Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Doing what? This?” A long finger entered me, followed by another, until he was torturing me with the slow thrust of his thick fingers.

“Please,” I heard the desperation in my own voice as I began moving my hips against him. We both knew what I was begging for.

“Come here,” he said, lifting me up until my back was against his hard chest and I melted into him. The sounds of the game were drowned out by what he was doing to me, making me forget that we were in a public place. Or I just didn’t care anymore. “Do you remember what I said would happen if you lied or disobeyed me again?” The ominous threat in his voice was like a bucket of cold water, extinguishing the fire he built up inside me.

“You said I would be sorry,” I answered, reluctantly.

“That’s right.” He kissed my cheek but it felt cruel. “And you will be sorry.”


The game was drawing to an end with both teams tied. Keiran was standing by the players on the bench talking to a few guys. I noticed they liked to look to him for playing advice and tips even though he wasn’t a football player. It’s amazing the type of admiration he gets around here. But then…I was the only one he was ever cruel to. Sure he’d been in many fights but what guy hasn’t? Still, Keiran was looked up to as some kind of role model and I didn’t understand it.

After he promised to punish me, he walked me over to the stands with an order not to move. I looked around for Willow but didn’t see her in the immediate area. I wasn’t able to call her since Keiran had taken my phone yet again. I did, however, see Dash standing by one of the cheerleaders with his hand on her ass. I shook my head in disgust at him, Keiran, and most of all myself. I knew how they were using her for payback against me still I didn’t warn her away. I really felt as if I didn’t have a choice. I just prayed Willow would forgive me in the end. It was the only way to protect them both.


My name was called and I instantly recognized the voice followed by a sense of dread. This day couldn’t get any worse. I turned my head to the sound of the voice and saw a lanky form with a mop of brown curly hair, wearing a green and blue plaid button up and distressed jeans, standing at the end of the stands. A wide smile spread across his face when my eyes met his.

“Don’t tell me you forgot about me already,” he joked when I continued to stare at him. I knew who it was but I was silently praying it wouldn’t be him.

“Jesse?” I asked, reluctantly thought I didn’t have to.

“You are correct, but I’m hurt.” He placed a hand to his heart and made his way up the bleachers toward me.

“Wh – what are you doing here?”

“You just keep digging the knife in deeper sweetheart. Maybe you should give it a little twist. I missed you too,” he said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, Jesse. You can’t be here. This isn’t a good time.”

I looked around nervously but Keiran’s back was still turned. He was talking to one of the coaches. I didn’t see any of his henchmen anywhere but I couldn’t take that risk, not after how he acted at my job…or rather former job.

“Because of him? Where is he anyway? I’d like to meet him.”

“You can’t!”

“Jeez, Lake. You’re fucking shaking. Did he hurt you?”

“No, Jesse. Just please go. You have to understand.”

“I understand alright. What is he doing to you?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“What do you mean you can’t answer that?” His voice had risen, causing a few people to turn around. If he got any louder Keiran would hear him eventually.

“Lower your voice. I’m fine. He hasn’t hurt me.”

“Willow said it was a risk bringing you here but I didn’t expect…I thought he was bullying you again. There is something else isn’t there?”

I didn’t answer him and instead kept an eye on Keiran. “I can help you, Lake.”

I shook my head. “No you can’t. I have it under control, just please go.”

“No.” He stated firmly.

“No? What do you mean no? Go!”

“Do you realize you’re rhyming?” he chuckled.

B.B. Reid's books