Fear Me (Broken Love #1)


A sharp pain spread across my ass as the sound of the hard lash on my skin resonated throughout the air. I let out a loud cry and nearly toppled over. When he caught me, I turned my head but he quickly grabbed the back of my neck, holding me in place.

“That was one. It’s up to you how many you get. What was your first offense?”

“I don’t know,” I cried. My ass was still throbbing when he delivered a second lash.

“Well, let me inform you,” he said, talking over my crying. “Your first mistake was taking that fucking job. Your first offense was letting that clown near you.

“But he –” I felt the leather on my ass for a third time.

“Are you really going to make me repeat myself?” I shook my head quickly. My hair was falling in front of my face with a few strands sticking to my face.

“Good, then we don’t need this anymore.” I heard the belt fall to the floor and I felt a moment of gratitude until he pulled me over to the bed with him and laid me across his lap. He started massaging my butt and talking to me. “I want you to tell me everything you did wrong today. If you lie or leave anything out, I get the belt again. Begin.”

“I talked to Willow.” Slap.

“I left the house.” Slap.

“I was going to lie to you.” Slap, slap. I tried to ignore the burning pain the licks were causing me but at the last my voice broke and I clenched the sheets in front of me.

“Continue,” he gritted.

“I talked to Jesse but I swear I didn’t know he was going to be there! I –” Slap.

“I didn’t ask for your excuses. Continue.”

“I let him touch me.” Slap! “Ahhh!”

My scream ripped through the air when he delivered that blow. It was firmer than the rest. I was heavily sobbing into his pant leg and the sheets as I tried to get away but a steel arm banded around my body, holding me in place. He sat still while I cried out my pain and continued to hold me down until I settled.

“Please. It hurts.” All the while I was moving I could feel his erection through his jeans. I couldn’t deny my own arousal but I couldn’t explain it either.

“What else did you do?” he whispered. His fingers were teasing my skin with a pinch ever now and then.

“I was going to tell Willow everything. I wanted to stop you.”

“And that, Monroe, is your greatest offense.”

He proceeded to spank me with hard, unyielding hits across my bottom. He didn’t stop. No matter how long or loud I screamed and begged; he wouldn’t stop. I realized that those licks from before were the prelude to what was to come. When he finally finished with me he shoved me off his lap and onto the floor. My entire body was flushed red and throbbing in pain. I could see the bed through blurry eyes and the sheets that had been ripped off by me. He stood up from the bed and walked over to the closet and pulled out my small duffel bag and started to fill them with clothing.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

“Like you’ve gone mad?”

“How does your ass feel Monroe?” The threatening look he gave me told me to shut up and shut up fast so I did. It’s cool. I can talk shit in my head.

He went to my dresser and started stuffing the bag with my undergarments. “If there is anything you need, I suggest you get it now. You aren’t coming back.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“My place.”

“What? I can’t stay with you. My aunt will kill me!”

“Your aunt won’t make it back if you keep talking.”

I made a sound of frustration and hurried into the bathroom to redress and grab the essentials. When I returned to my bedroom he had my backpack and duffel in hand and was waiting for me.

“Let’s go,” he commanded.


When we walked into his house I immediately looked around for his uncle and once again found him absent. What is it that keeps him gone all the time? “Your uncle is gone a lot,” I remarked aloud.

B.B. Reid's books