The Wolf King

“It’s just not the same.” Justin’s shoulders slumped as he walked from the study and headed upstairs.

Demetri knew there was no other way. If Caleb stayed, they would grow to resent each other. He didn’t want his son as his enemy. Demetri loved Caleb too much. But he wished dearly that there was some other way around this.

Wulf stepped into the study, the file from the asylum in his hand. “I think you need to read this.”

Chapter Twelve

Justin walked at a slow pace as he entered Caleb’s bedroom. He wasn’t even sure if he would be welcome. It seemed a lot of his best friend and Demetri’s arguments as of late centered around him.

It felt as if someone had punched a hole in his chest as he took a seat at Caleb’s study desk and gazed over the room. They had spent countless nights in here, laughing and just hanging out. Justin felt the tears prickling his eyes, knowing that Caleb would no longer be in his bedroom, listening to his iPod or watching television. They would no longer share in crazy moments, and Justin could no longer listen as Caleb described the latest party going on or the latest chick he was dating.

Things were changing so damn fast.

“Hey, J,” Caleb said when he stepped from the bathroom. Justin wiped away the moisture clinging to his eyes as he tried to smile.

“It was so weird watching you shift into that beast,” Justin said, trying to make light of the situation. “You’re so hairy!”

Caleb chuckled as he walked toward his closet. “Be lucky you only saw my back. My cock grows just as big.”

“TMI,” Justin said. “Did it hurt, you know, the change?”

Caleb shrugged. “You get used to it. I used to hate when I shifted, the bone cracking and all. But now it’s like a background noise.”

“It seemed pretty cool, though,” Justin admitted, dancing around the elephant in the room.

“What about you?” Caleb took a seat on his bed. “What’s it like drinking blood?”

Justin stiffened and then gazed over at Caleb’s fireplace. The wood sat there, ready to be lit, but the nights were growing warmer. He chewed his lower lip and shrugged. “I hate it. It’s like this gnawing hunger that makes me so thirsty that I feel I’ll die if I don’t drink.”

“Jeez, J.” Caleb pushed from the bed and dropped down to his knees in front of him. “I’m sorry this has happened to you. But at least you have my father to help you.”

Justin curled his fingers with Caleb’s as his breath hitched. “I don’t want you to go, Caleb. It won’t be the same here with you gone.”

Anger flashed in Caleb’s eyes, and Justin knew the speech his best friend had given had been just for show. The man was pissed that he had to leave.

“It’s what he wants.” Caleb rose, pulling his hands from Justin. “I’m not going to be a little bitch and beg him not to kick me out.”

“But you love your dad,” Justin said. “Can’t you two just talk about things?”

“You heard him, J. We’ll only get worse.”

This is insane. Caleb can’t leave here angry at his father. They’ll never patch things up if he does. “But you have to tell him how you feel.”

“Sorry, but alphas don’t have Dr. Phil moments.”

“You should!” Justin jumped up from his chair. “Tell him how unfair this is, how you don’t want to go.”

“Leave it, J!” Caleb snapped at him and then sighed. “What’s done is done. I’ll finish the rest of my courses online. My dad won’t have to worry about me challenging him, and you two will be happy.”

Justin’s chest ached as he tried to grab Caleb’s hand, but the guy pulled away. “What about your happiness, Caleb? That’s just as important.”

“Apparently not.” Caleb walked back to his closet. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to pack.”

Justin stood there feeling his heart break. Caleb was pushing him away. He took a step forward and then stopped. His best friend didn’t want to be bothered, and no amount of pleading would change Caleb’s mind. As a hard lump formed in Justin’s throat, he backed up and then hurried from the bedroom. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and headed to his room, closing the door quietly as he curled up on his bed. He felt so damn cold.

I can’t lose my best friend, yet Caleb is shutting me out. Justin let the tears fall as he pounded his fist into his pillow. “Stupid fucking alpha males!”

Justin wanted to wring both their necks. He quieted when someone knocked lightly on his door.

“Come in,” he called as he wiped his eyes and sat up. Demetri stepped into his bedroom and closed the door softly behind him.

He studied Justin for a moment and then said, “Better?”

Lynn Hagen's books