They Walk

Chapter Twenty Four

By the time we get back to the truck Claire and the others are already waiting for us. They all look pretty grave, and I almost don’t want to ask. But it’s Claire, and I have too.

“Was anybody home?” I ask, as I climb into the back with Dan and Maria.

Claire doesn’t say anything though, she’s sitting in the front with Sam and just gazes out the window. She did clean a little bit though, and I notice a small bag at her feet.

“It looked like they might have packed up in a hurry. We did have to fend off something though.” Gabe says.

I have to turn around to look at him; he and Emily are sitting in the very back. By the look on his face, I swear he’s going to say one of her parents was turned.

“It was Whiskers.” Claire whispers.

“Claire, I’m so-“I start.

“Can we just go now; it won’t stay light out forever.” She says.

Sam starts the truck, and he drives away. Nobody says anything as we drive down the deserted street. I can feel Gabe tense behind me though, because we’re going to his house next. He must have told Sam where to go while we were inside, because he drives straight there.

Our subdivision splits before Gabe’s house, and the lawns get wider and more cars are lined in the street. Some of the cars have movement in them, but by the blood covering the windows we don’t stop. The houses on this end don’t look untouched like ours did. Some of the doors are wide open, and others have broken windows with blood dried on them.

We pull up in his driveway faster than we usually would, and I can tell no one is looking forward to what we might find. At least I know I’m not. Gabe is silent, and I wish I could think of the right thing to say. I can’t do much, but we can support him.

“You don’t have to go in alone you know. We’re going with you.” I say as I turn to him.

His head was facing down, and he raises it enough to look at me. It looks as scared as the rest of us, so I reach for his hand and hold it tightly in mine. Offering him an encouraging smile, I get out of the truck before anyone can even think to argue with me.

After I get out, the other’s slowing get out as well. I walk to the back of the truck, gripping my ax in one hand, I open the door. Emily hops out first, and I offer a hand to Gabe. Taking it, he gets out too. With Gabe and me in the lead, we make our way to his door. Just as we get close, we can hear a shuffling noise from inside and we pause briefly. Letting go of my hand, he steps in front of me and then turns back with his hands outstretched.

Sighing, I give him the ax.

Once as it’s in his arms, he immediately goes into his house.

I follow right behind him with Dan right behind me. We make it right to the entrance and I can already see what was making the noise. It’s Gabe father. He has a big bite in his stomach, and something is hanging out and dragging on the floor. He seemed to be stuck or something, caught between the sofa and the wall towards the back of the room. But upon seeing Gabe come into the room, he begins reaching for him. With his antics, he gets a little more strength and pushes the couch forward, just enough that he can rush around at him. Who by the way, hadn’t moved from the spot he’s been in since I walked in.

“Gabe, watch out!” I yell, and try to run to him but Dan grabs me around the middle, holding me to him.

He comes out of his shock then, and when his father is almost to him, he knocks him aside with the hilt of the ax. His dad stumbles into the sofa, but gets right back up snapping his jaw and rushes for Gabe again. He steps back and gripping the ax in both hands he raises it high. He swings it around as his dad gets close enough to touch, and brings it down into his neck.

The blow sends them both to the ground with the ax lodged inside.

His father is still struggling to get up to get to him, and will a yell he stands and pulls the ax free.

I want to look away, but with tears in my eyes, I watch as he brings the ax down again into his neck. It takes two hits for his head to be dissected, but Gabe is still hitting with it even when his dad stopped moving. He yells suddenly, and falls to his knees and drops the ax. When he starts shaking, I pull free of Daniel and run to him.

I have my hand raised and am about to touch his shoulder, but he flinches away from me. Shaking his head, he gets to his feet. He stares down at his father for a second, then walks back over to the couch and picks something up. He touches something on it, and it clicks. Satisfied at whatever it is, he puts it into the belt of his jeans.

He turns to us then, and I see that it’s a handgun.

“You can have the ax back Maggie, I don’t need it anymore.”

With that he walks right out the front door and makes his way back to the truck. He passes by us all, and I know we wear the same expressions of shock, despair and of course sympathy.

“You sure you don’t want to get a change of clothes?” Sam calls out. Claire is standing beside him, and she smacks him on the arm.

“What did I say?” He’s rubbing his arm and looking confused.

“Idiot. You think he wants anything after what just happened? Just get in the truck.” She follows after Gabe and gets in the front passenger seat again.

Sam figuring he’s driving again goes to get behind the wheel. Maria and I get in the back, and before Emily can get in the way back with Gabe, Dan stops her. He gets in the back with him instead. Gabe doesn’t look at him, but I can tell he’s grateful to have his friend right now. I try to ignore them, not wanting to intrude. But I can’t help but to feel his pain. I know it’s not the same, but we both had to kill someone we cared about. And trust me, it’s not easy. I can still feel the pain hidden inside me, just trying to push it forward to break me. With tears in my eyes, I pray that it’s not worse where we are going.

I know it will be though we’re getting closer to the city now.

Amy Lunderman's books