The Wolf King

Justin tried to stand, but he felt so weak. He wobbled and gripped the wall for support as he watched in a detached fascination as Caleb began to shift. He heard bones cracking and smelled Caleb’s blood turn from a sweet nectar into something less desirable.

Caleb had told Justin that he was a werewolf, but to see his friend shift into one seemed so surreal. He had a shiny coat of grey fur and Justin had an overwhelming urge to touch it. God, Caleb really was a werewolf. To see it with his own eyes was amazing.

Caleb charged the wolf, but the beast knocked Caleb into the wall.

“Stop!” Demetri shouted as he stepped into the room. His eyes flashed from Abaddon to the werewolf and then finally landed on Justin. The amber glowed brightly before he turned to Abaddon. “You would use my own brother as a tool?”

His brother? Caleb was fighting his uncle? Did Caleb know that? Justin wanted to ask, wanted to make Caleb aware in case he hadn’t heard his father. But the need was still riding Justin hard. He whimpered as he dropped to his knees, the room spinning once more. “Demetri,” he whispered. “I need…”

“Do not go near him,” Abaddon warned Demetri as he moved closer, standing between Demetri and Justin. Glancing up, Justin stared at the long, red rope of hair running down the vampire’s back. His frame was lean, but Justin knew it was powerful as well. “He is no longer of your concern. He is one of mine, and I intend to take him home.”

“Like hell,” Justin grunted with what little strength he had. He looked over at Caleb to see his best friend getting up, but the other wolf hadn’t charged after Caleb. He was still fixated on Justin, his red eyes eerily glowing.

It’s as if he hates me, but I’ve never done anything to this creature.

“If you continue to stand between me and my mistress, you will force my hand,” Demetri warned. Justin couldn’t see Abaddon’s face, but he heard the loud hiss. Demetri’s statement had angered the vampire. But why? Why was Abaddon so intent on taking Justin away? None of this made any sense to him.

Demetri circled around Abaddon, but the vampire made no move to stop him. Demetri’s eyes flickered between the vampire and the werewolf. “Caleb,” Demetri said when he reached Justin’s side. “Get out of here. Wulf is just outside. Send him in.”

Caleb snarled at the other wolf as he moved around the beast and then slipped from the room. Demetri scooped Justin into his arms, cradling him close to his chest.

“The file.” Justin pointed to the table. He wanted to learn more about his mother.

Demetri slid it from the table and tucked it into Justin’s arms. Wulf appeared in the doorway, his eyes narrowing when he gazed at Abaddon.

“I’m taking Justin home,” Demetri said to the vampire. “If you come near him again, I will hunt you down and destroy your entire nest.” The man lowered his voice and added, “I will burn it to the fucking ground.”

Justin shivered at the vehemence in Demetri’s tone. The man meant every word he said. He’d never seen the older man this feral before.

Abaddon watched them carefully, his eyes locked onto Justin. “This is far from over.”

“Heed my warning,” Demetri said. “I’m not playing when it comes to Justin.”

“Neither am I,” Abaddon replied, his voice cool and calm. “I would never joke when it comes to my son.”

Chapter Eleven

“Wait!” Justin tried to turn in his arms, but Demetri had a tight hold on the man. He wasn’t waiting, and he wasn’t slowing down. Not when two of his enemies were inside, both wanting to get their hands on Justin. “Did he say he was my father?”

“We can’t concern ourselves with this now,” Demetri said. In truth, he needed time to absorb the revelation. Of all the men he had to fall for, it had to be the son of the prince of vampires. “You need to feed, and we need to get away from Elron.”


“My brother,” Demetri explained. He glanced over at Wulf, who had followed him from the room. “Gather the men. We have Elron trapped in this building. I want him captured, not killed.”

Wulf nodded before he pulled out his cell phone and started dialing. Justin opened his mouth as if to argue but then doubled over in Demetri’s arms. “It hurts. What did he do to me?”

“Intensified your hunger,” Demetri said as he jogged down the front steps and headed toward his car. “You’ll feed when I have you safely tucked away.”

“They’ll be here in ten,” Wulf said from behind Demetri.

“I want him taken to the realm and that door sealed. If my father is so intent on having Elron live as a beast, he can deal with his son,” Demetri said as Wulf moved in front of him and opened the back door of the car.

“Your father?” Justin asked, but his eyes were closed, and his cheek was pressed into Demetri’s chest.

Lynn Hagen's books