The Wolf King

“You are not full vampire, so you lack many of their gifts. As much as it pains me to say this”—Demetri ran his fingers through Justin’s hair, and Justin found the action soothing—”I think Abaddon was trying to get your mother to come back to him. Vampires are able to project themselves wherever they want. He was visiting her, trying to woo her back.”

“So her hallucinations were not hallucinations. She was really seeing and hearing him?” And she’d rather have ended Justin’s life than face the vampire. “Why didn’t Abaddon just take her?”

“How would you feel if I forced you here? Would you be happy? Would a riff come between us, resentment?” Demetri asked.

“I would’ve hated you if you’d made me live here when I didn’t want to,” Justin admitted, and suddenly Abaddon didn’t seem like the evil entity Justin first thought he was. The man had simply wanted the woman he loved to come back to him. And when he found out who Justin was, all he wanted was the son he’d never had a chance to know. He’d gone about it the wrong way, but Justin could see that Abaddon’s intentions weren’t bad.

Yeah, he just forced his thirst on you and tried to make you drain your best friend. Justin rubbed his temples. Damn if this wasn’t a clusterfuck of a mess. “You know I’m going to want to talk to him, right?”

Demetri stiffened, and his eyes began to glow as his canines descended. “Just…give me time to think about that. If I were to allow this, and that is a big if, then you would never see him without me, and it would be on neutral ground. He wants you with him, Justin. He doesn’t care about our bond.”

“I gathered that much.” Justin just wanted to know if Abaddon had gone about things the wrong way or if his father was truly ruthless. “For now, talking on the phone will be fine.”

“And what if he gets into your head, dazzling you into leaving Frost Manor?”

“Then he isn’t worth my time,” Justin stated. “If Abaddon wants a father and son relationship with me, he’ll have to leave his trickery at the door, or I’ll never talk to him again.”

“I don’t like this,” Demetri said. “Vampires and werewolves are bitter enemies. I’m supposed to put that aside so he can play father?”

“Yes,” Justin said. “If my happiness truly means something to you, you’ll allow me to get to know the man. If he turns out to be a jerk, then I’ll be done with him. But you have to at least give me a chance to find out.”

“The things I do for you, pup,” Demetri groused.

“And what about Caleb?” Justin asked.

“Justin, you know what has to be done,” Demetri reminded him.

“I know, but you can’t let him leave here with hard feelings. Could you please mend that fence?” Justin wasn’t sure if he was pushing his luck. He was surprised that Demetri was even considering letting him talk with Abaddon. That was a huge risk Justin had taken, but was he pushing things now? He had to though. There was no way he was allowing Caleb to leave here with a riff between father and son.

“Didn’t you say you needed a bath?” Demetri asked.

“Don’t avoid the question,” Justin said as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the older man. “Will you at least try to fix things between the two of you?”

“What would you have me do, beg the boy’s forgiveness? I haven’t done anything wrong,” Demetri stated firmly.

“So stubborn!” Justin stood. “I swear you alpha men are going to be the death of me.”

Justin squawked when Demetri grabbed him and tossed him onto the bed, growling as he hovered over Justin. “Yes, we might, but you wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“Dominant. Stubborn. Impossible. Sexy.” Justin tapped his chin. “Let me think about that one.”

Demetri threw his head back and laughed. “You’re going to bust my balls about this, aren’t you?”

Justin reached up and slid his fingers through the older man’s black hair before he tugged and pulled Demetri close. He kissed the man and then said, “I’m serious, my love. Don’t let Caleb leave here feeling dejected. Can you—” Justin wasn’t sure if he should ask. He had already demanded too much.

“Can I what?” Demetri kissed along Justin’s jaw. “Tell me.”

“Can you at least have Aberdeen go with him so he won’t feel so alone?”

Demetri’s head rose as he gazed at Justin. The moment seemed to stretch on, and Justin felt himself growing nervous. Was Demetri going to shout at him for such a ridiculous idea? Justin wasn’t sure about this mistress thing. What privileges did he have? Could he make such a request? He wished he could erase the question from the air between them. No. No. Justin wished no such thing. Caleb’s happiness was very important to him.

“You are so brilliant,” Demetri finally said. “That is a great idea.”

“Really?” Justin beamed at the man’s praise.

“Caleb is all about family. In order for him to acclimate to his new life, having someone he’s familiar with will help tremendously.”

Brushing his hands over Demetri’s crisp, white shirt, Justin said, “See, I’m good for something.”

Lynn Hagen's books