They Walk

Chapter Twenty Three

By the time we reach our street, the sun is high in the sky. The streets are empty, no cars driving around, no kids playing, and no animals running loose. It’s like we stepped into another world, and we don’t have the directions to get back. Claire pulls the truck in her driveway and lets it idle for a minute before turning it off. Usually her driveway has two cars, but it’s empty. It has to be unnerving for her to see it this way. I glance to my right, where my house sits beside hers.

My mom’s car is parked in the driveway, but my dad’s isn’t.

“So, how are we going to do this?” Claire asks, as she turns to face us in the back.

“What?” Dan asks.

“Do we all stay together, or do we split up? But it has to be said, splitting up didn’t work so well last time.” She’s looking right at Dan when she says this. I can actually feel Dan flinch behind me, from his guilt over Brian I’d guess.

“Not that splitting up is ideal, but we do have weapons and we can just have smaller groups.” I say. They all glance at me questioningly, but I only hold Claire’s gaze.

“That might not be a bad idea, but we are an odd number. Who decides about the extra person?” She says.

“Someone should stay with the car. That way if we do get into trouble, we have a quick out.” Gabe cuts in, as he’s already going for the door.

He gets out of the truck, and I squeeze out behind him. When I close the door, I see Emily getting out on her side. Dan and Maria get out through the back door, and stands beside Gabe and I. Claire and Sam get out next, but I notice Sam going to the driver’s side door.

“I can be the getaway driver, if that’s alright?” But he’s already opening the door and hopping in.

No one argues, it’s not like he’s ever been to one of our houses before anyway. We all walk over to the fence that separates our houses and stare at one another, not sure where to divvy up the group.

“Maggie and I have to go to our house, and I’d like Maria to come with us.” Dan says.

“That leaves me with Gabe and Emily then. Let’s go before I lose my nerve.” She turns to walk away but Gabe stops her.

Before she can start to yell at him, he holds a knife out to her. Grimly she takes it and walks away. Emily gives Maria a small smile and goes to catch up. Gabe lingers for a minute and just watches me. It would be really creepy under different circumstances, but I know what he’s thinking.

“We’ll be fine, don’t worry. You’d better hurry; Claire will have the whole house cased before you even get through the door.” I say.

He flashes me a dark smile, and smacks my arm lightly.

Nodding to Dan, he runs over to Claire’s house and disappears through the door. Sighing, I turn to Dan and Maria. They are both looking up to our house, as if they expect it to sprout legs and walk away. With our luck, it probably will. I reach out and take my brothers hand and he glances at me. Together, the three of us make it to the door and Dan is the one to reach for the handle. Just before the tips of his fingers touch the knob, it opens on its own. We all jump back for a second, and Dan and I share a look before we rush inside.

It’s dark inside even though it’s still early in the day. We walk in through the living room, so I automatically shove the drapes open. Dan and Maria follow suit and the first floor is flooded with light. Once my eyes adjust, I wish I was still in the dark. The house is a mess, like it was ransacked or something. Walking around numbly, I take in the knocked over furniture and the way the spare linen closet is open and that things inside are missing.

“MOM, DAD!” Dan rushes out of the living room, and runs up the stairs.

I can hardly move my legs, let alone to remind him to have a weapon.

The ax in my hands feels heavy, but I don’t put it down. I try to think back to my Sunday school days and remember a prayer. Nothing comes to mind though, and I can only hope that my parents are alright. They just have to be. Beside me, Maria is just watching where Dan went with sad eyes. She reaches to me, and I don’t even feel her hand touch my arm.

“Maggie, I’m sure they are alright. We should go check on Dan okay?” She pulls on my arm gently and I blindly follow her up the stairs.

On the landing, I can already tell the upstairs is in the same state. The bedroom doors are open, and closets look half empty. I can hear Dan shuffling around in his room, so I leave Maria and make my way to mine. I walk in cautiously, and the curtains on my window have been pulled down. Making my way to the only window on the back wall, I grab for the cord and pull them up. I have to close my eyes from the light, but I open them again when I turn to my room.

I gasp at what I see.

Everything is just as I left it, before leaving the other night to go to Austin’s. My bed is still rumpled, and the magazine Claire was reading is still lying by my pillows. I can hear Dan talking to Maria from his room down the hall, and by the sounds of things his room is the same. Our parents aren’t here, and judging by the mess, they must have left awfully quickly.

I turn away from my bed and go to my dresser for some clean clothes. Grabbing whatever in on the top of the clothes pile I make my way to the bathroom to clean up. There are no lights, so I leave the door open. I rinse my face and hair with cold water. The sink gets stained red from all the blood. But I don’t care anymore. I just change into a fresh pair of socks, underwear, bra, shirt and a one of the warmest hoodies I have. Leaving the dirty clothes in a pile on the floor, I leave my room.

Before I go downstairs I go to my parent’s bedroom, but I can’t make myself go inside. I don’t think I could handle it seeing what they took when they left, or if they didn’t. So I walk away.

Meeting Dan and Maria downstairs, and I notice he cleaned up a little too. He’s carrying a backpack, and I wish I would have thought of that. But Maria is holding a second backpack, and I realize that it’s mine.

“I figured we’d need some extra cloths and food, so I swiped your bag when you were in the bathroom. Cool?” Dan says with a smirk.

I step towards him and pull him into a hug. “Yes, cool. Thanks.”

He gives me another squeeze then lets me go, so he can take Maria’s hand. They go out the front door, and with one last glance at my home hoping it’s not the last, I follow them.

Amy Lunderman's books