said so.”


“Start talking.”

We'd barely made it through the threshold when Keiran issued the command. He seated me across from him and stared me down. I felt like I was in an interrogation room instead of my living room. I didn't dare take him to my bedroom.

“That depends.” I fidgeted under his scrutiny staring at the floor.


“What you want to hear.” I looked up at him and he growled but said nothing. “Right.” I looked down at the floor again, trying to count the stitches in the carpet. “Well why should I? You wouldn't listen before. Even that day in the cafeteria,” I stated and peeked up at him.

I knew I was acting like a three-year old and didn’t care. I wouldn’t let him intimidate me in my own home. My safe haven.

He frowned and I sighed. “The day before you were arrested.” It pissed me off that he didn’t remember because I remembered it all too well.


I felt a chill run down my back and I wanted to run. This situation was making me uneasy and I didn't know how to respond. I took a deep breath and let out a single word, sealing my fate.


His eyes narrowed as he grabbed my arm, squeezing hard. I cried out in pain as he brought his face down to mine. I turned my face away, unwilling to be so close to him. “You want to rethink that?” he asked threatening.

I shook my head vigorously.

“Listen you bitch –” he was cut off as my knee connected with his balls and he quickly released me, allowing me to run off before he could recover.

I ran out into the hallway quickly making my way to the cafeteria never stopping to think about the decision I’d made.

I had to warn him.

I burst through the cafeteria drawing the attention of everyone present as I headed to table Keiran always sat at across the cafeteria, facing my usual table. When I reached his table I was breathing hard. My hair was in disarray as I felt tendrils on my face and heavy strands around my shoulder escaping my ponytail. He watched me with a blank look as if he was bored.

“I need to speak with you.” I directed to him.

A few kids sitting at the table laughed at my request as I stared at him pleadingly. His cousin was there with his girlfriend, Sheldon, on his lap. Next to them was Keiran’s best friend and right-hand, Dash Chambers, the school’s richest playboy.

“Are you alri –” Keenan started to say before Keiran flashed him a quick look, silencing him. He turned back to me with a distant look appearing unaffected by my disheveled state.

B.B. Reid's books