Fear Me (Broken Love #1)


“Lake, I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m going to have a talk with him.”

“You’re what?” I shrieked. “Please don’t do that.”

“When are you going to stand up to him, Lake? You can’t be that weak!” he said, frustration lacing his voice.

“Excuse me?”

“What could he possibly do to you besides spread rumors?”

Hurt my aunt. Hurt Willow. Hurt me.

“You don’t know him. You don’t –”

“You’re right, I don’t. But I can find out.” With that he trudged down the bleachers toward the field and began walking across it. While the game was playing!

“Jesse, stop!”

I wasn’t as brave or as crazy as he was but I quickly ran around the track to try to intercept him. The crowd in the stands was throwing a fit and some of the players had a few choice words for Jesse. Some of them from school recognized him and greeted him even though he basically interrupted the game and ruined the play. This of course caught Keiran’s attention. If he was surprised he didn’t show it as he looked directly at Jesse. His eyebrow rose and a smirk crossed his face. Damn, it. He would know exactly who Jesse was by now.

“Masters,” Jesse called, walking up to him. “I want to talk to you.” Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Keiran gave the football coach a look and he walked away immediately, which was seriously ridiculous. “So talk,” Keiran said, crossing his arms.

“Jesse, no. Let’s go.” He ignored me and squared up with Keiran.

“You need to leave her alone.”

“Why would I do that?”

The air around us was charged with tension and people were beginning to notice the tension between Jesse and Keiran all but forgetting the game was happening. Even the players had stopped playing.

This was bad. I had to stop this….somehow. “Guys that's enough. You're causing a scene,” I scolded, stating the obvious. Real genius, Lake.

Jesse glared at me while Keiran watched me silently with no expression. That was the biggest sign that he was planning something bad, specifically to me.

“I'm taking her home,” Jesse gritted turning back to Keiran. Keiran passed a fleeting look to Jesse, then me. He looked bored when he leaned back against the metal stands, casually.

“You do that.” He stated, shocking us both. He nodded his head toward the field and I could hear the beginnings of the game restarting, along with a lot of mumbling and hushed voices.

I didn't know what to say as I stared at him. His attention was already refocused on the game. Keiran wasn't one to be told what to do so I knew something was up because he moved in silence, never showing his hand. Jesse thought he had the upper hand now but he didn't know how wrong he was.

Jesse walked over to me and grabbed my hand. Funny thing was; I didn't want his hand on mine. I didn't want him to touch me at all. Not even in a friendly way. I wasn't mad at Jesse for helping me but I didn’t want to be touched by anyone else.

He turned with me and tossed over his shoulder as he walked away. “Stay away from her.”

“Don't push it, Fitzgerald.” Jesse stopped and turned to face Keiran again. “Take your hand off her. She's mine.”

"She isn't property to be owned." Jesse argued. Keiran laughed, stood up and sauntered over to us, his eyes locked with mine the entire way.

“Well then you've never had Monroe,” he said cockily. My hand itched to slap him. I knew the meaning of his words and I guess Jesse did to when his eyes flew to me accusingly. “Everything about her is meant to be owned. She makes you want to own her because she likes that type of control.” He grinned at me, sneakily. “Don't you, Monroe?”

B.B. Reid's books