They Walk

Chapter Twenty Two

No sooner did the door close, and Claire is tearing out onto the road. She’s going so fast that the dirt road is flying up gravel everywhere and even cracking the windows. There are a few of the dead hanging onto the sides of the truck, still trying to get to us. The truck swerves along the straight road, and I know she’s trying to dislodge them. Some fall away and disappear, but there is still one on the passenger side front and back door.

Sam climbs up into the front seat, and rolls the window down as soon as he’s sitting. Hands reach in as soon as they have room, and Sam just knocks them aside. He lifts the fire poker and hits the girl twice in the face before she falls back and disappears. He turns to look behind him to Dan, who gets a knife from Maria who hands him one from behind. He rolls down his window and automatically hits the hands that reach inside.

Hitting the guy in the face with the knife, he falls away.

When we’re finally free, I know we have to be a couple miles down the road already. I notice though that the truck is still speeding down the road. Not that I blame Claire though, the further away the better. I see Sam turn to her and whisper something but I can’t hear what it is, but I do hear Claire tell him to shut up. He must have told her to slow down, because we stop going at breakneck speed.

I sit back in the truck and try to gain control of my breathing. Leaning against the door, I lay my head against the headrest behind me. I look out at the woods through the window as we drive down the road. I can see the night is already getting lighter, and the trees are becoming more green now than black. It doesn’t seem possible that it’s only becoming morning. It feels like it’s already been a lifetime that has passed. Not just two days. None of the things that happened the last two days even seem real.

I feel like I’m trapped inside a nightmare that I can’t wake up from.

I take a moment to look around at everyone, and almost overwhelmed with relief that we made it out of there. Beside me Dan switches spots with Emily, so he can sit in the back with Maria. She’s sobbing by the time he’s beside her, but she’s smiling and laughing. She grabs onto him and squeezes tightly, and he does the same. He pulls back from her and I realize he’s crying too. Smiling he wipes her tears from her cheeks. As he leans in to kiss her, I turn away. Emily is leaning against the window with her eyes closed, and I can see her chest heave as her silent tears run down her face.

I notice then that Gabe is sitting on the other side of me. He’s sitting so straight, as if he’s afraid to relax. I understand that, we’re all waiting for the next bad thing to happen. The muscles in his jaw are clenching, and I wonder for a moment what’s going through his mind. He always appears so in control, like nothing gets to him at all. He’s turned looking out the window and I take in his appearance. I realize that he’s covered in blood. His face, arms, and his clothes are the worst.

Startled, I glance down at myself.

Matt’s blood is no longer the only one covering me.

My hands are soaked, and I start to wipe them on my jeans. Gabe noticing my frantic hand washing turns and glares at me. “You’re an idiot, you know.”

I stop my frantic scrubbing, and take my turn to glare.

“Excuse me?”

“I distinctly remember telling you to stay in the truck. You could have been killed, or worse.”

I stare at him, and I’m sure my mouth is hanging open. Who does he think he is? He can’t just assume I’ll do whatever he says to.

“You needed my help, and you know it. They had you surrounded, and who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t come to help.”

I’m leaning toward him preparing to yell at him some more, when he stops me with his hand on my arm.

“Maggie, relax. I only meant, you shouldn’t have risked it. But I’m glad you did. So, thanks.”

“Oh.” I lean back in my seat, and try to swallow all my anger. I can feel my face reddening, and now I really do feel like an idiot.

Gabe leans away to sit back and I can see the small half smile on his face. He’s shaking his head, but he appears more relaxed now. Not so tense. I’m about to go back to staring out the window, wondering where we are when Claire clears her throat.

“Where are we going by the way?” she asks.

Who she’s talking to I have no idea. We never got as far too where we planned to go, only how we would get there. We all remain silent, not sure where to start. I catch her eye in the rearview mirror, and I see for the first time how upset she is. I can see the trails that the tears have made down her cheeks, and I remember that Brian and she were starting to get close. I instantly regret not noticing right away, that I’m not the only one feeling loss now. I lean forward to her seat and place my hand on her shoulder.

She gives me a ghost of a smile, and with a squeeze I lean back.

I look behind me at Dan, with Maria curled up to his side. He almost seems at peace just being near her. Like nothing is wrong outside of their cocoon. I yearn for that mirage of safety. With a sigh, I know where we should go. The only place we all know we can be safe.

Or at least begin to start looking for it.

I look back at Claire and say, “Home. We should go home.”

Amy Lunderman's books