Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Keiran, please!” I begged once more. His low groans and sinful promises told me he wasn’t as immune to me as he pretended but I needed him so he wanted me to beg. I wasn’t above begging. Not when his cock was buried deep. His fingers finally slid down to tease ad rub the tiny bundle of nerves and once he touched me a powerful orgasm ripped through me. My back curved and locked in place as I let my orgasm take over.

Keiran was still moving inside me, slowly as he watched me come. I could feel his eyes on me even now. “Had enough?” he asked. I knew without turning around that the ever-present smirk was there.

No. My body couldn’t take any more of his aggressive demands and the painful pleasure he subjected my body to so I nodded my head.

“Stand up,” he ordered.

“I can’t.” My legs were too weak to hold me up much less walk.

“Either stand up or get fucked again. Your choice.”

He was still inside me, moving lightly. I could already feel the beginning of another orgasm rising. I stood up on wobbly legs and rested my back against his chest and surprisingly he let me. He slowly pulled out of me and it felt as if he was still hard which meant he hadn’t come. I discreetly fixed my dress and panties when I noticed Keenan still watching us silently.

“Go upstairs, clean up, and wait for me.”

I did as he ordered without arguing. I knew where that usually got me.


I walked into Keiran’s room and couldn’t help but admire the smell. He and everything he owned always smelled fresh and cool. I looked around curiously but didn’t know what I was looking for but like any person, the bedroom was a person’s domain. It was the most likely place a person would hide their secrets to keep them close; and everyone had secrets…so what was Keiran’s?

I walked over to his dresser first, forgetting about his order to clean up. There wasn’t anything particularly telling or unusual on the top, just as before so I quickly opened the first dresser drawer while listening closely for the sound of Keiran coming. A quick inspection through his dresser revealed nothing. What are you looking for, Lake? It would probably help if I knew that much.

I opened his closet door and walked inside. Keiran’s closet looked like every normal teenage boy’s closet but Keiran wasn’t normal. Whatever it was, had to here. Dark clothing and various sneakers and boots littered the shelves and hung on the railing. I lightly touched his clothing being careful not to disturb anything too much. The worst thing I could do is be caught snooping. After a few minutes, I was looking through my third shoe box and almost gave up my search when I hit the jackpot. I wasn’t expecting to find what I did. I swallowed and picked it up hesitantly, feeling the weight of it in my hands.

What is Keiran doing with a gun?

I inspected it further, turning it over in my hands. There was a button on the side near the handle and trigger so I pressed it. A slim case fell out the bottom and inside I could see it loaded with bullets. I dropped the clip and hurriedly picked it back up to deposit it back into the gun. That’s when I noticed the thin chain of a gold locket with a pearl wrapped around the handle. It was beautiful and…familiar. I searched my memory for where I might have seen the necklace. It wasn’t new. It was…the picture!

I was almost sure the dead girl in the picture was wearing the same necklace when she died. I just needed to get my hands on the picture to confirm. I’d hidden it in my desk and haven’t looked at it since I found it. At first glance, I didn’t pay much attention to her jewelry or see it as a clue considering I wasn’t ever expecting to come across it much less in Keiran’s closet.

Because Keiran wasn’t the one to break in my house, I ruled out the possibility that he left the picture to scare me. It wasn’t his style to be vague. He was much more direct when delivering threats.

B.B. Reid's books