The Wolf King

“No.” Justin stood and walked to his dresser, unsure of what he was doing but needing to look busy. Demetri had heard him cursing alphas. At the moment, Justin didn’t care. He was furious that Caleb had to leave but understood why. That didn’t mean he had to like it though.

He gasped and then sighed when Demetri moved in behind him and wrapped those strong arms around Justin. It felt so good to be in the older man’s arms. Justin leaned back, soaking up Demetri’s strength. “I love Caleb with all my heart, but I knew one day he would grow up and have to move on. It’s the hardest thing for me to let him go, but I know he’ll make it. He’s a Frost,” Demetri said, and Justin heard the sadness in the man’s voice.

“He hates me,” Justin said as a knot formed in his chest. “He’s angry, and I’m afraid he’ll never forgive me.”

“Forgive you for what?” Demetri asked. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”

Justin turned in Demetri’s arms and gazed up into those beautiful amber eyes. “No? I’ve come between him and his father, and all the fights lately have been about me.”

Demetri’s jaw worked back and forth before he said, “You’ve come between nothing. I wanted you at my side. I chose you. As far as the arguing, that was about Caleb’s lack of common sense, his irresponsibility.”

“He’s twenty years old, Demetri. Of course he still has wildness in him.”

“Exactly,” Demetri said and then blew out a long breath. “But in our world, a werewolf has to mature, or he won’t make it. Foolishness can only be excused so many times. Caleb not only put his life in danger, but yours, and more than once. A mistress is the highest position a person can have aside from alpha. Our people cherish the alpha’s partner. Caleb disregarded our ways and thought only of himself.”

“That’s not true,” Justin argued.

“Isn’t it?” Demetri asked. “I know you love him, but you are also blinded by your friendship. If anyone else had acted as Caleb has, what would you think, what would you say?”

Justin thought about it and knew that Demetri was right. Recklessness. But Justin wouldn’t trade the times he’d spent with Caleb for anything in the world. “I’d say they had one hell of a time.” He smiled. “And when I look back on the foolish things Caleb and I did, I’ll do so with a smile and nothing but fond feelings.”

“Oh, pup.” Demetri shook his head. “Loyal to a fault. I won’t diminish your fond memories, but I will stop you from putting yourself in any more danger. You’re lucky things hadn’t gone worse.”

Justin was thankful for that. “Is Abaddon really my father?”

Demetri lead Justin to the bed and sat him down. He wrapped an arm around Justin and pulled him close. “I read over your mother’s file.”

How had Justin forgotten about that? “And?”

“You are so very precious to me,” Demetri said, and Justin was stunned by the sheen of tears in the powerful man’s eyes. “And I nearly lost you.”

Justin’s throat grew dry. “What are you talking about?”

“From the first day you came over, scruffy hair, dingy clothes, and skinny as a rail, I knew you were my mistress. But you were too young. So I watched over you, cared for you.” Demetri shook his head. “I even tried to convince myself once you fully matured that you were nothing more than my son’s friend. But I was wrong. My feelings for you have only grown stronger.”

“The medical bills,” Justin said.

“I wouldn’t be worth my salt if I did not take care of your every need. I even had my men watching those homes you were forced to live in.”

“Why didn’t you just adopt me?” Justin asked. That would have made things a hell of lot easier. Justin had hated those homes. He’d always felt so alone as if he hadn’t belonged anywhere.

“Adopt my future mistress?” Demetri sounded as if the idea was repulsive. “I’m sorry, Justin, but that doesn’t even sound right to my own ears.”

Justin chuckled. “It does sound creepy.”

“Yes, it does. But I had you watched over and made sure you were taken care of.” Demetri ran his knuckles down Justin’s cheek. “And I nearly lost out on all of that.”

“You keep saying that,” Justin said. “How?”

“Your mother tried to commit suicide, twice, while pregnant with you. If it had not been for the quick actions of the medical staff, she would have succeeded.”

Justin’s heart tripled its beat as he felt the room spin. Why had she done that? Didn’t she want him? Justin was desperate for answers, but knew he would get none. She had died giving birth to him. Those mysteries would always be out of his reach. He wiped at his eyes and cleared his throat, trying his best to remain strong in front of Demetri. “I thought she was admitted for hallucinations.”

Lynn Hagen's books