They Walk

Chapter Nineteen

As I make my way to the top of the stairs, I can hear Daniel talking to Alex and Peter in the bedroom. Hoping he’s not regretting the decision to leave them, I walk down the stairs. The closer I get to the bottom, the more piercing the dead outside become. I slow my steps, almost afraid they are right beside me.

Just as I step off the last step and turn towards the kitchen, I smack into a body.

I squeak and jump back, but hands grab my arms to still me. Flustered, I look up and it’s Brian. He looks just as nerved up as I am.

“Holy crap, you scared the bejesus out of me.” I pant.

He snickers, “Back at you.” He almost turns to go up the stairs, but stops and gives me a sad look. I know what he’s going to say before he does.

“I’m really sorry about Matt. Claire’s worried about you, but I can tell you’re a fighter.” He gives me a slight smile.

“Thank you Brian, that means a lot. Make sure you and Dan hurry, okay? This whole thing is bad news.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to Dan. And before you know it, we’ll be outta here.”

He turns then and jogs up the stairs, and I suddenly see what Claire likes about him. He’s perfect for her. Sighing, I make my way into the kitchen. Everyone is in here, packing or sorting something. They all stop and stare at me as soon as I walk in, so I freeze in place. They all know about Matt now, and our plan to leave the others. Do they think bad of me, that I’m a monster? Do they see the killer that I saw in the mirror? I cringe under they’re scrutiny, and the reflex to walk out of the room runs high. But, then I really look around at everyone and they aren’t giving me horrible looks. They are looking at me with pride and aw.

I don’t think I really deserve that, and almost prefer looks of terror.

Maria, Claire, Sam, and Emily are all standing around the island putting canned food into shopping bags. Gabe is at the sink, and is filling up some empty water bottles. I see something leaning by the counter next to him. So I walk over to where he’s standing, and while looking at him I lean down and pick it up. It doesn’t feel heavy in my hands as it first did earlier. No, this time it feels safe and I feel strong gripping it. I notice that it’s been wiped clean, and I’m relieved. Carrying the ax loosely, I step up to the others at the counter.

“Sorry it took me so long. Can I help with anything?” I say.

They all offer me little smiles and go back to what they were doing. Beside me, Claire gives me a short hug. Gabe walks up behind us, holding a backpack, which I assume is now full of water bottles.

“We’re just about done, right guys. But, we should start loading the truck though. Dan will be down soon.” Gabe says.

Everyone reaches for a bag or two, and I’m about to reach for one myself, when I hear the sound of glass breaking in the living room. I instantly go still, and chills go down my spine. The scrapping and banging from earlier is now replaced with feet shuffling over glass, and furniture tipping over.

I can hear the moans of the dead getting closer.

“Grab what you can, and get to the truck now!” Gabe yells.

My eye’s lock with Maria whose standing across from me and my first thought is Dan and Brian. Even with the dead getting closer, I can’t leave him behind. I won’t run away this time, I refuse to lose my brother too. The bags forgotten, I grip the ax and raise it high as I run out of the kitchen towards the stairs. I hear Gabe and Claire yell for me to come back, but I ignore them. And I pray they don’t leave us behind in the truck.

I’m about to pass by the living room and to the stairs, when what I see makes me pause. Two of the front windows have been completely smashed in, and apparently our attempts to block them worked a little. The dead are pushing into the windows but are having trouble getting around the furniture as a group.

Knowing it won’t be long before they push through; I turn to go up the stairs. As I do, Dan and Brian both are backing up out of the room. They don’t see me; they’re too busy with a now turned Lucy rushing at them with blood already on her mouth. I’m about to shout to them, when I see movement out of the corner of my eyes. It’s not coming from the living room either.

It’s coming from the hall to the left, and I already have my ax raised up when it comes out of the shadows.

It’s a tall blonde girl, and she must have been with the group in the pool, because she still has a bloody ripped bikini on. She was shuffling out of one of the rooms back there, but upon either sensing or seeing me, she picks up her speed and rushes me. I don’t hesitate as she gets almost within touching distance; I swing the ax around and bring it down into the side of her head.

She falls to the ground with a hiss, and I glance up the stairs to Dan. He and Brian run down the hall and into another bedroom. As he’s closing the door, I see his eyes widen as he sees me. He has to shut the door though; Lucy is running at them too fast. She flings herself at the door with a ferocity she never had in life.

A gurgling moan at my feet brings my attention back to the dead girl. I know I don’t have enough time to try to completely cut off her head; the dead in the living room will be upon me soon. So I leave the ax at my side and bring it back like a golf club. I swing it out at her smashing the tip of the blade into her face, and she gets knocked back into the wall. She stays down, but is still twitching, so I know she’ll be up again soon.

Pulling the blade from her face, I turn back towards the kitchen.

I realize I took too long anyway, the dead made it past the furniture, and are making their way into the room. I stomp down the terror that rushes through me, and I force my legs to run to the garage.

Amy Lunderman's books