Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“What's your problem, man? You attacking me over her?” He spewed the words out with disgust as if I were the one with the problem. Keiran was still fighting to get loose and Keenan’s hold on him was slipping.

“He'd beat your ass for hitting any girl. I'd beat your ass. Half the guys in here would beat your ass,” Dash growled.

“But there is only one girl he would kill you for hitting,” Keenan added in a sinister tone.

“Why would you care? She set you up!”

Keiran went still instantly, his body tight with tension. I could see his jaw clenching and that infamous vein near his temple pounding a steady rhythm.

Keenan and Dash turned to Sheldon with questioning her silently. She shook her head no and I wondered what their silent communication was about. I figured now that Keiran was reminded he hated me this situation would dissolve immediately and they would all laugh at my expense. Instead they turned back to Trevor, who Keiran never took his eyes off of.

“Say man, how would you know who framed Keiran? How would you even know Lake did it?” Dash asked.

“Once again…innocent.” They looked at with raised eyebrows and I realized I must have said it out loud. Oops.

“Everyone knows she tipped them,” Trevor said, nervously. His eyes were flickering back and forth but never making eye contact.

They watched him squirm and then Keenan hopped to stand in one the chairs. He didn't have to worry about getting anyone’s attention because the entire restaurant was watching intently. “Does anyone know what this piece of shit is talking about?” he yelled over the restaurant.

All heads shook no.

“The thing about tips are that they aren't released to the public,” Dash sneered.

“My dad told me. You—you guys know he's a cop,” he stuttered. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

“Does your dad normally divulge confidential information? I'm pretty sure it's illegal,” Sheldon asked.

He narrowed his eyes at Sheldon and Keenan stepped up to him threateningly. “Watch where you point those motherfuckers like that before I rip them out of your head.”

Trevor looked down at the floor immediately. I didn't get it because he was bigger than all of them. I guess bigger didn't always mean tougher.

“Come on bro, you know how it is. There are perks to being the son of a cop. I know a lot of shit.”

“Like when our random drug searches are scheduled?” Dash asked.

Trevor’s face paled as his mouth opened and closed. He reminded me of a fish. “Are you trying to say I set Keiran up?”

The trio remained silent, his words resonating in the air. It felt like the truth. I looked over at Keiran who was eerily quiet and still. Trevor still didn't look at him.

“That's bogus, man! Why would I do that?”

“Yeah, why would you?” Keenan asked just as the chime from the entrance door sounded diverting my attention to it. The quietness of the restaurant made the simple chime seem like a bullhorn was blown.

Anya was sliding out the door. I frowned, wondering why she was leaving so quickly. All the gossiping she does and she volunteers to miss this?

“Alright, folks break it up.” Officers appeared along with Officer Reynolds who I know knew to be Trevor’s dad. People were scattering to leave but I was rooted to the spot.

“Son, what's going on here?” his dad questioned Trevor, while glaring at Keiran. I wanted to take a page out of Keenan’s book and rip the officer eyes out. Gosh Lake, could you be more of a dumb ass? The guy is your enemy.

“Nothing dad. We were just horse playing. It got out of hand.”

“Good boy.” Keenan mocked, earning Officer Reynolds glare now.

“You three, leave now. Son, I want you home. Don't talk to these boys anymore.”

“Excuse me?” Dash asked.

Officer Reynolds frowned at Dash, “Look boy, I don't care how much so-called power your daddy has,” he sneered. “I am not afraid of some little boy barely off his momma’s tit.”

A slow grin spread across Dash’s face. “We'll see about that – Dad or no.”

B.B. Reid's books