The Wolf King

Demetri inwardly groaned. Here we go. Round fifty-two in the Frost household.

“I was what?” Caleb turned his full attention on Demetri. “You told me that your brother was dead.”

“And what would you have done had I told you he’d lost himself to his beast?” Demetri asked, his tone calm. “Tell me you wouldn’t have gone after Elron, trying to reason with him.”

Caleb opened his mouth and then closed it, working his jaw back and forth. “But that should have been a decision for me,” he argued. “If I had known about all the danger surrounding me and Justin, I would have used more caution. I thought the only thing I had to worry about was pack members trying to mack on Justin.”

Demetri’s jealousy streaked across his chest at the thought of anyone hitting on Justin. “Would you have?” he asked. “Because it seems to me that making you Justin’s bodyguard has done nothing to stop your foolishness.”

“You did what?” Justin asked as he rounded on Demetri. “Why did you do that, and why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“Not now,” both Demetri and Caleb said at the same time.

“I told you he was my mistress,” Demetri said as he slowly rose from his chair. “That alone should have told you how important your duties were. But you kidnap him from campus and take him to an asylum, the same asylum where you were attacked once before. The same asylum where Justin was hurt.” Demetri ground his jaw as he tried to stifle his growing rage. “The same place where three werewolves were heading for you the first time.”

Justin gasped and whirled around. “Those creatures were there the first time we went to the asylum?”

“I thought it was just shitty luck!” Caleb shouted. “You keeping the fact that Elron was after Justin a secret could have cost his life. And don’t tell me my uncle isn’t after Justin. I saw the way he was glaring at my best friend.”

“That life-threatening situation would have never taken place if you would’ve kept your ass on campus.” Demetri growled his words. “You take the safety of my mistress’s life lightly. And for that, you will be punished. You’ve had numerous warnings, none of which you heeded. I cannot allow you to continue this —”

“You’re punishing me?” Caleb appeared stricken, and then his features darkened. “I don’t think so. I’m too old to get my ass spanked.”

“Caleb,” Justin whispered, but Demetri held up his hand, silencing the young man.

“Either you adhere to the punishment, or you leave this Manor,” Demetri said.

“Permanently?” Caleb asked, the shock showing brightly on his face. “You’re giving me a choice of being punished or being kicked out?”

“We both know your time here was dwindling. Two alpha males cannot occupy the same territory, but I was trying to give you time to fully mature. You’re forcing my hand, Caleb.” And Demetri’s heart was hurting at what he had to do. If he could, he’d keep Caleb with him forever. But the aggression between them would only mount, and sooner or later, with Caleb being so young and bullheaded, he’d try to attack Demetri. It was in his nature. It was in any alpha’s nature to take over.

Caleb blinked back tears as he glanced toward the floor. He gave a slight nod as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re right. Things have only been getting worse between us, the arguing that is. I hadn’t thought of the reason though. I never imagined living outside my family.”

Demetri moved around the desk and stopped in front of Caleb, resting his hands on his son’s upper arms. “I will make sure you have your own territory, and you will be given your inheritance so you’ll never want for anything. But it’s time, Caleb. You know the ways of our kind. I would rather you leave now than we become bitter enemies under the same roof.”

“No, no,” Caleb said as he wiped away a stray tear with the palm of his hand. “You’re doing what you have to. I get it. I’ll go pack.”

Demetri wanted to say more, to grab his son and hug him, to tell Caleb he didn’t have to leave. But Caleb turned on his heel and was gone from the study in seconds. He looked over his shoulder to see tears streaking down Justin’s face. Demetri closed the distance and pulled the younger man into his arms.

“That wasn’t an easy decision,” Justin said. “I see the reasoning, but I don’t want to lose my best friend.”

“Being a parent is the hardest job in the world,” Demetri said as he rested his chin on Justin’s hair. “Sometimes you have to make decisions that are best for your child but hurt your heart in the process.” He kissed Justin’s temple. “But you are not losing your best friend. You two will stay in touch, and when Caleb is established, I will take you to him for visits.”

Lynn Hagen's books