Fear Me (Broken Love #1)


“Won’t he be upset when he comes home and finds me moved in for the weekend?” His nonchalant attitude about everything, especially his uncle’s absence was unusual at best.

“My uncle only comes home when one of us is in trouble.”


“Stop asking questions that you don’t need to know the answer to.” He led me into the kitchen where he dropped my bag on the floor and opened the refrigerator to peer inside.

“Why am I here?” I asked with extreme exasperation. Dealing with Keiran for long periods of time always made me weary, confused, and…horny. “What are you planning to do with me for the rest of the weekend?”

“You’re here because you have a conscience. That’s an inconvenience for me. But it is convenient for you to be available to service me immediately,” he said matter-of-factly. He slammed the fridge door and before I knew what he was going to do, my back was up against the fridge and his erection was being pressed into my stomach. “I want to fuck you hard and I want to fuck you often.” He lifted my leg to wrap around his hip, bringing my center closer to his erection. “I’m not asking, Monroe. You want it just as bad as I do. I can feel your need…it’s wet, hot, and all mine.”

There was something annoyingly but incredibly hot hearing him claiming my * as his but I managed to shake off the urge to ask for exactly what he threatened to do, right here and now. “Why do you talk to me like that?” I asked instead.

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a slut.”

“Because it makes you angry and it also makes you hot. Slut, or not.”

“But I’m not. You were the only one I had sex with.”

The sound he made low in his throat was angry. “Good, because if you have it with anyone else I will kill him…slowly…and then you.” His voice was unmistakably aroused and possessive.

“You can’t just threaten to kill people!”

“It’s not a threat.”

“Normal teenagers don’t threaten to kill people and mean it.”

“Who said I was normal?”

“I know you’re not.” I just wish you were.

I looked into his grey eyes and wished I had the courage and ability to deny him. But I couldn’t. I have always given him exactly what he wanted whether it was my tears, my fear, or my body. “Why do you test me?” he asked.

I wasn’t expecting his question but the answer that followed was even more surprising. “It makes me feel like I’m trying.”

“Trying what?”

“To not be afraid.”

“Why, when you have so much to be afraid of?”

I looked at him carefully. “Why do you want me to be afraid of you? What do you gain?”

“What makes you think I gain something? Maybe it’s just fun for me.”

“You know some people think you have a thing for me?” I watched him carefully for a reaction or sign that I might be right but of course he remained perfectly impassive.

“Some people are stupid. I don’t have ‘things’.” He dropped my leg from around his waist and walked away to sit in one of the kitchen chairs.

“So why fear? People are bullied in school all the time for shits and giggles but you don’t want laughs.”

“You don’t know what I want.”

“Enlighten me then,” I demanded with more force than necessary.



“Don’t ask questions you don’t need the answers to,” he said, repeating his statement from earlier. His tone was bored but the muscles in his shoulders and back was tense.

“Why do you keep saying that?” My frustration was mounting and when he smirked I knew he wasn’t done making me miserable.

“Because it’s the best you’re going to get so leave me the fuck alone.” It was a warning I should have heeded but I was never one to listen to my instincts.

“When you said you would make my aunt disappear…what did you mean? Are you going to kill her?”

B.B. Reid's books